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A member registered Jul 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing and giving such detailed feedback!

" The mouse sensitivity is low enough that for me it nullified the use of the mouse." - Nice catch, I seem to have completely missed that, even as I always set the mouse sensitivity in other games I play really low, should have put two and two together. Darn!

"The last enemy on level 3 just flew into my ships quickly and nearly caused me to lose despite having only having 10-20 deaths up until that point. That could use some tweaking in terms of its power." -  Yeah, upon further reflection it just becomes a surprise "hope you budgeted enough deaths for this part" kind of thing. I'll definitely rework the dodging ship AI so it's more predictable and fighting that ship is less of a matter of attrition, and to emphasize fighting dodging ships more overall.

"Overall the balancing is just too punishing. I liked that the enemy pattern thing showed where the enemies would be, but I couldn't tell if it always showed up or not before the wave came in. It's a nice looking game with a cool idea but doesn't give the player much opportunity to enjoy it. Seeing your progress through the jam was cool and with some more polish I'm eager to see what you can come up with." - Thanks, that's encouraging and I plan to continue improving it.

Thanks for playing! Yeah it's still a pretty early stage mechanics wise. I will refine the mechanics more as we go along.

Part of the challenge is having less direct control over ships, but having more firepower overall. It's clear that there's more work needed to hit a sweet spot, but I'm not sure of that point myself yet.  Though I'm definitely making the LMB drag + hold patterns with "D" more powerful, and putting in a warning system for enemy waves, messing with shield cooldowns, etc.

Thanks for playing! Yeah that part could use more balance tuning, you pretty much need to have enough shields beforehand there not to get in a death spiral of getting spammed and not having enough firepower to take them all down. I guess this means in the future version, there should be fewer but smarter enemies.

(1 edit)

Nicely done; good shmup feel even in a 3D setting which is hard to pull off. Lack of enemy model variety, but these games are mostly about the bullet patterns anyway.

Difficulty wise, it's fine, though personally I feel like the ship itself could be more responsive.

The laser enemies were pretty cool.

(2 edits)

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I agree, there are issues with just getting what the heck is the way to beat the ships; I'm not sure I've really nailed that down for myself either. As others suggested, it would be cool to make enemy attack patterns more gradually introduced and having more cues for your own ships. This is a game I want to continue to work on after the jam so there might be a version with that sometime in the future :)

tho for this version you might be able to get away with spamming shields (RMB, 5s cd) all over the screen and making sure it's all covered, that strategy is hilariously in favor of the player

Cool duck voice!

Had problems figuring out the controls and it was too easy to get stunlocked. Seomtimes when punching I struck a pose instead. Cool art / music though.

I'm totally new to lunar lander games, and so this was really difficult for me, but still well-done and interesting nevertheless :)