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                 The Bug Log and Patches!

* Item Stat error, items not showing correct labels, and DMG - Fixed

* Exploiting Story Fast Forwarding then character logging to get past story and maps.- Fixed / Action Item (Creating a Scene Skip)

* Day Cycle completely shutting off when weather is toggled off. - Fixed (This was effecting a quest that relied on the cycle)

* Multi Player is Currently Broken - Fixed / Made some changes to the multiplayer code for better tracking and help in combat

* Combat Logging Exploit - Fixed

* Mana Regen Not working Properly - Fixed

These Updates Will Go Live once all action items / and current listed issues is addressed. 

Thank you,

Your Arctic World Team

Sword Pet community · Created a new topic Commission
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For commission we ask that you contact us directly on our Discord server. we will work with you,  if you want any changes or adjustments to your pets you can contact us on discord!

*Upcoming Prep Update* Dropping 9/3/23

* Hanger Bug Fixes

* Mine Lab Skill Adjustment

    (Upgrade cost rebalance, Skills Bonus rebalance, Item Crafting Cost Rebalance)

* Game Bug Fixes with EMP always firing.

* Combat Glitch with a Beacon

* UI Adjustments (Game Page)

Thank you for the textures, cant wait to use this in my next game (:

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More Stars to come, Hello Will be Working on a Sequel game to this one witch I am Excited to do. If you have been playing and keeping up with our journey around the solar system then you two also took on the Ilyx pirates. You Stopped them from destroying our planet, reversed engineered their Comet and used it against them. 

 Stars Online II: Will be a fight against something greater and stronger then the Ilyx. Join the Stranger Craft your own ships and fight back the threat that can destroy our universe.

               ~ WhiteArcticWolf  

The one about a final game content update.

Hello, first I want to say thank you to everyone who has been playing and keeping up with  Stars Online Pirate Invasion. It has been wonderful developing this game and its seasonal content. I spent these past few weeks combing my code looking for bugs and errors, well also adding and editing in the last few game features. 

-Fixed mission op errors. (Kills not counting towards progress, mission 4 bugs with locking, and the dreadnought not doing dmg, and rockets not doimg damage.)

- reajusted npc lvls and how npc speed is effected by lvls. (Speed adjustment stoped npcs from being zippy )

- Added in explosive drones. Explosive drones are a major game changer to farming npcs. It also required a complete change over the combat code.  Can be obtained from skeleton chest. Best effective use of the ability is to stack 3 drones and the npcs. Then fly into them well being in combat with them. The drones will only detonate when in combat and when your ship colides into a nother enemy ship. Deals 400 damage per drone to a max of 1200.

-radiation zone and asteroid belt got a variable change. 

- players who bought or unlocked premium wont loose credits on death, and if you have a repair credit it will auto repair your ship.  So you wont have to reaquip your gear.

- The comet story mission is extremely hard but is very rewarding. You can farm it to unlock your very own comet ship. (Super Heavy Class)

-lowered the event timer to 4000 instead of 12000.  4k is 10 minutes. Added Comet invasion as a new event type to the game. Also game events will have a gerented event on log in then a random event on multiple log ins. So your 1st will be different every day. Giving you the chance to try each one every log in. Log in bonus will remain the same giving you parts, or a peace of gear. 

- increased spawn rate for resources, ammo crates, free space mission beacons. (Fixed errors with free space beacons causing them to not work as intended.)

Combat tracking patches

- buffed drone ring to spawn drones quicker.

- changed the battle drone and combat drone layout to ark behind the ship. (Visual update)

- the ships from the ship trio package now give a x2 exp gain.

-remuved the whats new news section from back page and replaced it with game lore.  You can unlock new in game lore by killing npc's and meeting the stranger.

-Story dialouge change mission ops and the stranger dialouge changed to more accurately tell you a small back ground story and to more accurately mach game lore.

- New To mining lab. Skeleton chest roller, now for 10 keys you can roll a more guarantee on ship ability and skins. Also a class system. Yep choose 1 of 3 classes you can reset for exp. You research skills by using exp. These skills will give you powers and buffs to use. The classes are The Lurker, The Mechanic,  The Technician. 

A quick breakdown at how getting skills work. 

Requires exp / LVLS 



Time ( may take you a week)

Or a free space task to do. 

These will unlock your next skill. Much like your new gear your skill is cross ship.

Only one class can be active at a time.

Reseting will loose all progress you made, and will have to start at ground zero when going to a new class. 

Reseting depending on how far in you are will take lvls.  A full skill reset will take 20 lvls. 

The Lurker

Skills: Damage buff lvl1 + 15 (max 3 and at lvl3 get larger looking lasers.)  4th skill research and unlock all 3 but can only use 1 to progress, a choice of combat ship ability. Final skill is a Cloak. 

 Cloak is player active and makes you friendly to the enemy untill you shoot.

The Mechanic

Skills: Hp boost lvl1+50(max 3 gives golden hp bar) skill 4 same as lurker but a choice of drone defence or repair ability.  Final skill is a repair becon. Drops a becon that heals your ships shilds and hp 150 for few seconds.

The Technician

Skills: Shield boost lvl1+50 (max 3 gives green shield bar) choice between smart ammo CPU, explosive drone, back up shields. Final skill is mine field. Drops 5 mines max. Deals 400 damage each.  When ever a npc flys over it. Also capable of doing splash damage if you get multple npcs to fly over it. 

Final update drops at the end of the month.

The Comet will soon be among us. 

Your Arcticworld Team.

Join us on discord:

Join are mc server: we use mech and magic lite are server address

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The one about squishing bugs.

As we know pests can be a problem and its are top priority to give you the best experience possible. 

This upcoming update will address the following before moving into the final season the comet.

- Mission ops 2 Scout leaders not working properly.

- A patch for total little comets. 

- Npc speed adjustment

- change how npc lvl's work 

- lower npc lvls for mission ops

- increase spawn rate on free space mission beacons.

- increase resource spawn rate.

- add explosive drone ship ability to the game.

- One last final look over of the code before posting the last game update.

This update will drop at the end of the month a long with the final season.

Thank you for playing Stars Online 1 Pirate Invasion. We look forward to tue future when Stars Online 2 The Rise of Darkness drops in a couple of years!

1 month away till the comet enters our solar system. i have the mission fully codded and its being tested. I'll say this the comet is going to be a hard fight i died every single run testing out combos. Log in now start unlocking gear build your ship up. Humanity, no the universe rest in your hands. 

The one about the Comet.

Incoming Transmission from the General...

Pilots we intersected a transmission from enemy units. The Ilyx deemed us a threat, and now they have launched their extinction weapon. The Comet, is what they called it. Im calling out on all channels to any pilot who is brave enough to destroy this weapon.  Our existence,  and our future its all in your hands.

       The season if the comet will drop in two months do you have what it takes to save your galaxy in the best old style 2d space shooter?

#The Final Season

#Season of the Comet

 Best of luck your Arcticworld Team

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8*Breath of the Dragon Extended*

Sorry for not posting lately most the bug fixes and pre existing bugs get mentioned in the update log. 

  < Current bugs>

<Game Patches and fixes>

Combat fix

Infinite exp and credit fix and patch

Patch for updating user settings with extensions

Clicking priority patch (click prioritizes npc's , resources, ammo crates, skeleton chest, ship movement.)  The reason why movement is last is due to every time you would goto click something you would start moving instead.

Infinite npc fix (when npcs stack on top of eachother)

Ammo crate spawning fix (an accidental line of code was preventing the spawn timer from incrementing)

Code clean up cleaning up the paint method so its not doing more work then ot has to. *fixes the fps reader. Fps now reads as intended. 

Ship ability fixes * General bugs and power buffs.

Ship skin fixes * General fic with skin not showing on some ships.

Visual Update ui fixes *General this and that

Season pass fixes fixed season pass resetting when it wasnt supposed to.

Promo code fixes *General fix with it saying a code isnt valid when it worked and credited the account.

Mission op fixes (some missions werent cycling right) 

Buffs and nurfs

Buffed npc's gave them lvls

Nurfed there stats especially scouts (do to a behavior update they became way to strong for new pilots to handel.)

Buffed small class ships to help new player progression.

Buffed some ship abilities

Defence drone and drone ring now summons drones quicker buy 30 seconds rather then a minute.

Combat and battle drones got a damage buff. (May turn them into tokens.  And put a spawn timer on them.

Rocket launcher original power was buffed and rocket reload changed, and fixed it a glitch where it would load and trigure outside of battle.

Ammo converter CPU woros as the new ammo type didnt want to risk splicing into users base setting one mistake could cause a bunch of patches and a loss in gear, or a complete reset.  This ammo type / converter uses ammo you have to make a shot that does both shield absorbing and damage dealing.

Thinking about adding a unique ship ability to all ships. Originally abilities where unique to heavy class ships. 

If you find any bugs I havent found and fixed and mentioned in this post feel free to comment I will do my best to patch them and deliver a good quality 2d space shooter!

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For what ever reason the fps showing 0 seemed to have fixed it self its now working as intended as I'm hitting from 40 -90 fps with some really smooth game play. I also patched an issue with mission ops 7 it looked like i got all excited when i made it i didn't notice some of the errors. It now goes through the whole mission rather then ending at step 3

*General Update*

Season of the star is fully codded, and with that being said the player ecent season will launch soon.

The season of the star is about the player, and the season pass is loaded with amazing rewards. Also Premium once unlcoked its permanently unlocked. Premium gives you access to 3 premium ships, ability to save and load ship settings,  change hangers, change rank borders, discounts to ship repairs, and discounts to buying ammo, weapons, and generators.  If you are unable to unlock premium you may use real money to donate to making future game projects to recieve a premium code. Premium will start at 25$. 

     This update also brings a mass amount of ship abilities.

x2 rocket launchers 

x anti radi skin

x new type of generator 

x ammo converter 

x mining upgrade

Buffed past abilities.

Added past season skins and abilities to the skeleton chest poll.

Added more skins to the game, and to the skeleton chest poll.

Change how speeed works.  (Trying to achieve a smooth speed transition)

Organized code put the miscellaneous spawning code on a separate timer. Kept npc code on 1 timer moved combat to another and put players movement on its own.

Added player rank to the game, us holidays, and event rank.

Reporting a bug*

There is a bug with the fps counter not sure as to what is causing it but its staying at a static 0. I went through the code and couldnt fine what is causing it. Fps is not running at 0 fps it still plays from 30-80. If you do experience lag close your game and restart your server and open your game back. 

Premium Ships are now fully coded into the game, They Come with multiple abilities Giving you the chance to select others. Abilities that are the same wont stack so keep that in mind, also the multi and single launcher wont stack they run off of the same counter and  Single resets before the multi do to its reload speed. ~ Arctic World

*Quick Update*

Ranking System is now live, you can now claim your rank, Get your Unlimited Starter ammo.

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Games basic ranking system update will drop the 1st of next month. Good news you wont loose rank if you have a bunch of deaths and sense i have no way of tracking your deaths up to this point you dont have to worry about penalties untill after the update. After 5 deaths you start to take a hit to your rank, everything you do can be tracked so you can view it all. Ranks and your death and stuff will show up in your npc's killed. You will soon be able to see your total deaths as well. event rank will also be there, also event rank will sit behind your rank on the game page your rank will be displayed next to your title. Also icon changes will be coming with this update and ammo crates in free space. You have a lot to look forward to ^^

Season of the Star: 

Dropping August 1st is the Season of the Star!

A 2 month event before the final season.

       Season of the Star is all about the player bringing a new way to display your skills. A ranking system. A basic ranking system will be dropping along with 3 seasonal only ranks. These ranks can be obtained through earning points and finishing chalanges to unlock each one.  More info on ranks soon to be announced later. ~ Your Arctic World Team

With early access to the season of the Expanse here is what you can soon look forward to. 

Season of the Star: a player holiday event. This season is dedicated to celebrating the player and expanding the mining lab shop and some visual updates.

Final season season of the comet: the final season brings the final chapter to the game. 3 final story missions to stop the enemy from launching astreroids at your home planet. All ship skins and ship ability assets will be added on this update. 

After math, any updates that follow after this will be bug fixes and patches, as the game will no longer be getting dlc. 

 In the future of the Stars online universe you can look forward to a stars card game, and maybe a Stars Online II.  (the second game would focus on the stranger and a completely new war.) The second game will give you full access to any previous ship and maxed gear from the 1st game. As a new ship builder feature will implemented in the second game, witch will allow for you to make custom ships. 

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What to look forword when early access drops May 4th. Unfortunately I wont be able to drop it on the 1st because of a power outage so ill be making a special code for redeem.

Now for the game changing content in this major expansion.

-  4 New maps

- 3 New story missions

-Free space Mission beacons

- Resource mining.

- New ship abilities

- New ship skins

- Mining lab

- New season 

- Npc Aggression update

Whats changing

Mission ops will no longer reward parts,  and gear instead youl be given raw material to use in the lab. This lets you choose your parts to build in the lab. 

Npc cargo only gives resources.

Can get loot out of skeleton chests.

Npc's now have a new ai for combat. 

1 more day till it drops tommorow night finishing up some last minute maintenance.  

Check out how amazing this game play is 


You No longer will get Item parts from npc's Cargo Boxes instead you will be getting resources. Resources can be used in mining lab to craft the parts.

Season of the expance early access is only a month away, soon you will be able to start mining resources to get upgrades, tackel new story missions and explore new maps and fight new npc ships.  Discover new ship abilities, skins, seasonal missions, seasonal chalange quest, a new season pass and a early access pass. 

A look at damage tracking, soon youl be able to track how much damage you can take. 

Soon you will be able to find free space mission beacons, Mine resources, new maps to explore, new enemy types to fight, new story missions, new abilities to unlock, new ship skins, and a whole new season to start up on! Ready your self for the season of expanse!! Early access comes may to those who have the early access pass!

Resources now spawn based on rarety and how hard a map is. The rarer materials will spawn in harder maps, Currently updating npc behaviors to aggressive, map 1 npcs scouts wont be aggresive but have a chance to be if you lock them scout leaders will become aggressive on locking also making scouts aggresive,  as it trigures the leaders rally agility destroyers will be aggresive, and the 3 new npcs as well 

a sneak peak into the resource collecting update!!!

Mining lab is a great new way to play the game. It offers a new road to getting gear farming credits, item parts, weapons, generators.  And even the most powerful laser the game has to offer, along with a new ammo type. 

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Season of the Expanse content reveal

The Mining Lab! Dropping this Summer.

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Next season Season of the Expanse

The expanse is about moving a head, going further into space to try to put an end to this war. Top scientist found a area where the Ilyx have been jumping to get to us. They manufactured a new jump gate to get there.  Jump to the astroid belt, fined there gate and take the battle to there doar step.

4 new maps to explore.

-The astroid belt 

-3 new enemy maps.

- 2 new npc varients.

-Resource mining

- Crafting 

- Npc aggressive behavior 

- New ammo type

- Story expansion 

-New season pass unlock new gear!

Bug fixes and patches

*fixing combat range to match the fire rate.

And much more


Its is here! The Spring hunt Event has begone, you can log in now use your early access pass and get access to the event early! If you are lucky you can trigger one of the special in game events. Bounty Hunt (Hunt Named Npcs), Beacon Hunt (Hunt Beacons), and a increased chance at Skeleton Chest spawning in Orbit!

Along with this event comes the following Updates:

- Damage Fix

- New Ship Abilities 

- Visual & Texture Update

-Sound Effect Update

- New Content Added for season of expanse (Prep Work)

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Game events will be finished in a couple weeks. Should be right on schedule for march and april


- Beacon Hunt

- Bounty Hunting (hunt named npc's)

- The Stranger ( a mysterious visiter)

- Treausre Hunting ( Skeleton Keys/ and Chests)

The events will randomly trigure based on log in bonus.

Working hard to get these finished on time for march. Remeber if you get early access pass you can start earning points a month in advance! 

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Season of the Hunt can be acessed now through the early access pass! Those who have the pass get access to the Season a month in advance! 

Up coming game maintenance:

- Adding the event Starting a Fire.

About the event?

The Ilyx has been setting up unusual beacons around the free space maps. We suspect them of trying to get into are communication frequencies, or jam are radars. Hunt down the beacons and destroy them.

- Brings beacon hunt mission. 

Rewards: 1 random ship part for every 10 beacons destroyed. And if the event pops up during any season, 7 points to the pass! 

"Warning" a new unknown intruder inbound to are sector.

Are Observatory has been busy trying to locate the Ilyx Knights home world, we detected a strange ship flying directly to our sector. 

-The Stranger, soon the Stranger will be making her way to our galaxy. On all signals she claims to be a friendly visiter, Desprate for allies the General has you investigating the signal location. 

The stranger comes baring a random in space mission, with a helpfull reward. She will also sell past season pass reward items. Her rewards will consist of: 1 free ship unlock token, ship abilities (like the lesser version of drone ring, and new laser upgrades), Ship skins. Making her missions all the more worth while to do. After your 1st free encounter with her she will have a low chance to visit on every day 5 log in bonus.  She is busy travling through space finding new thing to bring back. And she won't ever give the same rewards, every one will be different.