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A member registered Nov 12, 2021

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Mild possible bug.  
When Buying the bannered upgrade at the top... I didn't have to pay the whole cost for at least some of them.   Not sure what the actual cost was.  It also completed another of the smaller upgrades for one of the categories when I selected it.

They don't appreciate hard workers lol 

Some notes:
Some have been mentioned in other comments.

Wood / stick automation can be scaled to game breaking levels in the thousands.  The persists through prestige.

Several instances where the GUI fails to update when factory automation amounts are modified.  The GUI may react in various ways.  The product may stop growing but the materials are still being taken away.  The product may be placed negative without a GUI update with product being subtracted and materials being increased.  Worst is a combination of these where the product is stopped and materials subtract to nothing.  Temporarily breaks the game until a save and reload is performed.  This can result in several lost resources.

Cumulative effects surviving the prestige process.  Not sure if this is intended to be a perk of sorts of if its a failure to reset variables.
Interesting Idea.. reminds me a little of kittengame.

Soft lock bug - Picked a task following the tutorial, made the shirt and as soon as the sewing was complete the shirt disappeared from the interface.  Not enough money to buy anything, no shirt to sell, unable to proceed.

Given that this site is for putting up games for others to test and play and comment on... 

This game, in its current form, isn't a game.  It is basically a clickable animation.  The one who made it ought be encouraged to take what they have an improve it or do something with it.

It's unfortunate that the concept of offering constructive criticism is enough for you to be surprised.  I was especially humored by the good golly addition to the end of your response.

To offer a bit of unsolicited advice to you: Just clicking isn't a goal or objective.  Its an action.  What the player does with that action could be a goal or objective.

Perhaps you are right and the goal of just clicking the donut in the frame is the whole goal.  If that's true then the game is objectively bad.  There is no core gameplay loop involved and there is no story to be told.  IF that is your case then I offered significantly more constructive criticism than cynical snark.  I think the owner / poster of the game could turn the concept into something with a gameplay look around it to make it a game.

Your thoughts on what the author could do with this to make it a game or improve on it?

Game crash after 4 NPCs purchased.  Most prayer attempts outright fail.  May want to eventually have some kind of knowledge shared for how the success or failure functions.  Money was spent at seemingly random spots... may be part of the criteria for successful prayer attempts.

There is no indicator of any type of goal.

Are there short term objectives?
Are there long term objectives?

In its present form, it doesn't appear to be a game at all.

Some kind of display bug with the text overflowing from one upgrade onto or over the upgrade below it. 

All fun and games until pressure token = NaN

Some unbalanced mechanics dealing with the pressure shop.  Can escalate things until the growth accelerates making everything else trivial.  The audio output at that point is predictable and constant.

Not a bad concept, may want to investigate which things can be balanced.

Might be worth figuring out if its a screen drawing issue or something else.

It does seem to be related to the process involved with the stations being built.  It doesn't occur before that point.
Might be related to :
Spawning process
    Unhandled collisions exceptions
Game over criteria (if it exists)
Some kind of variable out of bounds issue
Screen drawing priority

I didn't test for different browser's behavior.  I was on Chrome.
Hope you can figure out what the issue was.  Its a decent idea for a game.

Couple of recommendations and something that is clearly a bug.

A way to save progress.

Some form of progression to auto harvesting for titanium and duranium.

Some form of zooming in or out.

Some indicator as to what the hotkeys are.

Some form of map.

There is some kind of bug that others have reported.  I took a different approach and saved up enough resources to build at least 100 stations.  Several attack ships were destroyed and I had at last glace 61 glory.  Then for no apparent reason the screen goes black.

(1 edit)

Random issue with clicking and pressing another fire button locks out shooting for the rest of the round.
When you have lots of health... this takes FOREVER to die.

Okay so casual mode doesn't seem to be available.  Scratch that.

Resetting to try the other mode was fairly god awful.  Had to manually delete many backend references in the browser cache... which might be normal for chrome.  Would be easier to have a setting that allowed to game cache to be cleared.

The constant onslaught of text boxes in story mode makes it so that you can't hardly click anything before the next text box appears.

The time it takes to read the text box generally causes other goals to complete and queue up another text box waiting to appear next.  This cycle can cause multiple text boxes with different time offsets to appear as you move the mouse to upgrade something else.

Looking at the other comment from 9 hours ago... yes some of these are quest boxes either marking the completion of something or offering to "do quest" or "complete".

To be fair, there is a lot of polish present .... but the walls of text that appear make the story mode a very different play style.  Going to try the other mode.

If you click new and then click no for not being sure, the game starts with no character being selected and you have to refresh the page to start over.

Doesn't seem to be a way out of the settings screen

Not sure if its intended, but around 425 a cactus instantly spawned at my feet

Game crashed after a couple minutes.  Audio resumed briefly but stopped again.
Browser : Chrome (Version 111.0.5563.149) 64 bit
Some kind of memory issue with the game.

Notes for game function... once a few bakers are bought the processing is horrific.  May want to check how you're doing your calculations and output functions.

Economy notes:
The cost effectiveness of a +1 baker is 0150:1
The cost effectiveness of a +3 baker is 0333:1
The cost effectiveness of a +5 baker is 1000:1
There is currently no reason to ever use anything except a +1 baker.

Mouse cursor location is unreliable.  Screen redraw from full screen to normal initially didn't function correctly.  Eventually redraw completed.  Some kind of lag.

Keep working on it.

I haven't tried this program.
You can try looking through your event viewer.
Press your windows key and start typing "Event Viewer" <- without the quotes.  It should resolve after a few key presses.  Depending on your system it may take a few seconds or a few minutes to populate.  Check the column for the last hour and anything relating to Error or Warning.  These might give you a clue as to what crashed in the system.

It may not ultimately help you resolve the issue but it is a direction in which you can investigate.

So its not game of life, it has similar mechanics.   Thanks for the explanation.

Might be worth noting that game of life is predictable where mechanisms can be designed that will create things forever.  This similar type version can't.  Its an interesting concept.

Rule set seems inconsistent.   Testing single values from the same location results in different behavior on each run.  Seems true for multiple values.  I didn't exhaustively test, but it seems random.

Upgrading a big forest to level 5 results in a crash.  Gives an error, I didn't copy it.

You need to include some kind of instructions.  Spent the first 30 seconds clicking things trying to figure out what to do.

IE: Move the robot icon to either forest or ocean to start gathering resources.

reloaded the page at least 6 times on two different days. 100% failure on chrome Version 111.0.5563.65

Delven community · Created a new topic Getting an error

Getting the following error

This is quite similar to The Alterhistorian's Conquest.

Its a good concept.

Chrome : Buying anything seems to result in the resource not being bought and the current banked amount to reduce to -<whatever amount it was supposed to cost>.  Note I'm not saying that it subtracts that amount.  For instance, 216 banked, click to buy a 100 cost under managed -> results, item not bought, bank goes from 216 to -100  (instead of subtracting the value it is setting it to the subtracted amount).

Method used to reset, worked and set it back to 0.

F12 --> Application Tab --> Local Storage --> Delete everything here

(1 edit)

Edit 1: Shift F5 and other methods haven't worked to clear it up.

Game cache will not clear on chrome and it started at <-21000.  Its currently at -19974

Oh I checked the embedded link.  I tend to give feedback for stuff that appears broken in case those responsible want to know lol.  No worries

broken : message in frame -

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1561\cocoasubrtf610 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww17740\viewh9180\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 \\ }

Why does the princess get pulled by some kind of rope down a level toward the bottom of the screen when pressing A?

Web version - Tried the game.  The items place on the field but don't seem to do anything.  The knights just walk their way up and get the princess.

(1 edit)

Upon resuming play today - The generator level was saved, the effect on the number of tubes available registered as 30/5 and the money amount glitched out.  The tubes tried to resume but with the funds glitched most of the tubes just stopped functioning.  All were previously upgraded but none resumed when funds were available.  The trigger event for the continued function may not be looking for available funds ( perhaps a global counter to try to trigger?)  Generator tries to show upgradable, but results in the negative sound effect and no upgrade.

Its an interesting modularizing issue.  I'm tempted to pull some form of the mechanic into another system I'm designing.

Hope the feedback is taken in good stead.  Its worth continuing to develop.

No worries, just giving feedback.  Its a good mechanic.  Might consider some quality of life upgrades if bulk purchasing or the ability to set sliders to have the incubation controlled less than manually.

Values font sizes are getting smaller with every update to their value.

Not sure when it started but also lost all control of camera and movement.  May have coincided with the loss of placing new items.