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A member registered Nov 29, 2023

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BTW the Mac version is non-functional

Somehow the Mac  file says there's an error while extracting

I know, I know,  must be just a me thing

I'm not entirely sure tbh... the tidy-whites & wife-beater don't help as they always equate to being stained with sweat, cum and other things in my mind.

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Richard gives me the feeling of a dirty uncle who will hit on anyone but doesn't have the personality to make it endearing.  On top of that, I get the impression he doesn't wash and likes it that way and not in the slight musky way the other characters seem to give off either but more in the "you really smell terrible" kinda way.  I'm really sorry about this but he's the only one out of all the wonderful characters you created that make me cringe.  I have a really hard time reading his story and feeling any sort of attraction to him.

Yay! a Dwayne update.  also a Richard update I couldn't care less about as he is the only character I find disgusting & unlikeable.  Still hoping for an Azaghal route that will probably never happen

The translation is not bad at all.  I love the story (although it would be better with sprites)

haha! not really.  I just thought it was forgotten.  Don't you worry about it!

Love the game but the voice to text volume is very low

I like Danny so much.  I love me a Big Cat, he he!

Why did the ratatouille recipe not make it to the cooking den?

Thanks I was using the parenthesis/bracket.   and Thank you for the amazing game too!

got a problem with the main server access during the inflitration, no matter what I type it always give a unknown command reply and I can't go forward

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If I had a philocision it would probably be leaking for you right now!!!  Anyway I loved all that you brought to Season May.  It's very unique and you did the alien world building in a way that was inventive, creative and new.  I can't wait to read whatever you put out next!

First I wanna say congrats on a very nice first game, you're very talented and I can't wait to see how this all evolves in the future.  There is a small issue with save/load function; you can't load saves... aside from that, thumbs up to you

This VN is amazing.  The routes are so different from each other, no copy & paste here.  I can't praise the people involved in this enough!!!

Yeah same here but with silicon.  Even tried to open it via Terminal like it says in the pdf but that didn't work either.  It should be 1-download 2-unzip 3-play but they had to make it incredibly complicated for no reason.

Sad that there's no Mac version

J'espèrais une route avec Gilliant mais une merveilleuse histoire tout de même.  J'ai hâte d'essayer les autres routes.  Présentement je suis allé avec Maelbjorn.

I was also hoping for different body types.  They all seem copy & paste except for Derrick.  When I saw Carlos & Jeth I was hoping they'd get some routes.

Comedy done right!  Had me laughing so much!!  Love this VN and I can't wait for more.  MC is low key my ideal man.

So Russel is not a route?  Guess Carlos will have to do then...  Everybody else are either annoying or just not my taste

Wonderful story and emotional roller coaster.  I can't wait for Dryz now!!!  May you feel as inspired for the next part as you did in the first.

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I don't do Twitter or Insta.  As for the characters, well, to put it bluntly I've dated all of those types before IRL and it was a catastrophe each time so I wouldn't be attracted romantically to any of those character archetype, it actually turns me off.

Don't worry I already deleted the game. I see no point in pursuing romance with irredeemably broken characters.  I did however complete the creator's survey at the end of the game, hopefully it will steer the creators in a favorable way for those that do love it and bring a greater amount of followers in turn.  I posted my comment before doing so unfortunately as it sometimes the only way to connect with the creators.

Wow can't believe I have to pick a romantic interest from those 4 insufferable characters.  One has anger issues, another flirts with anything that moves, then there's the pompous rich kid and a super annoying rabbit.  I honestly want nothing to do with any of them.  You should have an option to stay on your own

I really hope to see more of brother Codex in the future, that scene was hot as hell.  I feel like there should be more of the faith content to balance out the rest

I replayed and picked Ray the second time and I finished the game.  I completely understand why the game is like that and I feel it was rude of me to even ask that as it goes against the message of the game.  But it was nice to see the extra content

Are there other options other than Ray, Sam, Hermano and Bernie because none of them are doing it for me.  I keep hoping for someone closer in age to Ethan but no one comes up.  I was so disappointed winding up with Bernie out of elimination...