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A member registered Jul 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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Great Game, great idea. 5 Points from me. 

Oh, i´m sorry to hear that, there are two more lvl :D But as long as you had fun everything is good.

nice but a little difficult.

This is great. I wish i had something like this to learn 10-finger-typing. You could add some enemys where you have to type fast or something. I can definitely see this game in schools.

Cool concept!

Very unique, great idea, had fun.

So i encovered the map and did a little bit of the jumping puzzle. I even red youre blog :D The buttons on the menu did not work for me, i guess those suposed to be cheats? You nailed the theme but the gameplay is a bit boring without the cheats (sorry). Anyway i wish you good luck with youre gamedev journey!

Well the basics are there and well implementet. More content needed.

Neat! It´s metroidvania. 

Nice Game but too hard for me :D

i love it. Nice mechanics, not too easy, good looking, funny eastereggs. I could imagine this as a full game. Really great work! 5/5 in every aspect.

Nice idea. I liked it!

Nice one!

Sick Titlepicture!

(1 edit)

We did that. Are other Games working?

Thanks for playing. We had the feeling that we need to add something to get some kind of urgency.

Best idea and implementation i found so far. Great Job.

Great Idea but too buggy.

I like the idea! We did struggle with an unique idea for this thema.

can´t finish the 6th lvl. Can´t get the ghost with twoo mushrooms. 
