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A member registered Sep 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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Heyo! Thanks for commenting.

That's a fair critique, I think it'd be great to add more critters in a future update.

Very Challenging, while it was confusing at first, I had some fun trying to get a score over a minute.

I absolutely love the little dude's design and my the music is funky!

I played this game on day one and just now realized I'd forgotten to rate it and comment.

There are so many things to love here, from the theming and message to the variety of mechanics you included. I reckon it's a slam dunk. I love 2.5D stuff and thought this is a great example of it done right.

Kudos to the team!

Whoa! you managed to put so much content in this! I love the idea of a cozy stealth game. Nice job!

Like others have said, really the most that I would like out of it is more! I love card games and this was certainly a fun and interesting implementation. Nicely Done!

Such an ambitious game for such a short time! I enjoyed it so much and was continually impressed by the depth of skill you displayed here. Seriously kudos.

So cozy and lovely, has a vibe of melancholy to it that I much enjoyed!

Nice job here! I struggled winning even one race ;-; but I was excited to buy other snails, especially that funky rainbow snail! 

This is such a hilarious idea, and a great take on the prompt. The cover image is especially polished. Nice job!

Gorgeous work here, you very much have a knack for storytelling, especially accomplishing this in such a short time. Kudos!

What an adorable game! Very nicely stylized and engaging to play through to the end.

This was very challenging! I had a fun time making my way up the difficulties, couldn't really get hard mode. Caterpillar's super cute!

This was interesting! Definitely got invested in the whole market mechanic.

This was fun! I struggled so much with getting everything on time, but that made it pretty replayable. Good job y'all, the voice clips were pretty ammusing at times.

such a spooky game! Good job here, it was super atmospheric

Solid concept, charming visuals and great level design! Awesome job!

Very fun! Climbing mechanic was kinda difficult to get, but I couldn't put it down until I finished it!

I ended up spending a lot of time decorating my area with huge pumpkins instead of selling them haha. Nice job!

I absolutely love the pc sprite. I became quite the swindler.

(1 edit)

Nice job! I found myself quickly getting into a rhythm, but dang, those pesky children are difficult to scare off consistently

Impressive! Progression is cool and it's very polished for such a short time, kudos

How lovely, very gentle and soothing.

(1 edit)

How fun! it's a simple game, but I can easily see myself competing with friends to get a high score.

The look of this game is so polished! I enjoyed walking around, and the collecting mechanic helped me take in all of the cool assets.

I felt a little confused here, it was hard to tell whether I was making progress towards a recipe or not, but it sure is cozy!

So charming! The art is very nice, and reminiscent of point and click games I played when I was a kid

Very nice and cozy! I found that the text hints were occasionally intrusive but I really like the mechanics and level design

Interesting concept! I kept wondering what was the significance of the blue tree. Sadly i ended up giving up before finding it, very challenging!

This was fun! Had fun making progress. Using my tablet to click definitely helped me fill pout the orchard!