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A member registered Jan 19, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hi.  A Vectrex version would be amazing if you could pull it off.  I have emailed you.

Hello.  I've just uploaded a build which may fix this issue.  If you have a chance to give it a try to confirm I would really appreciate it.

Sorry you're having this issue. We will investigate. Can you give some more details? Are they always visible or only at specific times?

Thanks for checking it out. Really glad you enjoyed it! 

Yeah, that is confusing. Thanks for pointing that out.  The reason that it only shows you the "Original" version when you click "just take me to the game" is that the original is free, but in order to download the latest version you must pay $2.00 or more.  It's annoying that even if you own it, itch just shows you the free item.

If you do own it, however, the page does have a "you own this" banner with a "download" button which DOES take you to both downloads. 

I think I'll just add the Jam version to the $2 tier as a bonus, since it's quite far behind the latest and doesn't really sell it well.

Hi there.  Sorry for the problems you are having.  Can you give me a little more information about your setup?  Do you have a VR headset connected?  If not, it should not launch into VR mode at all, and moving the mouse should move the viewpoint from the moment the game is loaded, and clicking the left button should exit out of the cycling title screens and to the main menu.  Are you running the latest version of the game, and are you launching it from the desktop or from the client?  Make sure you are playing "VekWars - Latest Version" and not "Original VR Austin Jam Build".

You can do it from the options menu, but clicking the mouse at any time should also switch to 'mouse mode' 

Hi there. You can't move with the keyboard, but mouse should work as long as you are not in VR Mode. If playing in VR a motion controller is required.

Hi there. 

I recently uploaded a game that uses SteamVR/OpenVR and discovered that it cannot find my headset when launched from the itch app in Sandbox mode.  I downloaded a couple of other VR games and found that they had similar problems.  Does anyone have any advice as to how to work around this, other than explicitly asking users to turn their sandbox off, which I'd rather not do.

Thank you! Glad you're enjoying it. Not planning on adding a whole lot more but there may be bugfixes and tweaks.

Good stuff.  Any plans to keep working on it post-jam?

Thanks for playing the game and giving feedback. Just uploaded a version that I think fixes the glitch with those platforms, but it's hard for me to reproduce, so I'll keep an eye out for it.

I believe this to be fixed in the latest version (1.5), but do let me know if it happens again.


In the latest version, clicking anywhere on a dialog screen will close it, not just on the 'x'.  Hope that helps.  Thanks for playing!

Do you know the coordinates of the planet you were at when the galaxy map glitched out?

Might be aliens. :)

Glad you like it.  I'll take a look and see if I can figure out the disappearing planets issue.

I'd been searching for a decent Sentinel remake, and this looks lovely. Are you still working on it? Any thoughts on a non-vr version?

I don't know if anyone will read this, but today, a mere five months late, I actually released this game.

(1 edit)

Well, I tried, but it became obvious as the week went on that I wasn't going to have time to finish Clickable Space before the end of the jam.

I didn't want to let it go by without submitting something, though, so I figured I'd try hacking something together in the few free hours I had left using assets I already had. Hence: Clickshot II Turbo! A one-button shmup made in a hurry.

I do intend to keep working on Clickable Space though, and get it finished soon.

Just followed you. I am @mcchessers.

Going for simple chip sound fx. I can generate those myself, but if you feel like donating chiptunes, that would be great.

Travelling through spaaaace...

The System Scan screen shows the nearest planet and the various ships in the system. Clicking one will let you head towards it, either to dock with the planet's space station or approach another ship.

Some generated planets.

(3 edits)

I don't have a whole ton of free time but I'm going to give this a shot anyway...

Exciting Adventures in Clickable Space is inspired by the original Elite (1984) and runs at original GameBoy resolution (160x144). Explore a procedurally-generated galaxy of planets (or, at least, text descriptions of planets), trade between them, combat space-pirates, or be one yourself.

Got the framework of the UI working and I'm starting on the planet generation code just now.

Commander info screen:

Sample output from the quick-and-dirty planet name generator:

Hi there. I've been hoping to use Butler within the new Bash shell that is available with the Windows 10 anniversary update. This runs a full linux environment, and cannot invoke Windows executables, so I was hoping that the Linux version of Butler would work. I tried downloading it, and it does attempt to run, but never produces any output or returns. Any advice on getting it to work, or is Win10 Bash just not going to work for this purpose?