This has potential. Hope development goes thru to completion
Recent community posts
Gotta say, I've been following the demos over the years, and I always thought this game was good, but now that it's (more or less) complete, I'm starting to see the bigger picture, and I like it a lot more than I did when I first stumbled on it. The tracking on how you play the game (pacifist vs. violent, stuff like that) is actually really interesting, and the optional items make much more sense in a full game context. The replay value is pretty great, and the bits that are still missing voice acting aren't that bad, to the point where I didn't even notice the first time it happened.
I do wish the gallery would be fleshed out a little bit, it still doesn't have playable boss gameover scenes, and doesn't let you access the scenes for repeat losses (which while shorter I think would still be interesting additions).
But yeah this game is definitely living up to its potential! Glad to see a finished project too, the world of h-games is full of abandoned projects, so it's always nice when one gets fully completed.
I played the demo and enjoyed it a lot! The gameplay is very fun and I enjoy how the player is quick and nimble while moving but slow while attacking- it makes you feel like you're using a powerful macuahutil.
If there is one thing I would like to suggest, it would be to add pots or barrels that to break with your weapon. It's a small thing, but it's kind of fun to have random things to smash between fighting enemies.
Will definitely be buying this once it's released (and hopefully translated)!
That's fair about the head stuff, and yeah I think the lighting is maybe a culprit. I do think what you have works pretty well already, so don't get too caught up on it! I really enjoyed the demo, and most of my problems are either being fixed in the new versions (according to the dev logs) or really minor, so overall I'd say that's really good.
Keep up the good work!
Tried the demo, it's pretty great! The cutscenes especially are nice, they're cute and I like the characters. If I had to criticize anything it would probably be the untextured main dialogue box and that the girls' portraits have pretty similar facial features, but that's very much easier said than done to fix. Hope to see work on this continue, it's got potential to be something REALLY great!
Pretty neat! It's a little barebones as of yet and the black text on a dark blue background is kind of hard to read especially for morons like me with kinda bad eyesight. But what IS here is pretty great already, and I like the idea of having this as sort of a mini crossover thing for your games too.
Possible suggestion for the future, maybe give the characters some sort of unique ability? Like Sylphy as a thief might have a larger pickup range or gain more gold, stuff like that. Doesn't have to be anything complicated, but it'd be a really nice touch!
Also, the pixel art is really well-done!
Seconding this, the back sprites' heads are a little odd to me. Admittedly that cannot be an easy thing to draw, since you wanna be able to show the faces while still maintaining the positioning.
(edit- I specifically mean the graphics of the first position on this page, probably shoulda mentioned that.)
Eh? You're not totally wrong but I think it adds a bit of replayability, which this game has but not a ton of right now. It's a decision that has good and bad aspects, but I think having a bit more player choice is always good, even if that means you can't see everything in a single playthrough. Plus it means the characters will act a little bit more, well, in-character, and the story is definitely one of the best aspects of this game in my opinion.
So yeah I get where you're coming from but I think the positives outweigh the negatives for me.
I can tell this is going to be good, this actually blows a lot of other games like it that I've played straight outta the water. The only thing it lacks is content, but the bones for something truly amazing are already there (and let's be real, making animations & drawings that good is not gonna be quick).
The intro made me expect the game would be way darker than it actually is. That illusion got dispelled pretty quick of course, and honestly the game is great the way it is. It's just the right mix of goofy and serious.
...also I hope Suzume gets a couple more scenes by the final version. I know she's not exactly a major character, but there's something nice about confident girls who know exactly what they want.
Tiny nitpicks related to controls ahead:
Arrow keys work for movement but not for fast-fall (though it seems like arrow-keys + z+x+c for attacks & shooting and such would be a good control scheme for this game if there was a way to fire in the direction your movement controls are pointing sort of like in Contra).
There's no built-in deadzone on shooting via right stick on controller, so unless you're using Steam Input or something even a TINY analog input will make you continuously shoot in the direction you're aiming, wasting ammo. You might want to check the vector's magnitude before you normalize it, and only fire if it's above 0.15 or something like that, maybe higher depending on how it feels.
There's a separate input on keyboard for interacting with things, but on controller, any up input is considered a command to interact. Since there's no ladders in the game right now this is good actually, and might be worth bringing to keyboard if you don't plan to add any, to keep the control scheme compact.
And of course devs, take your time with this game! Good things take time, I understand why people are rabid for updates but don't rush things! (Although it's always nice to drop some news updates, even if the update is just 'nothing new to show you yet', always good to know the project's alive and kicking at least!)
Honestly, I'd say whatever works for you in terms of new gameplay styles. Your profile says you're considering visual novels, which seems like a good fit, but you've done pretty well with your current games despite it being a bit unorthodox, so I think whatever you all come up with is probably fine! I do think what you already do works just fine, but it's worth taking a risk and branching out a bit every now and again in my opinion.
Like seriously, I cannot understate how unique this game is. I had an hours-long talk with my friend who's majoring in game development about the way the game works, and it is unlike anything they've ever seen.
(Oh, and completely unrelated, but if you could make Charisma a more viable stat to focus in, that would be cool. It'd fit the lore a bit better in my opinion.)
Gotta say, this game is something special. I do think SOME of the features might be better if you could see under the hood a little less (like exact numerical moods in conversations) because it really does feel natural to interact with the characters, but it's held back a little bit by knowing exactly how it works, if that makes sense? I do think the option for numerical values should exist though.
Not sure if I'm getting my point across, but I think in a few places it'd actually be cool to, by default, know less. The core systems of the game are legitimately strong enough to do without that though!
Just finished 0.8's story, and I gotta say, this is one of the best VNs that I've seen in a LONG time. That said, I do think some things need to be clarified. The plan to go against Minato is supposed to require 50k yen and is first brought up VERY early. I assumed you would be able to start it at any time once you met that goal. This isn't true of course, so you should probably at least tell the player that they have to wait for whatever reason to encourage them to actually progress the main story.
I was bored. It was 2:30 AM. I wanted to stay up until 3 AM. I made this.
SUMMARY: BUNDO, name changable), the legendary 'BEST HERO EVER', has found himself sealed away by his arch-enemy in a cave somewhere. You control him as he fights loneliness, HELLBEAST DX, the seductive BOOB WIZARD, and FLY RATs galore. (One of them.)

Yay! The game was great, but what I loved more were the horrible fates Chook and Sosig meet every time despite their over-cartooniness. It's the contrast that really makes this great, in my opinion: cartoons in a horror world. If you're going to make any future games featuring the two (which I would play for sure!) I would love to see more content, just stuff. I don't care what it is, but either more 'routes' or just longer ones.
Anyways, criticism aside, great game! I'd also love to see Dark Sosig appearing if there's a sequel or anything like that.
This game probably is my favorite VN I've played off of so far. I am having issues with finishing Toffee and Pastille's routes. If you could make a walkthrough at some point, that'd be great, though that's probably in the art collection thing so perhaps my question is invalid. I'll think about popping you those 2 bucks sometime!