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A member registered Aug 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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When we return, our main focus will be to finish up the main routes we've already committed to. Any additional routes will be considered after that. It's not out of the question, but it's much too early for us to commit to anything just yet.

It was only a small preview of some future content for him. I expect we'll be releasing a small maintenance update at some stage and we'll include that content with that update.

We're on a break from development at the moment. We hope to return when we're ready, there's no specific date for this but I loosely anticipate it may happen sometime in the second half of this year.

We do have some plans for extra content with Kyrex, but where and if this will appear isn’t currently set in stone so I can’t make any guarantees just yet. Keep an eye on updates when we continue development and you might just get a pleasant surprise.  

Some of the side characters do have additional content planned. The poly route in particular will have a few surprises for those willing to explore different paths and dialogue choices. 

That's deliberately left ambiguous, but will indirectly answered in the Poly Route.

"Patience is, like, a virtue, my dude!"

He won't have a route of his own, but there will be an opportunity to have some fun with him in a later update.

Kyrex won’t be romanceable, but there is more content planned for him. Stay tuned!

Answered in our FAQ:

You don’t need any other software. Just download the zip file, extract it and then run the .exe file. If it won’t start, try downloading a fresh copy as sometimes the files get corrupt during the download.


If it won't install. you need to open the .apk file using your file manager app (typically called Files,) not directly from the downloads. If it won't boot up at all, try redownloading and reinstalling the file and if that doesn't work, open up the app settings and clear the storage and cache before trying again.

We've got two routes complete right now, Diego (Dingo) and Tai (Tiger.) The first few chapters of the Polyamorous Route (Axel (Cheetah,) Dom (Fox,) and Russell (Shark)) is also available. Lukas (Bull) will be getting a route in future. 

Try redownloading it, usually this corrects the issue. If not, let me know what platform you’re playing on and we can go from there. 

Speaking only for myself here, I found that relying on Patreon created an unhealthy relationship with my work. Sileo began as a hobby, and when we return to it, I'd love to finish it as one too, without relying on it for income and all of the stress that brings with it. Of course, I can't speak for CurryCatz on that topic so I can't rightly say exactly what we'll do when we return, but I'd personally want to avoid a subscription billing model like that.

When development resumes, you'll find updates right here on Itch. Only our Patreon is going away, everything else will stay.

That is the plan yes. We'll work out the exact specifics at the time, but following the release of that final Patreon update, subsequent public updates will contain that content and will be completely up to date.

Thanks, we'll be back to finish what we've started!

Axel's anxieties regarding nudity and sex are part of that route, yes. Players pursuing him would have to content with that, along with any other challenges along the way. 

Once we return from this break, it shouldn't be too much longer until you can see all of this for yourself!

Morenatsu helped me come to terms with my sexuality and finally begin to accept that part of myself. I'm well aware of the positive impact a VN can have on its readers, and I'm glad that I've been able to pay some of that forward to others with our work. Glad to hear things are going well for you, thanks for your support, and hope to see you again when we return!


We're on a break at the moment, but keep an eye out for new devlog posts on this page! We'll let you know once we're back up and running and what our plans are at that time!

What if life, if not a series of challenges? We'll be back after a good rest! And rest assured, Axel and Lukas will get the content they deserve!

Thank you, stay tuned!

Breaks are a necessity, and burnout is very real. We'll take the time we need, and then get back to a steady pace of sizable updates!

Thanks! Stay tuned, when we return, we'll have something exciting to show off!

Thank you! We'll be back!

That's high praise, thank you! Morenatsu was the key inspiration which led to Sileo's creation. In an abstract sort of way, Sileo is a big homage to Morenatsu. Without it, Sileo definitely wouldn't exist.

In terms of the nude sprites, the bad news is that Lukas is a ken doll at the moment, and Axel's 'equipment' is little more than uncolored and unapproved lineart. Later on I began insisting that character sprites were fully featured from the get go as that made things easier when the time came to show those characters in the nude, but earlier characters didn't get the same treatment unfortunately. 

I can however offer a consolation prize.

1) Lukas' has a large horse cock.

2) Axel has a smaller, human-style uncut penis.

3) One such character that is fully featured but has never been fully nude ingame is Roux. And here he is.


I don't think we'll be monetizing Sileo any further. Can't say for certain at this stage, but it is my hope that we can come back after a good long break and finish this thing as a passion project without financial influence. Keep an eye on this Itch page, if anything happens, you'll see it here!

From what I understand of it, it's payment processors like Visa and Mastercard throwing their weight around to enforce some kind of insane, ignorant and nearsighted agenda they seem to have. It's a sad state of affairs, but this route was likely the right one for us regardless of that whole situation. I want this to be a passion project again, so divorcing it from financial necessity feels like the best way to achieve that.

 Go right ahead. Just be aware it's NSFW.

It's not finished yet, it's barely even begun. We'll be adding more chapters as we finish them. 

That is still the plan, yes. We're doing this as a break for ourselves, to make something crazy and fun. Once we've done that, we'll be back to work on the main stuff where our plan is to make a little more progress on the poly route first before debuting Lukas' route and developing both side by side.

Already responded to you in Discord, but definitely a false positive, Ren'Py has been known to cause these from time to time. So long as you're downloading from here or our Patreon, the download will be totally safe.

You will be able to pursue each character individually. No ETA on the next update for their route, we're working on something different at the moment to take a break from the same old and recharge our creative batteries. We'll be back to normal updates once we've done that.

Hard to say at this stage. We have some side content involving him, so if we get to that point then yes. Beyond the odd small cameo however I don't have anything planned for him in the remaining main story routes.

We're working on something a bit different at the moment to recharge our batteries and rebuild some momentum. More info about that in our latest devlog. We'll be back to regularly scheduled programming before too long.

There will be routes to pursue each of the characters individually, yes.