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A member registered Feb 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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I'm actually working on finishing up a queer VN and I'm in need of a writer to help with some final scenes! I actually made my own post on the forums here if you're interested. It's not horror, unfortunately, but I figured it can't hurt to reach out anyways!

A short TLDR: I need help with writing a few event scenes for my chatsim, LyteLove! It was previously released as a demo for OtoJam 2023!

Hi All! I released my demo for LyteLove last summer (game page is currently in draft mode due to me updating it, otherwise I'd link it.

We've got almost everything done, aside from a few small date night scenes in the game for 2 of our characters (Elaina and Jaiden) And we're looking for 1-2 writers to help us finish those up! 

Currently myself and the other writer for these routes just started back to college and don't have as much free time as we previously did, but I don't want to delay the release too mcuh longer. We also have a guide for personality and typing quirks, as well as someone on board to edit for character consistency, so you shouldn't have to worry about not writing in the right voice for them!

 Read below for more project information!

 Lytelove is a chatsim focusing on the interactions between fandom groupchats in the mid 2010s. It tells a cute story of how those friendships grow and how chaotic those group chats can get sometimes, including the good and the bad.
It's told 90% through text chat, with some small date night scenes that take place on a call! With partial voicing for those scenes as well.

Jaiden (he/him) is our resident tech nerd who wants to make games, and Elaina (she/her) is our artist with her own cute 'etsy' inspired shop online for her stickers.

Not awkward at all dont worry!
Relatability is always a huge focus with my games so I'm so glad you were able to get that from Micah! It genuinely makes me so happy that people are able to enjoy the characters that in depth (insert a sobbing emoji here that i cant find) 

If youre curious about more:
Micah's fears are actually directly to him being trans and afraid of what the world was like, because all he's known has been the hatred and lack of information on it before the carnival, and then the carnival itself. 

That said, I completely understand what you mean! Although mine is more mental illness than physical illness, that fear tends to always eat at you. <3 

Ahh, i hope you  like it!! <3 


I totally get why this is confusing, but a lot of Lark's story is instead of fighting his battles for him, letting him grow and break away from Isadora's abuse on his own! There is a lot of parallels between Lark and Isadora's relationship and then a toxic/abusive relationship. A big thing when we were writing was that if this was a real scenario, and not paranormal, if you yell at someone to leave or push them before they're ready to do it own their own it can often times make things worse! 

Another thing is standing up directly to Isadora (the abuser in this case) is only causing her to double down harder and she would be attempting to paint MC, who is a stranger that just got stuck there one night, as a bad person who doesn't know them. Overall Isadora is super controlling over Lark in virtually every way, down to borderline grooming behavior to make him the perfect companion for her

Hope that makes a little more sense!



also i really loved the touch of the menu art changing!! the va was amazing!! and the use of the NVL screen really gave me the interest court jester/screenplay vibes!

So would this apply to coded in squares and rectangles as well?

For example,. we have one coded in as a screen with fixed rectangles to cover part of the screen (not to get around bg or anything, but like the square is between mc and the background)

would that still be allowed or no?

I know you said as long as its all coded, but I don't wanna push the rules too far. Just trynna get creative 

Hi! I had a question regarding the shaders in renpy!

I know you mentioned above in the thread that there was only one normal map for lighting was allowed, does this apply to shaders as well for gradient effects for example?
Like would I be able to have multiple coded in shader gradients (EX: 1 black to transparent, and then 1 like black to red) or are those just limited to one as well? 


you're an icon for this <3 

Man i really like milk in this story, huh

On a real note! awesome work you guys!! you all KILLED it! The GUI, the character design, the writing, the music? its all so good! I'm so impressed with the layout if the chatsim and stream portion! the choice in the text box for chat? LOVED it

its all so wonderful! I can't wait for the finsihed version :D 



its been so nice seeing ur videos pop up in my feed in real time on youtube, so im so so glad you enjoyed it!

You know what, honestly I say do it!
I was initially imagining only stuff via Tech, but letters and notes work, especially if a good majority of the games visuals are those letters. 

Hi guys!

We are currently still looking for an additional  writer, as well as a script editor, for our otome jam team this year! We're really looking for someone with experience writing for Visual Novels and is comfortable writing dialogue that will fit with the chooseable pronouns for our MC. (This means like writing "My [Prince/Princess]" etc!)

I do have other projects I've worked on my Itch Page too if you want to work with someone who's already been apart of jams :) 

You can Check out my recruitment document here for more information about the story and the roles we're looking for:
You can reply here or message me on twitter/discord @xenubin 

Hi guys!

We are currently still looking for an additional  writer, as well as a script editor, for our otome jam team this year! We're really looking for someone with experience writing for Visual Novels and is comfortable writing dialogue that will fit with the chooseable pronouns for our MC. (This means like writing "My [Prince/Princess]" etc!)

You can Check out my recruitment document here for more information about the story and the roles we're looking for :

Unfortunately, I dont think we have any VN content about this genre on twitch or yt, yet

but If youre having trouble w the github files and you use twitter or discord, please feel free to shoot me a message on either platform! I'd love to help break things down for you :) 

As long as you can make it feel like a chatsim (basically just conversations) then go nuts! Any and all engines are allowed as long as the general vibe is there :D 

There is not!

We may make one later, as we hope to be able to host this jam anually!

ChatSim Jam 2024 community · Created a new topic QnA Thread

Feel free to ask any questions about the jam here! or make a new post in the topic so that you can team build :) 

I'm glad you enjoyed it!  It's especially nice to hear about Aurels character design! I wanted to go with a design for him that painted him as the antagonist initially to add to some of the story angst later when you get to his route.

We did initially think about letting players choose their pronouns and having canon sexualities for the LIs, but between the game jam time constraints and the fact that we were worried people would get feel bad being soft locked out of routes, we decided against it in the end! But we will definitely keep this feedback in mind, since we are planning for a mini update in the future with some additional content!

Thank you sm lacy!! we owe all the UI to our savior Bee

Ahhh!! I'm so so glad you liked it! You have a solid candle choice too ;p

And don't worry! Our composer will have the OST up and posted soon! 

Hey! Thank you so much for playing! You truly saved the best for last ;p 

Some insight, but each route is intended to be seperate, but they all also had their own unique writers to truly make the stories unique! There's actually a secret ending in Micah's route as well :D 

also nice name ;p

AAAA Thank you so much for all the kind words!! I'm so glad the mix between the cozier aspect and the psychological side of it mixed together well!

ALSO totally agree, the music is so immersive! I gave chaz a vibe and she RAN with it! 

Thanks for the quick response! 
I'ms toked to see what games come out of both jams, two of my favorite things in the world ofc

TLDR: Game has romance, and we're writing it to be an otome with LIs, but its not the prominent story aspect of it. Is that allowed or no?