Incredible work as usual!
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Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Did you manage to clear your name and find the true culprit?
Yes, that's correct. Whereas in many other Hints & Hijinks games—including my own other hack, The Cold Dark—you select a location yourself and then go through the procedure, in Stoneshire Manor the card draw pulls double duty deciding for you who is found and in which location.
The clue is then decided by a further drawn card (as an aside, this has a strange and intended effect on reducing the amount of interactions you have with the possible culprit by removing their scenes when a clue is drawn).
From what I can see you definitely followed the correct procedure.
I'm so glad you got to use it and it was enjoyed! You are absolutely correct, I completely missed putting in a thematic cost to the use of that ability. I'll be putting one in during the next update to the file. Not sure how I missed that. You absolutely did not miss something or run anything wrong, this is totally on me.
Thanks again for giving the weapon a spin.
Just spitballing at the moment, but I like the concept of playing a tiny little robot exploring a long dead world of overgrown cities. The threats would be killbot type things. Your goal is to collect as many functioning devices that contain footage or journals of the humans who once lived here so that you can compile a museum/library of human memories.
As part of the nature of this project, not all of the foes released will have been as fully tested as I would like.
For that reason I would love it if you could place any feedback on the creatures after using them yourselves.
I prefer feedback that lets me know of problems, and not the fixes to those problems.
Bring me problems, not solutions.
Thank you.
Having just submitted my Dungeon—The Fevre Pytt—I thought it might be handy to detail how I utilised the prompts from the B1 Dungeon Feature list.
The Fevre Pytt can be found here on itchio for PWYW. It's the most disgusting thing I've written since my teenage years and was a lot of fun.
a) Several one-way secret doors
Didn’t use these.
b) Illusions and magic mouths
Hallucinations brought on by the Fevre.
c) A wind corridor which may extinguish torches and open flames
The release of gases from the mass of Fevred Flesh at the base of the Pytt. Can be felt in the Flesh Crawl.
d) A room of mysterious pools
Pools of liquid flesh that spawn Reconstituted Flesh mobs. Also contain items of potential value.
e) A room of doors
It is what it is. A room full of doors. Randomised generation of rooms beyond the doors.
f) A water pit trap which suddenly drops adventurers to the lower level
Part of the randomised rooms beyond the room of doors. One way pit trap that activates only once, dropping one or more PCs into Eastern chamber on bottom floor, dousing their torches.
g) A portcullis trap where vertical bars drop behind the party in a dead end corridor
Poison gas corridor. Gotta have one.
h) A pair of teleport rooms to confuse explorers
Part of the randomised rooms beyond the room of doors. Disintegrates a PC, rebuilding them mirrored in another room.
i) Several magical treasures - most beneficial, some cursed
Vile Objects. Lovely nasty Mork Borg magic items.
j) Mysterious containers with a variety of contents for examination
Can’t get more mysterious than strange fleshy polyps containing objects. There’s also a Mimic.
This brings me so much joy. Your case seems off to a very interesting start, and I'm loving the ghoul mortician!
I'm glad you're enjoying the setting. Squeezing quite as much flavour into the compacted format as possible was a challenge, so I'm glad people are able to springboard off it with such unique ideas.
"This will be a game I keep in my journal so I always have something fun to play!" - Thank you, really. This means so much.
If you or your group have any feedback from playtesting Frozen Breath, please leave a comment discussing it in this thread.
- What aspects of the game worked well, perhaps even too well?
- What aspects did not work so well, perhaps needing to be reworked.
- Was there any particular rules clarification that you could not find, or was difficult to find?
- Was there anything that you thought missing from the game, or something you would look forward to seeing in the future?
Thank you for playing Frozen Breath.
Hi! Thanks for playing the game on stream. I totally missed this comment until last night, so sorry for not replying.
Thanks for the kind words on the game! I'm really happy with how this game came out. Makes me really happy to see people enjoying it!
I think I need to go back and reword some of the text on momentum, still. I've not been entirely clear in the text.
As for increasing the track, yeah, whenever you do something in the game that brings you closer you give the tracker a tick. That could be from filling another progress track to find evidence, it could be from a conversation with an NPC who revealed information. It's down to the person playing, really, when they think they have learned something that can help Close the Case; they could still be very wrong!
I see that you have played it again since. Did you Close the Case?
One question; do you mind me adding the video you posted to the page itself? With links to your twitch of course.
Thank you. I'm hoping to add the Ashcan alpha version of the game on here soon.
Definitely some things to add and consider, and some of what's already in the game covers things you'd like to see, so that means I'm hitting my mark.
So far, I've gone with your character having their own one mythic weapon that needs to be reforged (just like you, kinda), but included nods towards players swapping out weapons if they want. ATM the main foundation of your build comes from your choice of two godly Domains, one major one minor, rather than by weapon choice, but I do like that idea. But that brings us onto your second point.
Your choice of domains grant you 3 Powers (2 from the major domain, 1 from the minor). I don't want players to add more powers to choose from, because of reasons Spencer mentions in the SRD, so I've gone with the Upgrade approach. Each Power has two upgrades that increase what it can do. This gives that focus on a particular playstyles for that character (they only upgrade the things they've already chosen), but at the cost of it being quite random (although there are other rewards that can fill in for that I guess)
And lastly I love the idea of of challenge Chambers, and they aren't included yet. So I'm definitely going to add something in like that. I like the idea of them being something the players choose to do however so, just like in Hades with the challenge chests, perhaps I can add something like that.
Thank you for your input! I definitely feel like I'm somewhat on the right track with where I am so far from your response, but have other lines of design I can still follow.
If you and your group have any feedback from playtesting LOOM, please leave a comment discussing it in this thread.
- What aspects of the game worked well, perhaps even too well?
- What aspects did not work so well, perhaps needing to be reworked.
- Was there any particular rules clarification that you could not find, or was difficult to find?
- Was there anything that you thought missing from the game, or something you would look forward to seeing in the future?
Thank you for playing LOOM.
Hey folks, I'm an estimated 80% of the way through my game currently, but I was wondering if there's anything you guys would like to see in it.
I'm creating what is basically the Lumen version of Supergiant Game's game Hades, called LOOM.
In LOOM you play as Gods who have been tricked out of your seats of power by a Loki-like individual, plucked out from your own destinies, and trapped outside the fabric of the universe.
Deep within this ever expanding plane of prismatic threads, you find the Fates who are trying to unpick the Knot left behind in the fabric of the universe created by this trickster god who has deceived you. This knot is created from your tangled destinies and is protecting the trickster god. The Fates can separate out two Threads for you, only one of which you can traverse and untangle. Untangling a Thread involves defeating a power creature left behind by the trickster god to keep the Knot in place.
Threads are basically the 'run' in Hades. You enter different Chambers and encounter what is inside the Chamber. Once it has been dealt with you are rewarded with an upgrade to things such as your Powers, Health, Essence, Tags for your weapons, etc. Then you can pick from two exits that depict the types of rewards can be found beyond them, but not the type of Chamber encounter that protects them.
So, after all that introduction text, this is where I need you folks. For those of you who have played Hades or other rogue-like games before what kinds of things would you like to see in the game. I can't list everything I already have, because that would take forever and this is already long enough, but if you do repeat something I already have, that's just confirmation for me!
TLDR; I'm creating a game like Hades and would like to know what kinds of things you would like to see in such a game.
LOOM is a game about playing gods who have been tricked out of their seats of power and cast down. Seeking revenge on the one who tricked them, they now try to grasp their tangled threads of fate, weave together their destiny and reclaim their old powers.
The game's heavily inspired by Hades' power progression (temporary boosts and increases that grow as the Run goes on) and making choices on which path they take by choosing the types of rewards they want to acquire (weapons, powers, attribute increases etc).
Thank you! I can answer that. Under The Action Roll, the section says,
"Interpret the outcome based on your envisioned hopes & fears. The result may include mechanical changes to your character’s statuses (+/- 1 or 2) and narrative changes to the current situation."
As Momentum is one of your Status's it can be increased as a positive reward for any Hit on a roll, either Weak or Strong. If the narrative makes sense, and things are going your characters way you can interpret that as their momentum increasing. In fact, it's the best mechanical reward to give yourself if you're not doing something to increase your health or spirit.
I see that I can make that clearer however. The formatting makes it look like that section of text falls only under the miss section. I will make a change to that in the next update, soon.