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A member registered Feb 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Nice simplistic gameplay. Few things could have been tweaked like the character could have been on the left side of the camera, and clearer top and bottom walls. Some more consistent obstacles would have been nice too. But overall decent game to build on!

Really fun game, would have benefited from some music. And a suggestion as well, if more enemies spawned after every storm that would make the game harder and more fun. Overall great game though.

Here's my game: 

I'm pretty sure it's impossible to beat but you can give it a try (level 20 is the last level). Very cool sci Fi themed Rouge like? Idk what type but it's action for sure.

I'm just looking for feedback because I feel like my game has potential so I might consider updating it.

Here's my game: 

I'm pretty sure it's impossible to beat but you can give it a try (level 20 is the last level). Very cool sci Fi themed Rouge like? Idk what type but it's action for sure.

I'm just looking for feedback because I feel like my game has potential so I might consider updating it.

Really fun game, I encountered a bug though where if you spam an attack then it'll do the attack the amount of times you pressed. Really wish there were sound effects, would have made the game epic.

Simple game concept, the dash speed was really fast and i couldnt control it but thats just me, fun concept and minigames though.

It took me the full 7 days to finish this game, and even on submission I submitted literally 1 second late, but luckily there's a grace period for technical difficulties.

Nice and polished game with fun gameplay, wasn't sure how it was related to the theme though :/

Naw your right about the texture, it's hard on the eyes, thanks for the feedback!

Interesting idea, but lots of bugs, I wasn't able to finish the game

Yeah, I myself get annoyed by the audio sometimes, I was planning on adding audio sliders for SFX and music but no time :(, and the main audio slider doesn't even work for some reason. The audio range of the exit is close on purpose though, you can hear it from about 2.5 walls away.

The spookiness worked, I was too scared to finish the game XD, but from what I saw, very nice. Atmosphere set perfectly.

Fun to play, loved the story. Graphics and music are perfect, only issue (seems to be happening to everyone) I grapple on pins that are really far off screen sometimes, but otherwise, top tier game for sure.

The concept of the game is really nice, and so are the levels, but the spike and player hitboxes are too large, and I felt like the jump was too short.  Could go a long way with some improvement.

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Thanks for the feedback, really considering updating the game now since a lot of people love it!!

Very polished game, loved it all, but the gameplay felt hard to me, probably because I have no idea what I'm doing though XD. Good correlation to the theme. Deserves a high rating for sure.

The gameplay is kinda slow, and I the controls were buggy but maybe only on webgl, still unique idea

Nice simple visuals and fun puzzles, fits the theme pretty well

(1 edit)

Love the atmosphere/ambience it sets, perfect mechanics, perfect sound effects, simple but perfect visuals, really whish there were more levels though :(

(1 edit)

Woah, that's a lot of feedback. 

"it could've used some motion while walking to give it more depth", yeah I was planning on adding view bobbing and camera shake but I had to cut it off my list because I was literally working on other more necessary things till the last second.

"different colors, enemies etc.", that was my original plan, to have different themed levels, but as I was adding the base mechanics I realized there was no way I was gonna have time to.

"the game is way too long", sorry about that XD but it was intentional, since I'd finished all the base mechanics with 3 hours left and left all the level making till the end, I just spent the remaining time making levels and figured it wouldn't hurt to add a bunch, just more gameplay time if someone wanted to, but wow! You played it for an hour, that needs some pretty hard dedication. I myself have only made it to level 10 lol. But the last level is level 20 (named level 00) which I pretty much made impossible to beat with a 50 x 50 maze and 4 robot spawners, but to make it easier I added 2 exits on all the levels after level 11 I think, I don't even remember it was like 4am for me I'd stayed up all night. But yeah I went overboard with the levels for maybe that one person that dedicates super hard to it and somehow beats it all, but you're free to go as far as you want.

 "hard on the eyes after awhile and it can be pretty disorienting when you're looking around quickly", you're very right about  I thought it wouldn't matter in the beginning since I wanted to add different themes, but since that didn't happen, I dunno I just kept it, couldn't find anything that fits as well as it did.

"has a lot of potential with a few adjustments", yeah, big idea, not enough time, which is why I'm considering continuing the game, I had a long list of things I still wanted to add, like different themes/enemies, different maze shapes, moving walls, flags to mark where you've been, and general visual improvements.

Thanks for all the feedback, I really love me some good constructive criticism.

Very fun, loved it, only thing I'd change is the ground and wall textures, and maybe some music. Otherwise, great game, not sure how it relates to the theme though.

Nice, couldve used some audio

Interesting take on the theme, I liked the graphics and different biomes. Could've used some more sound effects though.

Loved the atmosphere and the music, it gives you a great feeling.

Very polished game! The simplicity is perfect for the style, and the integrated humor keeps you entertained. The music fits perfectly. Nice job! Only issue, I found an exploit where you can just route the ships from outside the screen and around the asteroids.

Yeah the arcade game at the end was hard, the aiming system was kinda annoying ig.

Interesting concept, I failed really badly though, I was so poor XD. Overall nice game, only if I was good at it.

Mini games were fun, great idea, not sure how its related to the theme though

Really nice environment, though I got stuck on one of the arcade games

Very unique art style, loved the atmosphere.

Very relaxing environment and unique take on the theme, overall very polished game.

Here's my game

I'm pretty sure it's impossible to beat but you can give it a try (level 20 is the last level). Very cool sci Fi themed Rouge like? Idk what type but it's action for sure.

Here's my game

I'm pretty sure it's impossible to beat but you can give it a try (level 20 is the last level). Very cool sci Fi themed Rouge like? Idk what type but it's action for sure.

Simplistic style really hooks you, could've been improved a lot by audio though.

Here's my game
I'm pretty sure it's impossible to beat but you can give it a try (level 20 is the last level). Very cool sci Fi themed Rouge like? Idk what type but it's action packed for sure.

Here's my game
I'm pretty sure it's impossible to beat but you can give it a try (level 20 is the last level). Very cool sci Fi themed Rouge like? Idk what type but it's action for sure.

As everyone here seems to agree, the art style is superb, and the sound track is a banger. Very simplistic keeps you engaged, deserving of a high rating for sure

I had a long list of visual feedback I wanted to add, no time tho :(

It's a pretty fun one-time-play game. I guess it gets repetitive. Art style is really nice, wish there was sound though its understandable because of the time limit.

Yeah, I had a long list of stuff I wanted to add still, like camera shake and a timer like you said, but I had to cut a lot of it off because of time sadly. Thanks for the feedback though.