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A member registered Dec 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Nice high score! My high score isn't much higher then that(;

Cool game! very fun! there was a bug that if I got the reduce enemy price by 1 the game wouldn't let me start the next dungeon

Amazing game! Good job!

Good game! Very creative! It's sometimes hard to understand were your'e gonna launch the player, so I suggest adding an indicator for direction.

Cool game! Very fun! The controls are sometimes weird and unresponsive and I don't like text to speach voices but that shouldn't effect the rating of this game, which is very good overall.

(1 edit)

Very cool and creative game! It was annoyin that the AI worked against me (maybe it's my problem and not the game's problem). Also I tried to please the AI and nothing happened - I have a suggestion if you'll work on this in the future, make it so if the player listens to the AI and tries to get as many points as possible it changes the narative. 

Great game! well done!

(1 edit)

Great game! I enjoyed it a lot! The AI for the legs feels very good, good job. The the talking sound of the bot is the main pull back of the game as it is hard on the ear. Another thing that bothered me is that the visuals weren't consistent.

Amazing game! Good job! The amount of content and its quality is outstanding! 

Great game! well done!

The game was fun! I didn't understand that I can click everywhere at the start though the tutorial was very helpful and it's impresive you were able to managed to make it in such small time frame. The theme wasn't followed, there was no AI to collaborate with to my understanding as you were the AI. I read the whole thing at the start so - I'm your hero? 

Nice game, well made for scratch. The problems with the game is that it can be easily cheated and that there's no collaboration with the AI but the oposite.

(1 edit)

Nice game! I like the artstyle! I had 2 problems with the game, the first being that I didn't feel the theme in game, as there was no AI to collaborate with - you just try to keep the computer alive, maybe I didn't understand it and if so correct me. The second is that the game was a bit too hard.

Amazing game! I realy liked the art, sound and mechanics! Though it was very short and I wish there were more levels, and the lack of them and a tutorial were my only problems with the game. I think this game has a lot of potential and I will love to see a finished version!

It was fun, but I didn't understand what I was supposed to do and what each thing does - I just found a combination that worked by trial and error and kept using it to try keep the population stable. Some sort of tutorial or explination of the mechanics could help a lot.

(1 edit)

Nice game! I think a warning sign when your partner is going to start shooting would help, because currently it feels like sometimes it decides to shoot for no reason, and an indicator could to avoid its shooting. else to that the game was fun and really great overall

Great game! good job! I feel like the enemies get overwhelming pretty quickly, so I think reducing making their spawn rate over time grow slower. I like that you were able to put in a nice upgrade system. another sugestion I have is making so that you can collect hearts for the spider and the nest like you can collect hearts for you. I think the spider needs a bit of a buff as he is a little bit to weak. 
Good luck in the jam!

Thanks! I'll soon check it out

Great game! well done!

Nice game! Its fun! I think that if the tax check would happen when you fill it completely it would feel a bit more fair to the player. But that's only my opinion

Thanks for the feedback!


Nice game! It took me some time to understand but once I got the hang of it I had a lot of fun

Great game! well done!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm not sure how to fix that. If I will brute-force it to stay on screen it would be a bit weird and annoying. Maybe increasing the screen size will help but when I played with it in the jam I didn't like the result. - If you have an idea how to do that I would like to hear it

Nice game! when getting of platforms the charcter slows down a lot which is a bit annoying though


Nice game!

Great game, but the game was very laggy for me at around 1-2 fps which made this great game almost unplayable. Though in the parts in which I was able to play I enjoyed it a lot!


Cool game! was funny seeing the AI try to help me draw

Amazing game! Great take on the theme, incredibly fun!

Thanks! I agree about the wowie sound.

Nice game. My main problems with the game were that I didn't really feel the theme in the game, and that the bombing mechanic worked a bit weirdly and I got stuck inside walls a bunch. I liked the art and the game was very simplistic and easy to understand

Great game! very creative!


Good game! well done!

