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Wouter van Vugt

A member registered Jun 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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It's made in Unity. We (one artist, one developer and one designer) made it in a game jam weekend, but with a normal amount amount of sleep :) So let's say 32 effective working hours. For context: We are industry professionals, and colleagues that are used to working with one another.

Bought it on Android, and don't regret it because I love the artstyle and supporting developers, but it's quite unforgiving

Yeah the 48h window really only allowed us to get the core loop up and running. We'd love to tighten up the controls, ramp up the difficulty and make more mechs! :D

Thanks for the kind words :) The colliders that let you jump from one bodypart to another need to be tweaked some more, for sure!

So do we buddy! :D

(1 edit)

Agreed, needs more of everything! We'll hopefully start adding more stuff Soon

We might just take you up on that :P

It will once we find more time :D We're just glad the proof of concept is clear at this point, haha

100% agree with all your points :D And yeah, all attacks should telegraph themselves so you have a small time window to react :)

Fair point, although getting knocked off from the punch you're activating can be avoided by prepping the punch first but diverting the power to it afterwards :D The pro gamer move, haha

Thanks for the kind words! :D

Yeah exactly! We've built the tools to balance the opponent and its behaviour how we want, we just kinda ran out of time right before adding a rounds system that would allow us to ramp up the difficulty :P

For sure we should add some Attack on Titan grappling hooks :D

And with splitscreen we could also 1v1 and 2v2 matches :D

Yeah, if we had had more time, a rounds system was next on the list, so that we could balance the fights to become harder and harder :)

That game also came up during our idea sparring! We wanted to combine Shadow of the Colossus with Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, which in turn reminded our developer of Regular Human Basketball :D

Don't worry about it, it was good while it lasted! :D

Thank you my good sir! :D

You're totally right. There is some AI behind his actions, but seeing as we didn't have time to add multiple rounds/levels, we had to balance him to be quite easy. Maybe we'll add that functionality soon!

If we'd flesh this out into a full game, we'd indeed add a campaign of sorts where you can unlock new mechs and possibly customize and upgrade them!

It finally "clicked" for us once we slapped Shadow of the Colossus together with Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime and mech brawlers like Robot Alchemic Drive  :D

We'd love to do that indeed! Imagine a Nintendo Switch port with 2v2!

You're totally right, the game lacks a bit of an on-boarding experience, showing you what to do where and when :) We'd love to add that soon, same as city destruction :D

And yes we'll be taking the time for that soon ;)

Thanks! :D

Exactly our thought! A Nintendo Switch port with 2 players per robot would be the dream :D

Glad to hear :D

Thanks for playing :D It is lacking some instructions, but did you know that, when you have enough power, you can launch a punch or activate a shield by climbing to a hand? You can either reroute the power to that hand first by flipping the switch on the back, or prepare the punch/shield first and then divert the power to it :D


The camera is in perspective mode, and all sprites are rotated 30 backwards on the X axis. Similar to what some Nintendo games did I believe :)

3D :D

We've achieved the impossible! :D Thanks for the compliment

Although the idea is not the most unexpected, this proves that it is very viable! I'd suggest texturing the grass so you can better see how fast you're going. Good stuff :)

Although I could've used a better indication of what the pirate's line of sight is, this had some good level design! Kudos!

I like the concept!

As a proof of concept this mechanic is great, give orders to your squad of ghosts. Picking a route is still buggy and Pacman isn't very clever, but pathfinding is a tricky topic to tackle in such a short time! If those features are ironed out, this could become a great mind-bending puzzler!

As others have noted, the first hit had great comedic effect :P Thanks for that

The mini game approach is fun, but having two fish game with the same graphics but completely different goal and control scheme was a bit confusing. Would love to see more mini games tho!

Love the Warioware style presentation! The roles reversed theme could be strong tho, as now you're just looking for the word "You" and then looking at its opponent. Great potential overall :)

Like the idea of having to focus on two different mechanics at once. I'd move the enemy health bar to follow it above its head, and the obstacles could occasionally move from the top position to the bottom one and back as the top ones are not very dangerous right now. Good stuff tho!

Interesting concept! Here are some notes:
- Switching gravity has the player expecting that it would affect both players
- I wanted to use one character as the stepping for the other, but seeing as they both jump at the same time that's not possible

Keep up the good work :)