I wanted to post that I've officially started work on my project as of this moment (2020-02-29 11:30 am Saturday, Eastern Standard Time, United States), so that the start time is visible publicly for proper accountability.
It appears highly likely that this isn't actually necessary, since most participants appear to not be doing so. I figured I'd do it anyway though.
This will be my first year actually participating, although I've wanted to for years and I'm also a big fan of the Roguelike Radio podcast etc.
I'll be doing a real-time (not turn based) Unity project, although I know this is a riskier choice, but I feel like being experimental in these regards. I have a general idea of what I'm going for but I will be bringing very little existing assets and only a small amount of code from before the official 7 day challenge window. So, maybe 80%+ of the work will be purely from these 7 days. Hopefully that won't come back to bite me, but I think it should go fine. My art asset requirements aren't that much.
What I already have pre-made partly:
- some code for physics based movement that I wrote a while back
- some code for a basic PCG grid setup that I may (or may not) use to create the game
- a small bunch of sound effect audio clips that I've already prepared to be usable to fill in some basic sounds
- a very rough idea of what kind of game I'm going to make, although still a lot left to be defined
Anyway, best of luck to everyone on your projects. Happy coding/art/design/etc everyone!
I'm interested to see what people come up with. There's always some really interesting ones.