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David Wilkerson

A member registered Aug 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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$137781 is my Highest so far

KillBox community · Created a new topic Highscore
(2 edits)


Awesome! I think you may be the first. Congrats on your perserverance. I've only beaten it 4 times and I made it xD

Thank you!

I will play this over and over again until I unlock everything.... Thanks for giving me something to do today xD

I couldn't stop clicking! Until 1462

This was a really cool game, I was stuck trying to get through the wall after you get the flashlight. I really want to know how it ends but I couldn't get past that point. The portal was open but I couldn't walk through it. I'm curious how you managed that effect, and dealt with the collisions. What engine did you make this in as well? Awesome particle effect too!

Great art! How long did you work on this for?

All his magic is illusion magic. It's a double entendre. He thinks his magic isn't real, but when it is real, he makes illusions that aren't real. :) Thanks for the feedback. I think you were right on point.

It's happened to others, redownload and try again, some times packet loss is an issue

Oh, I know I made very similar mistakes lol. Put the wrong video in our game file xD

Also, Amazing characters!

Love the take on the Choose Your Own adventure stylewriting. What did you use to manage all of that dialogue??? I have to know... I would love to do something like this in the future.

thank you! I'm checking out your game now as well.

I would love more time to smarten them up. Probably on a later itteration. Thanks for the feedback!

Let me know when you get this up!

Cant wait until I can play this one

Fun game! How did you come to the idea to do this?

Love the game! This one is the best I've played so far. The only suggestion I would say is to have the illusion fireballs automatically target the caster when you reflect. That was the only issue I had with the game. Was a really cool idea, story, and theme! We did an illusion game as well :) Except in ours you play the Magician

fun game! Loved the ending

Was fun, quick, and good story

P.S. you had me at neon

P.S. you had me at neon

~2000 seconds 67 deaths. Was fun to have expectations subverted at first. Became annoying later. But overall was a good experience.Bug with the clock at the end, just said 0 time

Loved playing through this. The only critique I could find was that it's easy to just guess. Maybe implement a mechanic where you need to assemble evidence throughout interrogations before making your guess? It really was a delight to play.

Loved the mechanic's idea on this. I had a hard time with the Reflection/Player Input puzzle. This felt like a mastery level for the mechanic. Teaching the player about this mechanic through practice would be a benefit in this game. Overall, this was a really fun game! Best I've played so far.

Really cool concept that could be something great! It needs some proper feedback and information upfront to really work. I would love to have a conversation about it if you ever get a chance.

I downloaded it and it seemed to be fine, maybe a file was lost during the download? Give it another shot. Thanks for the input

strange. works on my end. I'll download it from itch and give it a shot

I agree with the previous statement about the music! It's really repetitive. i would love to help with the sound design! I know this was for the comp but I really think you have something here! I would love to help if you want to explore the idea more. @h3ritic on twitter. Also, I didn't realize about double jumping either, maybe add that to the tutorial. Didn't make it past the second level. Maybe make it easier and use mouse to aim too? IDK I think this is the best game I've played this game jam! Good job