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A member registered Dec 04, 2020

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The fact you're still working on this for us in itself and have not abandoned it is more than enough. Please don't get yourself down about not being able to get something of this size out all at once by yourself, it's perfectly normal. I would rather you have a release schedule like this in order to allow yourself some leeway and breaks. Thanks for what you're doing, and I can't wait to see how your hard work deservedly pays off in the future.

This game so far is another work of art from another hard working artist. Take all the time you need my man, anything good is not made over any short amount of time. Especially something as unique and all around awesome as this. Thanks for keeping us posted.

The fact people can consciously and willingly use their fingers and the energy to send some scum of the earth shit like that is bewildering to me. It's also insane how people haven't come to realize the developers of a game are real people with real lives and real schedules and lifestyles they need to keep to. Please, do whatever it takes for you guys to mellow out and get back into the groove of things. Around this point is when games like this start going down hill and into the shit pile with all of the other abandoned projects, so please acknowledge how much of a warrior you lads are with trucking through this and whatnot. Seriously, thank you for going through all of this pain staking effort for a bunch of strangers and sub human shit stains on the internet. With what you lads have put out so far, anyone without their brain crammed  so far up their shitty ass to send abhorrent shit like that knows what you guys put out is high quality and worth the wait. Big thanks on keeping us posted too.

Art isn't made in a day. We win these either way my friends.

Yeah no problem my man, the art does show the probable weeks to months to years you've put into it. And fair enough that makes sense, I guess it would get kind of boring if you got the movement opportunities down it would probably get boring, Appreciate what you lads have slaved over to do for us and do not doubt whatever work of art you sculpt out for us will be yet another masterpiece.
Thank you

All in all, this game is amazing. No bugs to speak of, awesome voice acting that flows as if it was a real situation, and absolutely beautiful (and HOT) art. The only problem I can think of having with this game is how RNG based it feels. I am not too sure if this is what you were going for, but it just feels like luck and random numbers drive how every night starting from maybe 3 or 4 is going to end. Either they stay at your door for hours until you have 20 something percent at 3AM or you don't see them ever. It doesn't help that stalling freddy does next to nothing as she just slips into another camera the exact second you aren't handing your attention to her on a silver platter 24/7, which then becomes another massive power drain. It would be fine in the state it is now if the power did not drain so quickly. I am not sure if this is the feel you were going for, and if it is then my bad I guess it's a skill issue.
Thank you for doing this for us and keep on keeping on :)

I don't think there are enough words I could string together to articulate to you how excited I am for a game that gets active effort put in by the developer, and is insanely good at the same time. Holy hell I appreciate the work you're putting in for this game and I hope more than anything it will be successful for you with all the effort you have put into it.

The legend is back lets gooooooo!!!!!

Heaps better than how 50% of devs do it. Instead of apparently being so super generous as to let us know what's going on, they just radio silence for months-years on end lol. Appreciate you lads keeping us in the loop and being honest with us. Keep on keeping on my friends and thank you!

We absolutely win these. Thank you big man

I think I've run out of compliments. You lads really just keep delivering and delivering. Thanks a ton for doing this 

It's not criticism if you openly admit to not playing the visual novel far enough to get the codes, if at all. Even less if you haven't even played the B version yet lol. The code's aren't hidden in some audio file that leads to Morse code it's literally given to you and does not allow you to progress until you've played the B version. It's not criticism it's whining.

People when you have to move your fingers around a little bit more than usual.
Like my man they're already putting in the work to get this out to us and you wanna waddle in here and start saying "Well why aren't you doing it this way? You should've done it this way. Heh im not gonna click until I get the codes I will wait until someone else posts them because my precious little fingers couldn't handle more action than they are used to."

Because RenPy is literally built for visual novels and Godot is literally built for fnaf fan games? Atleast from my experience. Dude If you want to give them all this flak then go make your own pseudo fnaf gameplay visual novel thing all in godot lol

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Awesome game so far. Love the thing you guys are doing with the blend between story and gameplay, especially the way you're doing it. It makes me feel like the stuff I do in the game actually has some weight to them instead of just "Congrats! here's night 2 now have fun" if that makes any sense. The art has come out beautifully and the story is properly dark and sticking to it well in the sense of everything that is happening seems real and palpable. Thank you lads for pushing this out for us and I hope the support you get in return is well worth the effort you lads put in. Thank you for everything.
P.S. Not that I have any say or resounding opinion in this thing you guys have put blood sweat and tears into, but do you guys plan to keep the gameplay and visual novel things separate? One thing that comes to mind is (and dont get mad at me for making this comparison) the whole fnf mod with Garn47 in it? Maybe doing something like that would make the transition from story time to you're gonna die time more smooth and believable? Just an idea.

Fair enough. Just please share some of that bitcoin you mine out of my computer please lol

My antivirus is detecting part B on the windows download as a virus. I assume I should be fine?

Yeah that's all good and understandable. Hope it wont be too taxing to work on and I appreciate everything regardless 

I'm sorry to keep griping but the pipe just feels underwhelming now. I guess it's not really supposed to be insanely op but it's having trouble even one tapping chica now. Maybe it's just something to do with the physics of it coming back to you now or maybe it's just a design choice. All in all another banger from a banger man thanks a ton

Lets hope Patreon does not fuck you over like it has an insane amount of others. Appreciate the work you're putting in

This has the name of a game that emotionally fucks you up for weeks. Cant wait to play it

Fair enough. Sorry to trouble you with this is just feels like  Foxy is the dozer on death sentence past a certain point. Big thanks

Game is very fun and addicting imo. The only few gripes I have with it as of now is foxy. I get the game gets more difficult as time goes on but as soon as foxy starts mass spawning, it's just about over unless you're on top of them like 50/20 mode in UCN. Maybe adjust spawn rate or their explosion time? Also I feel like golden pipe should be a bit better than normal pipe? Not even sure how I unlocked it but it would be funny if it had a little something something different. Appreciate what you're doing and can't wait to see what come's next!

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Easy win. Will be breaking the game momentarily (thank you)
Edit: You're a trooper. Appreciate all the work you put in, especially for the enjoyment of total strangers. Thank you. Seriously.

Hint for secret stage pretty please?

No way these legends have trailers now. Just keep proving to be the tip top of developers lol. Big thanks lads!

Ahh that does clear a ton then. I had just felt the game was gonna take a complete 180 from what it is now to something else entirely. Appreciate you guys being  shining example of how devs need to be with their player base and I wish you both as much luck and success as you can handle!

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I feel like a campaign would give us a sense of "Yeah you have all of this cool stuff like, story, cutscenes, special events, and etc. right now but it is going to end sooner rather than later." you know what I mean?  If you've ever played games like FarCry, Just Cause, hell even some older cod campaigns you would know what I mean about the whole empty feeling. And if you're trying to make a story based thing like that go right ahead it's your guy's game and you've done insane with it so far. On that note a game as wildly good as this does need some sort of depth to keep people intrigued in some way shape or form. It all really depends on things like are you willing to keep adding to this game like for example holiday events, more lore or story to play through, maybe a whole different game after this one. I for one would probably vote against it being a linear campaign because of the boxed in scripted event that cant change based on what you do thing that you get after you experiment around and whatnot. It is hard to say that though when in my head I want to ask for something like a more free and open way to progress and get events, cutscenes, lore, and what have you. Also the girls not being antagonistic anymore would, atleast in my opinion, feel extremely weird.

TL;DR: Campaign feels too linear makes me feel boxed in with limited choice and little weight behind gameplay actions and choices. 

Have not played the game and might not if the futa thing does not become optional. I get people have their own fetishes likes dislikes etc. but this trend of forcing a cock on to someones screen without giving them an option to actually not see it is pretty tiring. Please make it an option to just let her have her normal parts and not the unnecessary extension.

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I mean I understand game development takes a long ass time and you really wanna make sure everything is perfect, but almost nothing for 7 months and a "patch" being "finalized" and "polished" for over 3 (rough estimate) months? I mean no offense by this but it's really starting to look like a certain way man. Atleast keep us updated with the dev pages, devlogs, etc. so we know if you're truly working on it instead of leading us along? 
Appreciate the work you're putting in regardless and hope you keep it up!

Least I could do in return for the effort you two are putting in to bring something awesome to us. It's also extremely rare (not throwing shade to anyone) to get someone who actively decides to keep their players in the know on what's happening so am really appreciative of that too. Thanks again and good luck with this work of art lol 

The fact you were able to come up with something unique and make it fun to the point you aren't just there for the sex scenes is astounding. Appreciate you (or all of you I am not sure if you are a part of a team making this game) doing this and letting us enjoy it! In other news, are we going to be able to do things like customize our "Home" in the future? Living in a dump kinda kills the super thief vibes to be honest. Also what do you think about maybe a "Special order" kinda thing? Something like someone wanting a specific thing and paying more than usual for it because said thing is rarer than what you normally find.
Anyways big thanks for the effort you or your team are putting into this and keep on keepin on

I think you guys have actually struck gold on this. I dont think there are enough words in the dictionary to describe how insane this game is. Thank you for doing this and please keep it up!!!!!

Not even gonna lie might just use this as an aim trainer now. We win these

Buddy they are robotic strippers with huge tits and ass. The fuck else you gonna title it pg13? If his other game is nsfw then go play that you pimply nerd lol

Fair enough. I am just guessing when I say this but it may be something to do with it being in the negatives which makes it not showing up. (Also its negative 2.4 billion not million lol.) Appreciate the help and suggestions anyhow

Sorry to keep bombarding you with my problem but money will not show up. I've searched up money in variable names ive searched the amount I have being in like neg 2 mil and ive tried searching "eternals." nothing is popping up I just cant find the variable. Almost like its been removed lol 

Damn. How do you think I would go about doing that?