Thanks for the info. That makes sense. No worries. Anyway, have a great day/night/etc!
Recent community posts
When I tried to run the game, all that happened was the following error message was printed on a plain white background:
Crash | Uncaught ReferenceError: Phaser is not defined
I'm guessing the game requires the Phaser engine's runtime to run, which users who've never worked with that engine are unlikely to have installed.
I noticed this game requires ~700 MB of space despite being a text adventure.
I almost downloaded it but then decided it would be wiser to avoid it, owing to the fact that such a huge install for a text game has a high chance of potentially having something sketchy in it, such as malware.
Another possibility is that your game contains huge amounts of uncompressed audio files. If so, have you considered using MP3 (for lossy audio compression) or at least FLAC (for lossless audio compression)?
It could also be the case that you've built the game on a very bloated engine or library or language runtime.
In any case though, my point is that the size of this text game is so huge that it gives users a lot of reason to hesitate downloading it. You could expand you audience a lot (potentially) by fixing that.
The current build of your game (as of 2024-09-18) may be broken. I received the following error message when I tried to run it:
The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
This game has great horror atmosphere, pixelated textures, low poly assets, and sound effects. YouDoYouBuddy consistently puts out good stuff. I especially liked his Lead Haul game, which has a similar Wolfeinstein3D like level layout but is way more action oriented than Ner is.
My only real complaint is that pressing the escape key exits the game instantly and there is no saved game system, so trying to pause or open a menu can easily lose all progress.
PS YouDoYouBuddy: Which of the 3D extensions for Love are you using to make these? One of the active ones such as groverburger's 3D engine (g3d), Menori, or 3DreamEngine; or perhaps something homemade or lesser known?
This seems a nice little Resident Evil style game. The atmosphere is good.
The lack of a saved game was the biggest problem though. I quit temporarily when I finished the sewers, hoping the game would save, but lost everything instead.
It also felt like health potions were far more abundant than necessary. I only got hit once the entire time I was playing, and that was solely from clumsiness.
The game was fun while it lasted, though it needs saved games and additional balancing for better gameplay tension.
Anyway though, good job!
Unfortunately, my project has ended up incomplete. It was a decent exercise at least, and enough to indicate I could do it in the future, but it turns out I didn't plan well enough.
I'm still glad I participated. It helped shake off some of my analysis paralysis problems partially. I won't be posting the incomplete project though, because I might want to save the idea for a later project and because people's time is better spent on projects that are more complete. I don't want to take away time from more worthy entrants. I also may reuse the idea. I messed up this time, so oh well. I'll be more careful in the future.
Several problems account for most of the reason why my project got derailed:
(1) I was trying to do physics-based pathfinding. I came to the 7DRL with a script for part of my physics stuff already partially done, thinking I wouldn't need to do much more to make it work for my plans, but I was quite wrong. Physics-based pathing is hard, and I even knew that from past experience doing it, but I still miscalculated regardless. I ended up spending most of my work just trying to get the physics based movement for the AI to work and it still didn't end up looking acceptable even despite sinking most of my time in it.
(2) For the past few years I've suffered from terrible insomnia and analysis paralysis problems and have had a mental block on game dev that has been frustrating me a lot. For 3 of the 7 days I was so tired from poor sleep that I was already struggling not to fall asleep by 1:00pm in the day. These 3 days ended up with me accomplishing almost nothing on them. I need to take my health more seriously going forward...
(3) I was also struggling with some negative feelings from working in a toxic AAA game dev environment years ago that I've had a really hard time overcoming in recent years. Before that time, I used to be much more free flowing and productive in game dev work, but since then I've struggled with freezing up and having negative associations with game dev that make it harder for me to focus sometimes. Me joining this event was partly just because I love roguelikes so much and partly because I wanted to try to overcome my mental blocks on game dev work. I've at least made partial progress in that respect, so I'll call that a win overall.
Oh, and I did indeed get a simple random map generator working, and also had some potentially interesting ideas I wanted to try with it, but ended up not having time to flesh it out and polish it up to anything near what I had in mind. I also didn't have time for the game mechanics either. Physics ate up all my time.
I'm going to not mention the specific of my game design idea more than I already have, since I may use it again in the future (with better preparation).
I apologize for the incomplete project.
Also, in hindsight I should have posted my announcement elsewhere than in this general discussion section, but I wasn't sure what I wanted to call the project yet so I didn't want to put it with the others until then.
Anyway though, it was a good exercise, even if incomplete.
Congratulations to all the other participants for their projects! I hope everyone had a good time and had better planning than me. This community is always really great at producing some interesting things, and I've always been happy to have found the community.
Next thing in my plans: I'm going to stop procrastinating about my insomnia problems, since it clearly is damaging my productivity too much.
Thanks for reading. Have a great weekend and upcoming week everyone.
I wanted to post that I've officially started work on my project as of this moment (2020-02-29 11:30 am Saturday, Eastern Standard Time, United States), so that the start time is visible publicly for proper accountability.
It appears highly likely that this isn't actually necessary, since most participants appear to not be doing so. I figured I'd do it anyway though.
This will be my first year actually participating, although I've wanted to for years and I'm also a big fan of the Roguelike Radio podcast etc.
I'll be doing a real-time (not turn based) Unity project, although I know this is a riskier choice, but I feel like being experimental in these regards. I have a general idea of what I'm going for but I will be bringing very little existing assets and only a small amount of code from before the official 7 day challenge window. So, maybe 80%+ of the work will be purely from these 7 days. Hopefully that won't come back to bite me, but I think it should go fine. My art asset requirements aren't that much.
What I already have pre-made partly:
- some code for physics based movement that I wrote a while back
- some code for a basic PCG grid setup that I may (or may not) use to create the game
- a small bunch of sound effect audio clips that I've already prepared to be usable to fill in some basic sounds
- a very rough idea of what kind of game I'm going to make, although still a lot left to be defined
Anyway, best of luck to everyone on your projects. Happy coding/art/design/etc everyone!
I'm interested to see what people come up with. There's always some really interesting ones.