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Yakut Developer

A member registered Dec 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Fun game! Simple and cute.

Your game is awesome, but I think the little red demons could use some attack animations, so I can tell when they're about to strike. I really enjoyed playing, especially the boss fight! 

By the way, would you mind trying out my game too? Thanks, man, and keep up the great work!

I like the visuals. The game was actually simple but cool, and its sooo statisfy when you bit the enemies. but, i think the controls was hard. Keep it up man!.... 5 stars for the presentation!

Anyway,  would you try to rate my game too? :D

Great game! I really enjoyed playing it. The presentation is good, and I love the overall concept. However, I think the controls wouldfeel smoother with a joystick.The keyboard controls were a bit challenging for me. Overall, it's a good game, but i think you can add more polishing, like adding moreee visual effects, such as particle effects and could really shine.

Keep up the great work dude! :D

Thanks brother :D

Done, you can check it up.. Thanks bro!
Keep up the spirit with your game development! :D

Nice Game, I Like your artstyle! and the killing sound effect feels so statisfying! I give you 4 stars for the presentation.

Would you mind to try my game too and giving any rating? thanks!

This game is so cool. I like the concept! I think you can add more stuff at the background of your level, so your game feels more alive. 5 stars for concept!

anyway, would you mind to try and rate my game?  Thanks!

I like how simple and great concept of this game. Cool!

Kaya orang bego aja bang, bikin web gamenya tp gada apknya😁

(1 edit)

Bang, boleh minta sdk nya nggak? Hehe

Nnti ak kasih saldo dana/ovo/pulsa 😁😁

KEREEEEENNNN, ni game mayan bet buat ngisi waktu gabut gua. barter bintang 5 yo

halo takuya

nama lu sopan dikit syg

Gua suka sih konsep gamenya, cuma ayamnya kecepeten wkwk

rate balik masseh, udh ku rate bntg 5

Gamenya sih kayaknya bagus yah, tapi gabisa dibuka.

kurate bintang 3 dlu yah, nnti kalo sudah bisa, aku rate bintang 5 :D

Wihh, keren bro, semangatt! udah ak rate,

rate balik masseh

gua dah nyoba, asli, grafik, sound, semuanya bagus banget. cuma kadang ada bug botnya nembus ke pintu dan gabisa ditembak. 

udah kurate bintang 5 massehh, rate balik cuy

Gamenya keren noval, tp UI nya menurutku agak kurang, udah aku rate bntg 5 yah, rate balik :D

Widihhh,gg bat grapiknya, tapi sayang sih gamenya singkat, menurutku  bintang 4 lah :P

btw rate balik massehh

ini pasti win dalam tema sih, gamenya keren banget asli.

rate balik bro, udah w rate bntg 5 

sayang rijal

Gamenya keren bro, apalagi bisa mabar. Gua suka banget ma game ini

btw udah kurate bntg 5, rate balik broo :DDD

GG Bro, gua suka grafiknya, ga nyangka sih modal max2d bisa bikin game sekeren ini.

btw udah ku rate bntg 5, rate balik ngabs :D

Konsep gamenya keren, mirip buatan Vincoo.  btw ak udah rate bintang 5 cuy, rate balik :D

thanks noval 🤞

Keren banh

Anjg 62 mb

keren, btw kecilin sizenya, kegedean 223 mb

I enjoy this game! Good job bro!

this game is weird :V

Cool games!


I like your game design! So cute

Wow ! Amazing game!

Woah, i will give you 5 start of fun! This defense game Is too fun!

Fun game!

I very enjoy this game! Very Fun!