Really cool idea!!
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I really think it turned quite good. Maybe the ratings aren’t as good as I spect because of the difficulty. Lots of people hadn’t seen the entire game, which may affect negatively on the ratings. Other than that I really think it’s quite a cute platformer with nice visuals that is indeed a challenge with its unique mechanics.
That is indeed one of the places we were more worried about. You are supposed to time your tail flap with the spring to get both momentums, which turned out to be way more difficult on the web than when we tested it. On later levels we opted for aiming all springs on a slight angle, so that you don’t get stuck.
We’re really glad you liked it, thanks for the feedback!!!
Thats unfortunate! You are supposed to time youre jump just right to get both jump momentum and spring momentum. In later levels we tried to always face springs slighly towards walls, so that you coulnd't get stuck. Anyway if you get stuck you can just go back to main menu to restart the level. Don't worry for your progress, it will be saved, even in between games! Thanks for the feedback!
We should have made clearer that swiming more than onece grants you momentum. We thought if we made the players do it on the firts level the wll figure it out, maybe not the best choice for a game jam in wich you only get a couple minutes of playtime. Anyway, now that you how to do it, maybe give it another shot, there's about an hour of interesting playtime with lots of new mechanichs.
Nice job uploading a game in the short time we all had! Enjoyed your game, although it was completely cheasable. The artifact lets you survive under any condition anywhere, which makes the entire game really easy. Maybe next time try to foccus on gameplay, fun and engagement. It should be somewhat of an effort beat a game. Please take into account I'm just trying to figure all this out myself andmay not be the persn to give any advice. Keep on with the good work!