This probably looks more complicated than it actually is, but here.
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Good catch on those quotation marks! I'll fix it for next time.
I'm always appreciative of mistakes being pointed out. If you find typos and gramatical errors, you can always leave them in a comment here. If there's stuff that you don't want to spoil, I think if you press Enter enough times and add a bunch of line breaks, then the part of your message afterwards will be hidden unless someone clicks it. That's what I've seen other people do at least.
I had been planning to play RtF for a while now, and only just now got to it. I knew almost nothing about it when going into it. I had only seen Cooper's, Artemis's, and Aaron's sprites. I hadn't seen what any of the other characters looked like. I didn't know what genre this was. I assumed based on fanart of Cooper that it was going to be a dating sim or something. Instead, what I read was so much better than I imagined.
I love how Cyrus was written. He went through a lot of character growth and fought to have agency. I like his design as well.
I wasn't sure how I'd feel about Artemis. I saw his sprite linked somewhere before and thought he looked cute, but also saw someone say he's evil. One of the main reasons I decided to play RtF was to see what kind of character he actually was. It turns out, I like him a lot. He's such a witty asshole and due to the PoV we see during his scenes, his antics are satisfying to see. He's an entertaining villain rather than someone you're meant to outright hate.
The dynamic between the resistance team members is entertaining. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about Silver at first, but I quickly grew to like him a lot. I might be slightly bias towards foxes, but shh. He seems like a cool knife buddy to hang out with.
But yeah, this is definitely an amazing vn and I really enjoyed the experience.
I haven't played Polar Night yet, though one of my friends recommended it to me recently.
I also get really nervous asking people for permission to use their characters and stuff, so I just stuck with people I'm either friends with or knew well enough to feel comfortable with asking ^^'
Caijoru and Meimaru were a lot of fun to write here <3
If it helps, I don't have writer's block. I have health issues slowing me down so it's not quite as fast as I'd like ^^' I haven't even been able to play video games or anything like that for quite a while either.
I plan on seeing the story through to the end though no matter what since I know how much it sucks to be a fan of a story or a vn only for it to be discontinued.
Thanks! Sarah's said she's going to try plugging her hard drive back in again tonight and see if she can get anything done. Here's hoping!
I definitely agree with making backups. I'm always paranoid about losing stuff so I back stuff up to an external hard drive every few days to a week. On top of that I've also got stuff saved to a usb flash drive and another laptop too.
Sarah seems to have had a cloud storage of some sort set up but she learned it was only keeping the most recent file. Which means technically she's still got the files for Blake's sprites, but that's it ^^'
For the most part, there isn't really a need for a guide since you'll get on whichever path you want naturally. Major choices also tend to be emphasized as well, such as one that says it'll be the most important decision of your life.
If it helps though, the first split is whether you choose to accept or reject Caijoru's offer. If you accept his offer then it splits into Daren's and Ted's routes on Day 7.
If you've been spending time with Ted, then you'll be on Ted's route. If you've been spending time with Daren, then you'll be on Daren's route. If you've been spending time with both, then you'll be given an option between the two on Day 7. The only exception is that if you've told Ted you have feelings for him, then you will be guaranteed to be on Ted's route in this path.
From there, both routes split into multiple endings. The choices for which ending you get are made obvious when you get there. The only change is that one of Ted's endings changes slightly depending on whether or not you've said you have feelings for him.
Now, backing up a bit. If you rejected Caijoru's offer, then you eventually get an option for who's route you want. This is also made obvious when you get there. None of the routes on this path are finished just yet.
As far as other choices throughout the vn go, they do not affect which route/ending you get. If something does look like it would make an obvious impact on the ending, then it won't. These choices are there are flavor and only affect small bits and pieces here and there. An example is that if you order pancakes at the diner, then later on into the story, Daren will buy you pancakes because he knows you like them. Every single choice you are given will have at least some sort of change later, even if it's small.