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A member registered Apr 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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You need to install VLC and its media decoders. They're used for playing the cutscenes' video files. You should be able to run these as root:

Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install vlc

RHEL/Fedora: dnf install vlc

Arch: pacman -S vlc

and it should install correctly. Remember to use sudo if you aren't a root user. If you are using the itch desktop app and installed it through flatpak, it may be sandboxed and installing VLC won't work.

I am aware of the issue. For some reason, the Pixel Perfect Camera in Unity is screwing me over, and is making the UI illegible. I'm trying to figure out a solution for the post-jam version, but it's very hard to diagnose because it looks correct on my computer on both desktop and web. Things like this are seriously making me consider jumping ship to another engine.

Thank you very much! That actually means a lot to me, because this was my first foray into this kind of experience.

If you press shift, the game goes into freecam mode, and there is an arrow there.

probably about 3 or so minutes

so i got really high in the air at around 1800 and the ground just completely disappeared. so that's something.


ah, ok

w h a t


Thank you!

Nice game! I like that the movement is sort of rhythm-based. The art style and the movement looks weird and cool and works really well. I wish you could hold a button down to continuously move in that direction, and it goes directly into the game on startup, but otherwise, everything is great!

Nice game! I liked the charging mechanic and the way you generate a score is pretty fun! My only complaint is that there is no button to quit once you are in the game. Otherwise, you did a great job!

I really liked this game! The visuals were astounding for the amount of time we had and the level design was really good. The only small complaint I have is that the player has no momentum along with moving very fast, which makes it kind of hard to jump onto smaller platforms. Overall, great job!

I liked this game a lot. The controls felt a bit slippery, but the levels felt like they were built around it and it was nice to play. The music is great and I like the art too. The jumps felt somewhat inconsistent at times, but otherwise, i didn't see any bugs. Great job!

I liked the game. It was funny and really subverted my expectations. The jump could be a bit more lenient, but the gameplay is good otherwise. The music is...uh...very loud. And kazooey. All of the graphics were off the internet and you made none of them. Overall, I do like the game, but the audio needs work.

I liked the audio and graphics; it's obvious a lot of time was put into them, and they came out really nice. The movement is a bit slippery and sometimes it's a bit unclear whether an object can be slid into or not, but otherwise, it's a great game!

I liked the audio and graphics; it's obvious a lot of time was put into them, and they came out really nice. The movement is a bit slippery and sometimes it's a bit unclear whether an object can be slid into or not, but otherwise, it's a great game!

The gameplay seems a bit unclear; I couldn't get past the rock at the very beginning. You could also walk out of bounds and softlock the game at the very start.

why the heck is this game actually so good lol

I think you press escape

Thank you for informing me about these issues! I've fixed them. I forgot to get rid of the link to a health bar in the tutorial, and it broke the entire script for the player. I also got rid of the quit button and restructured the menu. Thanks again!

My game's name is Cover Me!

wow that was pretty cool

Why did I get all of the achievements in one sitting? Why hadn't I asked myself this while playing?

Good Game 11/10

I was amazed when it found all of my Steam games and acted like it was deleting them. Good game!