A fantastic and imaginary game with the aesthetic of ambiguity. I guess it's about the world in the eye of a psychic illness patient. If that is true, it's thoughtful of you to conceive an insight different than normal people, and It works very well. The problem is that some places are clueless, like at the beginning, you cannot do anything before you get an instructions otherwise the game will not progress. It seems a little contradict with the fact that players are so enthusiastic to explore the world as they just enter the game.
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All Eyes On Me's itch.io pageComments
Love the mood and the visual art. Just think it could be more player-friendly in the first half of the game when I was asked to redo things again and again without clear feedbacks. I would personally be a little bit impatient if the designer was not around assuring me that I am doing the right thing.
The musics and audio uses were great!!! I love that creepy contrast between chilling Jazz music and the silence in the game. The overall atmosphere and aesthetic design on Environment were also awesome and get along well with the music. The NPCs though look a bit cartoony compare to the tone of the game but it's a very small and nitpicking issue. Lastly, I love that the gameplay in each section kinda have its own abstract meaning that allow players to interpret them in many ways. The game is short but full of content and varieties. Well Done!!!! yeyyeyeyeyeyeye
the eyes and doctors do look very creepy. I like the last scene a lot, but personally I feel it would be better if the last scene more like a film ending, for example, you don't need to make it shorter, just after 45seconds, show the maker's name and some short paragraphs(just like the cast names and production team's name shown at the end of a film)
I really like how you create a strange atmosphere at the first phase. The patient who suddenly appears and the eye balls really help that.
The problem I think is that different phases of your game are a little bit inconsistent. The name of your game is "All Eyes On Me". Personally, I think it will be better you emphasizes your core idea more in the parts after the player gets out of the initial room, especially in the key-searching phase.
I especially like how it shows you a new way when you are back to it, it feels seamless and unexpected. This game is weird in a meaningful way to suggest a spiritual world of a psycho which seems profound. And the last part of the game is pretty poetic. The shortcoming may be the first part in which you have to pick up same things many times without a proper progress indication, which is a little bit confusing for me.
It presents an impressive view of a mentally ill person. From the experience of the player, it mighe be not clear enough to guide the player to deny the pill at the beginning, because the pills are presented as same as other objects, like bed, tape and books. Since the key object of whole game is the pill, it would be better if the pills are expressed as a special thing (such as special visual effect), at least not felt like other common things.
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