took a bit to get used to but once I did I really enjoyed trying to hit the targets without touching the cloud- super interesting idea. I'd be curious to see how the game would play on a larger map, maybe with multiple clouds
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fun little game. I'd like to see if someone can make a city that covers the entire playable space. as others have said it was a little slow in the middle but I'm glad I stayed around until the end because that was super cool.
not sure if anyone has mentioned yet but I found that when clicking the UI buttons I would sometimes miss and place buildings behind them. might be a skill issue on my part but worth noting either way.
maybe youre just too good at the game lol
fr tho its tricky to gauge how quickly players will learn how to play the game. we may have underestimated it this time around but we figured it would be better to lean in the direction of accessibility to avoid the risk of alienating players who arent as skilled. ty for the feedback
its always tricky to balance between accessibility and rewarding gameplay for higher skilled players. this time around we chose to focus on the accessibility side. in hindsight it may have been worthwhile to add a "hard mode" toggle that makes the boots spawn faster. something to consider for future game jams ¯\_(ツ)_/¯