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A member registered Aug 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ok, I'll go straight to the point: this is the best game I've played in this jam, and it's an horror! What I mean by that is that it's incredibly difficult to make a decent horror game in 7 days. It's vary easy to mess it up, but this...this is brilliant; the graphics are perfect, the audio is perfect, the gameplay, the constant fear of not being alone when you enter a new room, the pressure you have since you know you will eventually run out of batteries. And it's incredibly polished! This doesn't even feel like a game for a jam. You guys are really talented, I wish you the best for this jam and for the future. Excellent work.

Grazie mille! Sì, selezionare la lingua italiana fa scattare quel bug. Purtroppo abbiamo avuto vari problemi in quella settimana e il risultato è stato praticamente una beta del gioco completo.

Ok, I have a lot of things to say. First, great idea, the game is super good and now I'll tell you what I liked and what I think should be improved. The best thing is the audio, both sfx and music are top tier in this jam. Did you make the music? If yes, great work, I am a composer and I can tell when someone is skilled, and making basically a single ost and remixing it depending on the game section to make it work is something that requires skill. Loved the dialogues and the comedy behind them,the graphics are good, the gameplay is good, everything to be honest is impressive, but now let's talk about what in my opinion has to be improved:

-Please, insert a key to make the dialogue go faster. Those dialogues were so fun and I would never skip them, but they're definitely too slow.

-The game is more chaotic than it needs to be, and I'll explain what I mean; in the second puzzle I often had trouble identifying my current character, so it would be great if there was a way to enlighten it in the crowd (besides of course the light when they spot you, which isn't really a good sign ahah).

And that's all, you have currently one of the highest scores between the games I voted (about 50), so that means you did a very good job. Keep it up.

This was such a wierd experience, in a positive way. I could feel the tension from the moment I interacted with the mirror, then I found the chest and the Mettaton music from Undertale started. I was confused for a few seconds, took that funny break and then went back to the horror. The jumpscares started, and they were super effective with good sound design, which a good horror fan knows is way more important than graphics, and this whole game is a good example of that. The music felt right, even though it could loop way better, but I discovered a bug with it; when time runs out and the game over screen appears, if I decided to restart from the current night, the music would overlap, and it was so annoying that I had to restart the game twice (I played 2 runs) in the web version. You can easely fix it making the music stop at the game over screen. Now speaking about the controls, they felt sometimes smooth, sometimes clunky, especially in the examination and dialogue parts. So, at the end of the day, this game does the most important things well: it truly is an horror and that is something impressive for a game made in 7 days. It just needs to be a bit more polished and most importantly that music bug needs to be fixed, that's the only complaint I personally have since it's frustrating to have to restart the whole run. I don't know if others just turned the volume off to overcome this, but I refuse to do that, especially in an horror, where sound is 90% of the game. Interesting idea and overall good job.

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Really fun game, good graphics and gameplay. Once you understand how to dodge the asteroids it's easy to finish, but I admit I died 4 or 5 times before completing the game. Although I think this is already a good game, I think it could be improved; here are my thoughts:

-Running out of oxygen is almost impossible. There are many tanks which also respwan after a bunch of seconds and they refill completely the oxygen bar. I feel like at least one of these things needs to be nerfed to put more pressure on the player and make him more aware of its resources.

-You should make the monster cutscene skippable. It's  really good but it gets annoying after 3 or 4 times, so I would put this option to save time.

-The theme is weak, and it's a shame, cause the game has so much potential. Consider adding a cutscene where the monster awakes and attacks the player in the red asteroids section; that's a simple way to fix it and to make things more interesting.

And that's all, your game is overall impressive and one of the most fun to play, so keep up the good work.

This is something different. You had an original idea and I really enjoyed the game in its semplicity. The AI is decent, but  could be improved and probably the gameplay lacks variety, but for a game jam it's still an impressive work, I loved the graphics, audio is good and you hit the theme well. Well done

Impressive work. Graphics are good, audio is on point; you can constantly feel the tension. There are only 2 things I didn't like: 

-The frying pan hitbox is a bit wierd, and anyway you can easely complete the game without it.

-The game is a bit too easy. Specifically, it is super easy to find a way out once you go to the left and see the red carpet. I literally went all the way up and quickly found the exit.

You have my respect because creating an horror game for a game jam and making it work is extremely difficult. You managed to create the right atmosphere, and that is the most important thing. 

Will check it. I focused a lot on the music since it's a visual novel, I'm glad you liked it.

I was rating some games and felt tired, but before closing my pc I saw this and clicked on it. Couldn't make a better choice, now I can go to sleep happier.

Good puzzle game with interesting mechanics. Putting in a tutorial or an advice for every level could be an idea. Also loved the music, it made the gameplay relaxing. Good job.

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Interesting mechanics. Graphics are so cool and the gameplay is fun. It just needs to be a bit more polished and perhaps the difficulty should be improved; the zombies are pretty slow, easely detected and they don't deal enough damage imo. Overall good submission, keep it up.

I love the physics of the game. The concept is simple, but it  works pretty damn well, and I say it after I raged for 10 minutes because of a sharp angle (probably the last,idk). I will play again with my friends, they must try this shit, it's really fun. One day I will finish it, now I need a break. impressive job.

This really feels like a ps1 game (in a good way). I really like the graphics, the sound design is good and the puzzles too. It's not easy to create a decent puzzle game with good level design for a game jam, so be proud of it. Great job.

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This game is underrated. I get that the graphics are poor and all, but the theme is incredible and the message is so strong. That also hit different for people who have friends or relatives with similar conditions. Well done, you had a great idea.

Just played with a friend. We had fun, although it was a bit confusing at first. We understood the scoring system, but I think it could be improved. You can also insert a tutorial that explains the rules. Overall good idea,  bravo.

Smart idea. This game really entertained me and I tried doing everything, only to discover at the end that I can't. I totally understand tho that there wasn't much time to dedicate, at least your game got an ending, mine has just the start of the story. That's because creating a good story for a game jam is more than a challenge and a brave choice to take. Hope we will both update our games, yours has a lot of potential. Also I wanted to ask what was your inspiration for the story, if you want to tell me. Good job.

Everything is good in this game. I like the art and the usage of the music, well done

 I agree, rignt now music and atmosphere are the only things that can carry the game. Hopefully we will finish it soon, cause the story should be interesting too. Thank you for your kind words.

I know very well, couldn't even upload half of my game, so I perfectly understand.

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The game is nice and relaxing. Not a fan of the genre, but I enjoyed the graphics and especially the music. if the music was made by you, please tell me if you used a software or if you recorded any instrument. I am the composer of my game's music so I easely get interested when I hear some good tracks. Anyways, well done.

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The game is cute, but needs a lot of polishing. Here's what I think you should improve:

-the enemies, they're slow and a bit buggy, so they're often an easy target. Also consider giving them weapons as well, it will make the game harder, which I think it should be.

-the pause with the dialogue: while I was talking with the red hedgedog and pressing "next", the gun was shooting. That shouldn't happen, I'm sure you can fix it.

-the mechanic of switching hedgedogs should be improved. you probably intended it to be something helpful for the player, instead I found it hard to handle in that section, because the boss would ignore the character I'm currently controlling and go after the other, causing the battle to be a bit messy. That's the most difficult thing to fix honestly, so don't worry, I still appreciated the effort and found it interesting.

One of the things I liked the most was the dash: having such mobility in this kind of games is useful, and you did a great job in this. Controls are fluid and the idea is cool. Hope I was helpful, keep it up.

I loved the rhytm of the game. The concept is pretty simple but it works. The scaling of the difficulty is disappointing, but I saw that your intention was to create a speedrun game, not a puzzle one. Now, while I totally understand your decision, I think that you could still be more creative with the level design, just to put a bit more difficulty and variety to the game. Consider updating it in the future, the idea is good, it just needs more time spent on, like most of the games in the jams, including mine. Keep it up.

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This is one of the most unique games of this jam. the concept is simple, but almost everything works well. Controls are fine, audio is good, the map is impressive. it is quite hard though, on my second try I only managed to heal 7/15 soldiers, but I could be faster for sure. I read this is your first project, congrats then, nice start.

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Cool game. The atmosphere is great thanks to the music and the beautiful colors. graphics and audio are the best aspects of this game, but the gameplay is fine too, controls are smooth and the idea in general is decent. The last level (or at least I believe it's the last) is hard, mostly cause the map is big and you don't have much time before the flame expire, and that happens a lot since it's difficult to remember the path to take and you often lose time only to find a dead end.  how much time did it take you to finish the game? Perhaps  I'm just bad, I wanted to see the ending but I gave up. Anyway, good job, keep it up.

Thanks! Ye, sadly it's basically a beta version where there's only one chapter. The full game should have 5, so we definitely needed more time. We appreciate your feedback. 

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the game is obviously unpolished, but I could feel somehow that you put your heart in this little project. I also read in the comments that you worked hard until 3 a.m. and that's exactly what happened to me, cause my game is unfinished too. let's end our projects after the jam, I appreciate your efforts and still had fun playing your game. Keep it up

Good Audio and graphics. The concept is simple but the game does its job. Perhaps it needs some little adjustments, like replacing the invisible walls with something visible like a fence and making the trees actually physical, cause right now you can pass through them. Overall decent submission.

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This game went pretty quickly from :D to :0 and the transition was so smooth.  Playing with audio on is important in most games, especially those like this one. You could clearly feel the tension. I just wish it was longer, but I had the same problem with my game, if not worse, so I perfectly understand. Well done, this is a nice submission.

PS: I went to the left when I first started the game and found an angry (?) man. Is it some sort of easter egg or did I miss something?

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Ok, I think I broke the game. I kept space pressed and discovered that I could keep swinging the machete this way, but you already knew that. The interesting thing happened when I picked the gun up while spinning the machete: I had the gun in my hands and could shoot pressing space, but guess what? the machete was still there, spinning. So I could attack from the distance and at the same time have a sort of shield with the machete, dealing massive damage to whoever approached me. that's the coolest bug I've seen in this jam, I had fan also thanks to it, lmao. The game is overall cute, it may needs more variety, but you did a good job considering the limited amount of time.

The game is simple, but the voice acting makes it shine, in a way. It was pretty funny.



Can't deny it. We were unlucky with the development, many annoying things happened. We will probably finish the game as soon as we gain some free time. Thanks. 

Ye, we had a lot of trouble and started the jam very late. The story is actually almost finished and there is more music and art ready to be implemented. We just need time to upload the final version, hopefully next month. Thank you for your feedback. 

Thank you very much. Unfortunately, we didn't make it in time with the programming. There's more music, art and story of course that is waiting to be added. We are planning to release the complete version in the future, since there definitely wasn't enough time to complete the game for the jam. 

Mh, maybe you can add a command which suggests the next move to the player. And to avoid abusing this, the player may have limited uses of it. This could be a solution, but I'm not a programmer, so I don't actually know how hard  implementing this would be. It's basically an AI who can solve the puzzle on its own but has limited moves. 

First of all, thanks for the compliments for the music. I didn't have much time and chose to keep it very simple, but I'm glad you liked it. Now, speaking about the puzzle, you're not the only one who struggled trying solving it. I remember losing 45 minutes with a similiar puzzle in Resident Evil 4, so I understand your pain. We'll update the game in the future and will find a way to make puzzles less frustrating. Thank you for your kind words. 

Sad story: we had a lot of problems in the making of the game, and couldn't finish the job; I made more music, the story continues and has actually 2 endings and we will update it in the future. We will probably implement more puzzles as well, thank you for your feedback. 

Mh, I wonder if we should put a key to automatically solve the puzzle. The game isn't meant to be frustrating, but I understand your struggle. Thanks anyway for your time, we appreciate it. 

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I was wondering if the puzzle in my game was too hard, then I played your game and saw the decoder puzzle. And yes, I lost a bit of my sanity trying to solve it, but the game in general is so original, I loved the concept and the graphics

wow, what a great submission. First of all, the game is polished: controls are smooth, the hitboxes are good and the animations are well done. The music is a bit underwhelming, but cute as the game intended. Tbh the whole game is so cute, graphics are awesome, and it's really fun to play. I reached the third floor and was about to kite the last couple needed to progress, but got brutally shot by the grey npc as soon as I passed a corner, sourranded by the enemies. That's how these kind of games work, they get chaotic, sometimes in a good way, sometimes not. this is one of the good ones.

at first I thought this game was a joke, it felt like there were too many "tutorial levels". But oh boy, was it a challenge from level 9. The puzzles are well made, they get harder and harder. Game design, graphics and audio are all top tier.