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Wi.Bi Studios

A member registered Jan 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hello Mike!
Good game so far. 👍
Idk what happened, but after I died 2 or 3 times, it proceeded to dis-allow me jumping abilities. Idk if it had something to do with my deaths or what. 

Also, I would recommend adding in a countdown at the beginning before any movement can be made, or adding in an enemy fire delay at the beginning. Because I would load in and start but before I knew what I was doing I would take damage from the boss, even if I knew what to do I would still always take damage from the first shot. 🤷‍♂️

And one more thing, If I was to collide with the sides of the platforms I would be stuck there for a little, like gravity just decided not to drag me down. Which presented me with more damage. 
Other than these great game. 

Very nice game! I enjoyed the space element and the escaping collisions with the asteroids. I felt it was lacking more audio. Like background music, or an engine / spaceship sound effect. Other than the sound. Tis a very cool game, keep up the great work!

I thought facing the monster would be a nice touch, and give the player a quick look at what they are running away from 😂 Thanks for Playing! The monster does charge through obstacles destroying them, I do need to make them faster and have more difficulty. I also think the monster gets stuck somewhere through the hunt 😂 Which I need to fix. Thanks for the feedback!

Now the jam is coming to an end, I'm working on a complete re-design using my own custom assets, so in a month or more it should have improvements. 


Aight cool! Again thanks for playing. I am working on adding more to the game.

Love the driving aspect. Felt too fast at first, I kept crashing lol. But once I got use to it It was fun. I think the countdown at the top of the screen was broken, it would count to 1 then nothing would happen.

Good Game! Controls felt weird, I'm use to W, A, S, D and mouse not arrow keys lol 🤣. Other than that game was great. 

This game was something. I really enjoyed it to the point that I forgot I had a date. 😂🤣

Good game! I like the concept. However, I wasn't too keen of the enemies spawning so close to me.. a few times the enemies spawned right next to me, and it scared me. 😂

Well Done! I like the puzzle element this game holds, well done.

Thanks for playing! There should be a brightness setting in the settings menu, please let me know if it didn’t work tho. 😅

Thanks. I know it's too short. I'm working on improving it. 

Thanks for playing. I will look into improving the visuals and aesthetic.

Good game, I like the concept, the mechanics, controls and the wave style of enemies.. It's just unfortunate there was no audio. 😢

Nice game! I like it how you interpreted the theme.

Splendid work

Nice game! Sound and art are brilliant. Mechanics as well are great. Really enjoyed playing.

Nice little game.  Rather fun and addictive all the qualities a decent game requires, good work!

Thanks. I wasn't really going for a repayable game, although now you mention it. Might be good to try and incorporate somehow. 

Thank you for the feedback. It would have been better but I have a problem of always over scoping. I am working on improving the mechanics, and bettering the game all together. Again thanks for the feedback, it hasn't gone un-noticed. 

Thanks. Yeah, still work to be done. I'm hoping to have it 100% sorted by end of week.

Brilliant Game! Dialogue at the start was especially my favourite! Well Done!

Good game! I like it, just unfortunate there was no sound. 

Sweet Game! I enjoyed it. Idk if you are aware, (you probably are), but the player goes through the roof slightly when jumping. 

Splendid Job! I especially like the slime animations. 

Very Good! I like the concept!

Splendid Work! Somewhat reminds me of Crossy Road

Very good. Audio is great. And the mechanics are simple and easy. I like it! Good Job

This game is quite interesting. A nice twist to the tower defence genre! Well done! I like it

Bloody Lovely! Loved the jumping, the enemies.. I love how you replicated Mario. Well Done!

I Like! It was interesting to deliver the presents to the sleigh, I found the ghosts annoying stealing my presents.. 😂 The end made me chuckle, I like how it ended.. was interesting. Well Done!

Good game. The visuals and audio was good.. I wasn't quite sure what I was suppose to be doing  However, I did break the game I think.. Some how, I managed to spawn 2 vehicles, I guess from driving off the road to much.. 

Other than that! Good game!

(2 edits)

Brilliant! Just love it! I liked the somewhat protective nature of having to defend the sleigh whilst throwing presents to deliver them.. Well Done!

I however didn't like how the menu music reset when clicking on the credits button. 
Other than that though, it was a brilliant, entertaining and thrilling experience.

Man! I loved it.. Audio, Controls, Visuals was all great.. I found myself bobbing and bouncing with the background music it was that good. Great Job!

I like it! Controls felt a bit weird but once I knew what they were it was actually quite entertaining.. Well Done!

Great game. Reminds me of the Angels from Doctor Who. Great Job 👍

Lovely game, I like the art work. One thing I dis like is the fact I had to repeatedly click W in order to swim up. I found it awkward to do. Idk, if it's a bug or meant to be like that tho? Other than that good game.