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A member registered Jul 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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I agree with you on this matter.

wow! incredible sprite work! these are the best of sprite that i ever have seen! i wonder who can make such an amazing the sprite!

Oh, thank you very much for the well wishes, and thank you for the playthrough! Here's hoping we can show something more off in due time! ^_^

I like that you can sit down and you stick your little tongue out

I liked this game a lot! You got a really cute art style here, and the vore stuff was done really nicely! Difficulty aside, it was a fun little game to play, with a very lovely dragon gal to delve into! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you a bunch!

Well, we decided to stick to two directions to lighten the load of adding features and creatures during the jam. Bumping it up would require reworking some things, so between that and just tweaking the game to feel better with what it's got already, I'm not sure at least on my end!

thank you a whole bunch for your thoughts! Yeah, the tongue attack is one that we have more plans for, like making it actually eat enemies yoshi-style and such! Balance in general would definitely be another thing to look more into outside of the pressure of the Jam!

And, the bush-vore concept was fun to read there, hehehe. Maybe just the berries alone might prove more appetizing...

I made the best and worst decision to play this while Very drunk off celebrating slinging out our own entry to the jam here. The visuals here are incredible, with some really sick writing to boot. It feels like one of those games that changed me fundamentally as a teenager and playing this was an experience I could have never expected walking in.

all in all: fuckin sick hell yueah

(1 edit)

This was so adorable and sweet, from the writing to the art, to just, everything! I'm wowed you managed a game like this in the constraints of the jam! Really wonderful little thing here! I love this to bits! <3

Oh gosh, thank you so much! I really ought to try and finish this off some day...