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A member registered Sep 25, 2018 · View creator page →

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the eyes and doctors do look very creepy. I like the last scene a lot, but personally I feel it would be better if the last scene more like a film ending, for example, you don't need to make it shorter, just after 45seconds, show the maker's name and some short paragraphs(just like the cast names and production team's name shown at the end of a film)

Just one critique for the visual, I feel the style of menu and the sheep counting icon at the top left of the corner don't match the game style very well. 

Also, it feels a little weird that I may "game over" at the very beginning. It would make more sense if you were doing a linear action game.

Just a suggestion about the visual. The realistic texture I personally think is not working very well. it makes the whole architecture looks like a unfinished or abandoned building. My feeling is to use some simple texture with simple color would be better, also matches the sky box and character style you chose. For example, monument valley's style may apply better, which creates a simple dreamy world.

We all see how gorgeous your work is, so I just want to say something might could be fixed here. 

I got stuck in the first scene for long time and to me I felt a little uncomfortable with the bgm and wanted to quit at that point... Maybe there's too much repetitive low frequency. Also when I collected the mushrooms, I wish there could be a number there telling me how much I still need to collect. Personally I wanted more instruction because I am the type who will just quit the game if I am not sure what to do, but this is personal thing. about the story, I feel the protagonist's story at the end is a little abrupt to me, I think it would be better if there were only stories about other people.