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Vipershot Games

A member registered Jun 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sadly, that is too much work, and we aren’t sure how to get the SDK’s setup for Oculus. We would love to have a bigger player span but it is currently not possible.

You do not install on your meta quest, you need quest link to run the game on a computer.

We now have VR capability for our engine and we recently made a game to test our limits called Vipershot If you want you can play the game, but that is not the reason for this devlog, it is so you guys can expect more VR games for a while but it is not our main thing. We will try to make our VR games compatible for PC but for now, just expect VR.


Vipershot, the ultimate VR Physics game with epic scenarios. Soon to have two game modes as one is in development. But for now, we have the Playground mode which allows the player to choose a variety of weapons to mess around with and shoot Dummies around the map. The game mode that is currently in development is called Arena where you fight off enemies trying to shoot you and see how long you can last. Join the fun of Vipershot now because not only do you get Vipershot the game itself, you also get the Vipershot website where you can check for updates on the game and other cool things. GET IT HERE:

Project Doom

just to let you know, the key you found was not for the weapon

thanks for the feedback

We just released The Ghost House

and we just released the update

and the brightness can be controlled by your flashlight - F key

the depth of view is low on purpose to create a creepy vibe, so maybe we can still achieve it by making it in-between. and for the interaction, we will add more text around the house.

Fire Chases is a new game where you are in a car shooting the enemies with your gun.


  • Multiplayer
  • Wave Mode (Bots)
  • Drivable Cars
  • Action Shooting
  • Construction Site Level

Give it a try:

not sure, but I think you can

we have 2 prototype screenshots here

(1 edit)

in this game you drive the car whilst shooting

And the matrix thing is more of an experience. we are trying to make a game.

yes, that is similar but, in this game, you can switch to action mode which allows you to shoot them back

(1 edit)

So, we've been thinking of a brand-new game idea.

Basically, the objective is to drive your car to the finish line without dying. however, there are also enemy cars that will try to attack you as you move on. if you manage to complete every level you unlock endless mode, were you shoot enemies in waves endlessly.

how does it sound?

NOTE: Please do not copy this idea

Airshot is a brand new First-Person-Shooter. all though you will need some good computer parts for it

if you have a good computer, give it a try! 

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Airshot - Download Page


Complete shooter game by PT Games


thank you for the feedback

All Updated

Airshot by PT Games (

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Airshot | Download Page

We spent 2 years developing this game. 

it includes:

  • Full Multiplayer (With Bots)
  • Complete Campaign
  • Fully In-Tact Weapons

 and more.

if that sounds interesting try a download its FREE

thank you