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A member registered Feb 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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I can see the intention putted into the game, but it is a bit hard to understand. Still, good job!

Thank you for playing and thanks for your feedback.

Great game concept ! Really impressed by all the animations and render of the game in 1 week! Good job!

Great game mechanic !

Thanks for letting me know !

Thank you! I'm curious about the optimization part. What was the problem ?

Thanks !

Great way to introduce a new game loop. The game is a bit hard with the knife, but, aside from that, good job on the artworks!

Fun game ! The atmosphere was really present. Great work on the overall art!

Cool environment and fun ending ! Great job !

Love the narrative of the game. The game is a bit loud and the gameplay a bit slow, but overall the game was fun!

Thank you!

Yes, I agree with you about being proud!

Great work again and if could go see mine, that would make me happy :)

Great advices! Thank you for playing!

Haha thank you! Glad you liked it!

Thanks ! :) 

(1 edit)

Thank you appreciating the comment :)

Great level design. But the controls are a bit hard. 

Great way to incorporate the theme. Also really loved the part in the PC, good 3d models.

Good job :)

Love the way you guys tried to aboard the theme. Diving into people's memory was a great way to incorporate a cool new game mechanic that doesn't any link with diving in water.

Also, great work with the art. Making all these must've been a hard work for one week!

Only downside I would have to say is : don't put green text on green background, it's a bit hard on the eyes.

Aside from that, great work! You guys should be proud of what you've done !

Perfect game ! Love the esthetic and the story ! Also the level design was on touch. Great job !!

Really scary !! Love the atmosphere.

Super atmosphere !! Also the grass was on point. Great work !!

Not sure how this game follows the theme, but it is surely a cute little game. Great work !

Beautiful game with a strong message. Great job !!

Great game !! I love the level design !

Really beautiful game !! Might make the gameplay a little more fast, but it was still great. Good job !!

Funny twist to the theme. Great game !!

Great game mechanic !!

Bonjour Monique,

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter le 911.


I really had fun playing your game, but it is a lot basic gameplay. Thought I enjoyed playing it till the end ! Great job !!

Tres beau level design !!

Beau travail pour les deux jours que vous aviez ! J'ai hate de voir votre prochain !!

Were you playing in 1920x1080? That might be the problem..

Thank you very much for playing !!!

I agree with everybody, the juice was INTENSE !!! Great work!

Haha! Glad your the first person to remark this x) Thanks you for playing and the great comment !

Honestly, everything was there! Only thing could be that there's a lot of commands. Maybe focus on one mechanic next time. Except from that, this game is 5 stars overall! Good job!!

Beautifull arts !

Beautiful game! Little hard controls, but fun on the overall. Like the idea of a vertical game also !!

Really beautiful game, but yeah I agree with everybody (I think), the game is really big for a Jam. Maybe, if you take some things that are not useful to the gameplay, it could help. Aside from that great game !