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A member registered Jan 31, 2022

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It's a completely harmless game my dude, a lot of people have played it, if it had a virus there would be an outrage already.

You can mess with your computer's security settings to allow you to play the game, don't worry, no matter what grandma tells you BloodbornePSX isn't a virus.

Are you serious? Just download the zip file, extract it anywhere on your compter, then run the .exe file

If you would like to use a controller, add the game to steam, start big picture mode, go to general settings of big picture mode and activate support for whatever controller you may be using, in my case it was a PS4 controller, after that just start the game in big picture mode and you can use your controller.

Yes, resolution eems fixed, but fps cap is under the graphics optins.

That happened to me on first startup, but after creating a new character, saving, quitting the game then booting it up again it fixed itself. Try ht, but unfortunately it probably won't work,I'm not surwhat hfix could be.

It took me 6 hours to beat, and I'm sure I missed a few secrets.

You can skip cutscenes, simply press START or any other equivalent of START

Firstly, behind the 7 insight door in the hunter's workshop, what exactly changes when you feed them echoes?

And about the cheats window, anyone know what the cheat codes for this game are and what they do?

Getting a controller to work is very easy, firstly add the game to steam, go into big picture mode, in general settings activate support for whatever controller you may be using, in my case it was a PS4 controller, after that just boot up the game in big picture mode and voila! Controller works. Hope this helps.

Jesus man, it has a few issues, mainly the blood echoes problem and windowed mode problem, other than that, everything else works just fine, and the square button does have a use, it's for walking slowly, since the analog stick doesn't exist in a ps1, you need to hold square to walk slowly. Your complaints about the menus, they're not horrible at all, I've no clue what you mean by the menus being bad. 

Having to select keys to use them, it's just a game mechanic, put up with it, and it's not nearly as bad as you make it out to be.

You ran around for almost an hour only to die before going to the hunter's dream, you mean you ran around for an hour with only your fists? That's your own fault.

PLus, I only leveled up once, went from level10 to 20, then never leveled up again and managed to beat every enemy just fine, the gameplay, atmosphere and exploration is very fun. Not to mention it's not too hard and not too easy, it's a perfect little balance of fun. 

Trick weapon transformation in menus, it seems that's there for a lack of buttons to actually transform a weapon in the flow of combat, and in this demake it seems transformation is not to be done in the middle of combat, but it's for having a second move set that you switch to before engaging an enemy. Although the Tonitrus does flow very well, by simply holding R1 for a while, but not long enough for you to trigger a charge attack.

This game isn't incompetent at all, it does what it sets out to do and more, and it's not as "Frustrating" as you make it out to be, it has little gameplay quirks to slow things down a bit and bring you more into the atmosphere, not to mention it was made by like 4 people, a lot of heart and love was put into this, very clearly, and it even has a completely new and original bossfight at the end.

You seem like you were expecting to play Bloodborne on pc, which is stupid, what would be the point of recreating the game 1 for 1 exactly? BloodbornePSX is its own new thing, of course it's different and slower, calm down, and I recommend that from now on, you don't expect the whole entire world to meet all your expectations, and try to have fun, instead of focusing on all the little things that aren't the way your entitled self imagined them to be.

If nothing works download DS4Windows, it allows you to map a PS4 Controller to any button on your keyboard, also allows windows to detect a PS4 controller as an Xbox360 one.

Thanks for working on this.