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A member registered Jul 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing! If I end up deciding to work more on the game I'll take your suggestions into consideration.

Thank you for your feedback! You should be able to switch to fullscreen by pressing F11 as long as it's working as intended.

Thank you for your feedback!

The game currently doesn't have any audio. (not a bug)
The number on top of the enemies shows the difficulty level of that enemy. So, as an example, if a diamond enemy has the number 7 on top of it it will fire 7 projectiles, or if a spade enemy has the number 5 on top of his head it will have a bigger attack than another spade enemy with the number 2. You get the idea :)

Thank you so much for playing! The game unfortunately does not have any sound. It isn't a bug, I just didn't take the time to add any.

As for the abilities you're mentioning I suppose you're referring two the two dice in the corner which change every room. However these aren't abilities but more like visual indicators of which stat was randomly buffed for the round and how much it was buffed.  So, as an example, if the dice show a sword and the number 6, you'd know your range (represented by the sword) was increased by 3 (0.5x6).

Thank you for your feedback! If I end up updating the game or remaking it I'll take into consideration adding audio and clarifying the buff dice system. :)

(1 edit)

The version I initially released for the jam (1.0.0 ) is in the old versions zip.
However, if you're gonna play that version I recommend playing 1.0.2 instead, since it has some bug fixes and an exit button
