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A member registered Sep 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Fun game! Wished the wall's rotation was saved before it moved though seeing how there's a lot of trial and error with the game. 

Yeah sorry bout that. Tried to make the game as hard but achievable as possible as to make players explore different openings, setups and for replayability. Also, turrets don't target dead enemies. Though any bullet previously following the enemy will still follow the enemy. Unless there is a bug. Which then what have I been doing with my life?  Glad u liked the flying enemies tho. Definitely one of my favourite parts of the game.

oh if you decrease the size of the planets it’ll delete itself. You can do this by right clicking it till it’s gone.

It was built this way as too much initial speed means the player won't beable to see it happen as well and scaling speed would be a little difficult. Too much gravity would need lots of speed to make a slingshot. And Velocity is constant in space. So you have to be decently close to the planets in order to be affected to a decent manner. I can assure you though that the gravity is working as intended as shown when you launch the game there were 3 squares with gravity with spaceship pictures attached to them.

yeah sorry it was built in a way that scaled poorly and so the screen size ended up being the size of the testing screen. Pretty sure downloaded version scales though if you still wanna try that though I won't guarantee the game will work

Space is the reset button 

Sorry for that… Here is a short explanation though. It is a puzzle game where you place planets to slingshot your spacecraft towards a goal. Space to toggle between launching ur spacecraft and Placing planets and after launching you can reset the level by pressing space again. Would love it if you would try playing it again even if it’s just a level or two

Is it allowed for updates in the middle of the rating phase because I want to remove a feature as to reduce lag. 

Yea 100%. Never thought people would make it all the way to wave 20. As the developer I could only get to wave 14 in play testing. But defiantly that is a big problem that I probably could've fixed.

4 days of procrastination and 6 days of cramming lol. Honestly I didn't put as much work as the other participants. The people in this competition is amazing.

I didn't know what to do at first but then realized what to do. It was fun and great to run around and pressing buttons. A score counter would've been nice though

Drums u did not. But I think the controls were the left and right arrow keys and space button. Over all it's a great concept. But maybe just maybe the more variety needs to be added and more impact for the players action like maybe explosions or stuff. Also found a bug where if u activate the laser in the boss you don't kill the boss??? Idk but great concept, needs better execution.

Very fun and interesting game. Especially the ending and watching the zombies swirl into nothingness. Is it infinite btw? What I would say tho is to put the lighting at the lights or rid of lighting completely because it's kind of awkward shining brighter than some lamps. It also makes the player feel like there is a whole fog of war or sight distance aspect to the game which there is not. Idk if this is a bug but I found that sometimes I would go fight some robots but then watching them disappear right in front of me even thought I didn't shoot at it. (might just be a web build problem)

U need to put compression to none in Player settings

(1 edit)

Don't think devs can upload anything after deadline D:

Cool and fun game definitely has the feel of "Paper please" added to it. It was difficult putting the paper in the box so maybe have a indicator whether it would go in or assist the player ( like the portal mechanics in portal 2 where it would assist in helping the player land in the middle of the portal) would be awesome.

Thanks for feedback. That was kinda of my fault. But I did try to make the game as simple as possible.(As to not have a tutorial lol) If you played it a couple times you'd notice that the enemies always start from the top before widening their spawn area and making it from the sides then bottom. This happens really quick but can give you the headstart you need.  But yeah should've probably put health bars and next wave counters.

No, sadly there is no ending other than failure.  But glad you liked it!