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A member registered Dec 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nice job! I really like the videogame logic and the pixel art. The rules are simple but allow enough tinkering to keep players entertained. And includes FOUR adventures that makes a hell of a campaign. Again, well done.+

I will try this one sooner rather than later.

This is brilliant! 

I had myself the idea of creating a Mario Kart RPG and I might take some ideas from this. 


Awesome job! It's simple yet interesting and the plot can take the players pretty much anywhere or, even, out of the caravan. 

I like the pictures. Maybe, I would have made it more human-centric but that's a personal taste. 

Well done!

Cute pictures and nice concept.

 It could use some kind of twist to make it more different (as it is about delivery, well, create a table of crazy cargo to take to even crazier places rather than the generic space adventures).

Damn, that's a great idea: barcodes. I remember a videogame in the 80s (Barcode Battler, I think) that used the same kirk but adapting that to a single page game is damn genius. 

Great job!

Thank you! 

I find tags very useful in this kind of games as you can pack a lot of information in a single word. My big game, Super Space Knights (and it's free version, Space Knights) use tons of them. 

I like it, is fairly original! 

The only thing I would point is that you can only go forward down the mountain as the snow is covering your back. I might be missing something but there's no reason for going right or left, right? 

Tell me how it went when you do! 

There are many possible combinations for your initial group and you might find a great combo!

X is a number like 2 or 3. That's the number of successes you need to beat it in combat. Traps work the same way but you use Survival. 


Thank you! The artist is Gordy Higgins!

You are quite right. The only mention is with the Trap tag. It would definitely help to clarify things if I write what stats can do.

And you can use arcane magic for survival rolls as well.

Thanks for playing it!

1: Your roll Survival for traps. If you have the Traps tag, you hit on a 4, 5 and 6.

2: Traps only have effect if not deactivated. A gate can be opened if you find a key (it's in the treasure column).

3: Basically, yes. You need qualified staff for certain activities. 

4: When you have nowhere to go. If all the corridors are explored and have an ending. The dungeon is done

The idea is great and I like the system but the font makes the reading a hard experience (the fact that.. In my opinion, the pirate slang should be kept away from the rule's explanations (still can be used in examples and flavour text) 

I like this one! It packs a lot in a few words and it's at the same time self-contained and has quite a wide scope. Just with the charts you can organise quite a few situations. 

One thing: in the last table says that the cloaking device allows to avoid ewwcounters. I don't know if it's a typo or some kind of disgusting situations XD.

It could use some images but, overall, nice job!

Love it!


I loved this pack so much that I have used it as a cover for my last game, Join My Merry Band! and some of the Character Doodles. I mention you in the credits because I think your work is awesome!

Thanks for sharing!

In the end is making whatever makes you happy. But that's one of those recurring answers you get.

In my opinion, a game should have some setting (something that can fit in a couple of pages or even one: nothing more shoulbreaking than 50 pages of background before even explaining the attributes), a few options for creating characters (something manageable but enough to make sure nothing repeats too much), system, enemies, some adventures and, possibly, maps. Keeping the core small allows more people to read it and those really interested will go for the expansions. 

Everything else, for expansions. Even those, sometimes just add mud. Pre-made adventures tend to be fairly popular. 

Don't take me wrong, the idea is great and easily adapted to other professional fields (an airport, a hospital, whatever).  My work and life are stressful as well but that doesn't make your game less good! 

I love it! This one would have fit very well in the recent Mecha Jam but that was mainly videogames! 

Lovely layout and you manage to put fluff, introducing RPGs and plenty of rules.

Well done!

I like it! Not sure I'd recall more than one "80s monster action movies" that looks like this game but the concept, the execution and the art, simple as it is, give more than enough for having fun for a good evening. 

Nice job!

I like it. The issues escalate quickly and just drives you mad! Nice job! This is the kind of diary where your calligraphy starts nice and neat and ends up looking like a psycho's writing death threats! 

If anything, not sure the kind of mindset I need to play it as seems itself a very stressful experience (these days, anxiety on its own is a big problem) but, overall, I like the idea very much. 

Nice job! You have put a whole system in one page and still have plenty of space left. I would use that to add some lore to flesh out the universe and make it more appealing. 

A couple of notes:

The vehicle rules, as they are the same as the character's ones, probably could be reduced to a couple of notes in the main rules and add some more vehicle/enemies. 

The 3d6 occupation table means that, if chosen randomly, most characters will be either marines or merchants. 

Yes, I noticed it too XDD. Space Knights was the first one but there's a few more.

With this one, it will be more of a little board game rather than a ttrpg. Originally, I intended to do it multiplayer but the concept of several groups in the same dungeon didn't quite fit my idea. Another rejected concept was to create a whole sandbox system (I might still do it) in one page.

Ow! That's great! 

I think I know what I am going to be fiddling with in the airport. 

Thanks for your answer.

Ok, that might be a silly question. 

I saw a one-page RPG jam just before going on holiday two weeks ago  (I assume it was this one) and thought I couldn't join it on time. But now I see it and looks like there are still three weeks of time. I might be confused (two weeks of holidays do things to your brain) but which one is the right option? 

  1. I can still make a game for the jam.
  2. I misunderstood something and it's too late. 
  3. I am mixing two different jams. 
  4. Something totally different. 

Thank you in advance for helping a lost soul. 

Indeed! XDDD 

Thanks, didn't notice it.

As stated. I have a number of written fantasy stories that would fit well in but the closest I can find are graphic novels. 

Are non-graphic novels ok for publication? 

Thank you very much for your help.

Fair enough!  English is not my first language either so I can tell you my narrative is not particularly convoluted (after all, it's a rulebook: it needs to be clear rather than literary). At some point, though, I plan to translate it to Spanish if that's of any help.

Thank you, I suppose? 

What do you mean by "language barrier "? Not an English speaker? 

Thanks. Originally, it was just the mecha part but then had the idea of the Academy and added it.

Fair enough! Not everything is for everyone and it's all right having different preferences. 

In my case, I used to have a big crush with crunchy games (Battletech, Warhammer 40.000, Rolemaster and so on) but, as I grew up, my group drove apart, new games appeared and my spare time got really scarce. Simple games are easier to organise for casual groups.

Thank you! 

The loss of Influence mechanics from one part to the other has a reason: it is there to represent the brutal change from Academy to battlefields. At first, I wanted to make it an upgrade, add +1 to attributes or similar but didn't feel quite right:

The 2d6 mechanics don't give you much space for numbers. If you hit +3/+4, you basically can't fail and that doesn't feel right. I could make the cadets worse from the beginning but then it is really hard to pass exams. 

They get a damn mecha each after the Academy. That's a big improvement. 

In the Unit, the former Cadets are on their own and the stakes are much higher and you can't rely on the same resources and contacts that in the Academy (you can't call dad or having a copy of the keys of the Commander's office is of little use). It is a bit of poetic justice for those characters (thinking of the Cool Guy and the Rich Kid) who are in the Academy for fun cheating on the exams. 

Thank you very much! 

Originally, the game was just the mecha part until I had the idea of adding the Academy section. I like your idea of a table for academic crisis.

Well done!

Thank you! 

The gimmick of the pilot sheet on top of the mecha one occurred to me thanks to my main mecha reference, Mazinger Z:

Thanks for your feedback. All of them valid points, actually.

I try to fill the white space with images to make use of all the available space. I probably could remove a couple of pictures and the result would be clearer.

The sheet was a rush job in the last minute as I had an earlier deadline (other than the two weeks for the jam, I could work on the game maybe three or four days). Point taken, it needs some polishing. I wrote this post about earlier versions.

"If you want to do something, do it" is in the core of the PbtA philosophy to encourage players to do things in order to change the fiction. When the fiction meets the activation conditions of a move, it triggers. It's not a skill roll as such. This works the same with the mecha part: you explain what you want to do and, well, you do it and if it fits the activation conditions of a mecha move, follow its instructions. There are no turns as in more traditional ttrpgs as it's all played as a conversation. Obviously, if I have to explain all this, you are probably right and I should put some more explanations. 

About the minorities, noted. It's a delicate matter these days.

And more examples. I wanted to put more but was running out of time. 

I love the "corporation tone"  of the game, it reminds me of the Paranoia's computer. It's nice to see a "labour approach" and see the machines like tools for a job rather than the usual "mechas fighting aliens" (which happens as well but doesn't seem essential). The layout is really nice for the eyes.

Good job!

I like it. 

The idea is fairly original and the fact that all games follow the same scheme makes me think that players will start to improvise wildly to think about how to diverge: "Ocean's actor has been in a gritty scandal and has been substituted by this other guy", "In the original Japanese series my sentry is, in fact, a woman" and the like.

In a a cyberpunk game, I really miss a list of cyber-implants and weapons. I suppose most implants can be +1 to certain rolls.