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Vincent T

A member registered Oct 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was really fun there was a sense of exploration that I wasn't expecting. The camera was an issue as you said there were times I wasn't sure what was below me. I'd have to try it and compare before I could say if locking the camera horizontally is for sure better but it seems like it would allow the player to have a better sense of his or her surroundings which I think would be good but I also wonder if it would hurt that feeling of exploration I got from the verticality of the levels and not knowing what I would find if I went high or low.

Also great level design. I liked your use of the bounce pads and the spinning maze (for lack of a better word) was really cool.

Sorry, I'm having a lot of trouble playtesting because the character keeps flying out of bounds of the screen and I have to refresh my browser. I am using Chrome so it's running on my end.

I think the push mechanic you have feels good and is definitely worth developing but you need to add some borders so the player doesn't get locked.

I can see a lot of work went into the maze. The distinct zones and the variety is impressive and commendable. The primary way I think you can improve the maze is by adding some kind of danger, like if the dinosaurs attacked or there were some kind of traps. Also, the volume of the music was kinda loud. Overall as an examination of the mind and anxieties, I’d say it’s successful. There were points that gave me a “huh” moment or that I found relatable. It felt very surreal which fit the traveling through the mind theme.

It came out really good! I like the small touches like the radio and the back mirror. I’d say the main thing that could use improvement is the controls; they feel a little floaty while turning. Still, overall it feels good driving around and the map is interesting enough that it’s enjoyable to explore. Also, I did get a little thrill when I saw the ramp.

I think the sound design was the most remarkable part. The ambiance helps give a sense of place. I did have some problems with the UI being cut off and I had to look at the code to figure out I can eat things with the k button. I think it works to invoke a feeling of being in a cafeteria which is a small thing that I think we all appreciate much more now. I also like the two capsules drinking together, it gives just a little character to them.

What I found remarkable was actually the camera angle. The over-the-shoulder angle isn’t the most obvious way of going about a game like this but it adds excitement. I was wondering why the ball wasn’t in the center of the screen at first but I see that the angle it’s at now helps the player see where they are better.

The main improvement I would suggest is to show the lives the player has in the UI. The reset button didn’t work for me. I don’t know if it’s on purpose but the obstacles don’t reset after the player dies. The doors are still open when the game rests. Maybe make it so that one button opens all the orange doors? Like the game, checks to see which door is open and then opens the next door.

I thought basically the whole thing was successful. The game feel was great. The increase in velocity rewards players for playing well while also increasing the challenge at the same time. The courses became more interesting with new kinds of obstacles as the game goes on, which is something I appreciate.

The notes I had on the improvement section I would consider minor and overall I would call this a very successful project. I think this is a very viable game concept and could be built upon to make a real product. Also, consider making each section longer so that an increase in velocity can really be felt.

Sorry, the game wasn’t able to run on my end. It said “unexpected node type” among a couple of other errors. I can tell a lot of work went into this project and that there was a lot of experimenting with level assets and I wish I could give it a shot, but I'm not sure what the problem is.

As everyone said the most remarkable thing was the lizard. I’m assuming it was imported which is something we haven’t learned yet. 

I think the basic controls, physics, and scene of the game work well but it just needed one or two more things to feel really complete. Like a spawner when the ball fell into the cup. One that would spawn in a random spot would add some challenge and be a satisfying game loop.

Overall it felt like most of the work went into making the scene and while it works it also feels incomplete and like if just a little more time was put into making a spawner and a scoring system it would be a very satisfying game loop.