I just keep reloading the page and eventually, I will get a scenario where there are less damage or possibly even non at all
A member registered Oct 16, 2020
Recent community posts
Here's a house I made. You going to be left with 2095 bucks and the bills measure around 450 bucks (Estimate). 2095 bucks should be enough.. right?

The download link if you want the house: https://www.mediafire.com/file/picxv38r85nwxl1/Evergreen_Avenue.json/file
P.S. Remind me if the link won't work.
Sand: A Superfluous Game community · Replied to Voided Pixels Studio in Post Pictures of Your Base Here
Sand: A Superfluous Game community · Replied to Voided Pixels Studio in Post Pictures of Your Base Here
You should add stairs and floors. Stairs will give you access to floors and when you're in a new floor clear out the things you built on other floors. Instead , Show the things you built on that floor. You may have up to 5 floors or probably more. I also found that 2 traveling merchants are in the same outhouse and it's inhumane so pls fix it. By the way can you still access the alpha after you finished the final product?
Sand: A Superfluous Game community · Replied to Voided Pixels Studio in Post Pictures of Your Base Here
Sand: A Superfluous Game community · Replied to Voided Pixels Studio in Post Pictures of Your Base Here