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That means so much! The dialogue is the part I had the biggest hand in personally, so thank you!!

Even if the story doesn't live on through this game, I definitely love these characters enough you'll be seeing them again

Don't let the cute bow fool you, this game is brutal. All jokes aside, it was super cute! Great 1st submission and I think this would make an excellent later level to the game. The art style looks exactly like an old GB rom!

Very very solid tower defense! Had a lot of fun, there's a lot of creative stuff happening in the backend. Would love to see the moral system fleshed out more

Brilliant puzzle platformer. No notes

Definitely took a second to get used to, but definitely very fun once I got started. Wish there were more opportunities to use Glide

I wish I was better at platformers so I could enjoy this full game. It was a blast the little bit i did play

Love the use of 1st person in a 2d setting, very neat! I like that there are a lot of different mini-games. If this was a bit faster paced, it would feel like a Wario-ware title! Good work

They def dont :( We had some major technical issues in the last few hours, so this was what we were able to triage

Even if we don't finish this game, the story will definitely move on in another project in some form!

Before our build broke, we had plans on getting a font. That one was just a placeholder for the time being :(

But thank you for the technical notes! I'll push those to the programmers

Nice tip, I'll give it another go! Definitely the most fun I had with any of the platformer style games I played today but I'm more of a Metroid/Megaman fan over Mario lol
But yea, very good work!

Wasn't expecting to scream during this jam, but you actually made a game that was legitimately terrifying! Great job.
Personally love hold actions over mash actions (yay accessibility!!) but also didn't realize that was the case at first 

Even the title didn't prepare me..
Can't wait for the full release, this is such a gem.

Wasn't expecting to play 1st person pac-man but the laugh I got when I realized!! Knowing there was a ghost around a blind corner at any time added to the scare factor. The sprite art looks straight out of Pokemon blue.

Some of the ghosts began rendering odd at a distance? But other than that this was a lot of fun

Loads of fun! Some of the hazards come off as background, but I was having a blast blasting ghosts

I love the colors and the EARS ON THE WEREWOLF
10/10 art, must play for the mario lovers

I'm bad at platformers and this made me feel bad <3 The worm is creepy and I hate im (compliment) and the music is a bop

Very addictive and the sfx give the good brain tickles. Would play again. And probably again.

Loved the look and music, but was a bit confused on what to do

Love the enthusiasm, wish I could play it :(