Hi dim zed! Thanks a lot, I am so glad you both enjoyed the game. Further enhancements would require putting my hands back into the source code, and honestly I do not feel like retouching it very much. It would be better to create a new game from scratch, like a sort of stand-alone expansion.
Besides, there is another title I started working at until about a year ago, La Pucelle, but due to lack of time, more pressing matters to cope with etc. I kept it "frozen", waiting for better times. That's life, alas :-/ Should you wish to know more, you can read the preview article and watch a demo video on this page:
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Hi elseniorx1989,
the bonus levels are those originally released on tape for Bitmap Soft. The only differences are the Zankle Soft logo in both loading screens and the copyright message in the main menu screen. Everything else is identical.
Hi, as per the instructions, you have to press 1 and 2 to move the cursor horizontally, then 0 to choose your option.
Please note that keeping the keys pressed does not repeat their input, you have to push them repeatedly. If you load the joystick file, you can keep the lever left or right to move the cursor instead.
Hope that helps.
Ciao e grazie del tuo commento!
Come ho spiegato nell'annuncio, oltre al logo Zankle Soft nella schermata di caricamento e al messaggio nello schermo del menù iniziale, la differenza con la versione 2019 è che ora Funky Fungus parte con 9 vite anziché 5.
Ricorda che su 48K il gioco può girare solo in formato TRD e su DivIDE/DivMMC con ESXDOS 0.8.6 e superiori.
A presto!
P.S. Ma per caso sei il disegnatore di quel fumetto con la vampira scollacciata? :-D
Hi, Death Pit was officially released on tape together with Doom Pit for Monument Microgames, in an exclusive double cassette bundle. Death Pit was previously unreleased and Clive Townsend kindly accepted it to be distributed on tape by MM. I was then asked if I could provide a sequel for it and so Doom Pit was born.
No, you should be able to enter the village after you destroy all of the Flak. Remember that to destroy them you must select the Attack icon while standing in their sector, after eliminating the artillery squad of course. Which version are you playing? Can you send a snapshot at zanklesoft (at) gmail (dot) com ?
Hi truf and thank you for purchasing the game and for asking.
As hinted in the manual, the explosives have landed not very far from your starting point. Search for them in the areas located north and south of that point. Please remember that their location, like that of the partisans, changes every time you start a new game.
Once you find the explosives, you will automatically pick them up. To destroy a FlaK, defeat the artillery squad, then select the Attack icon.
Hope that helps!
Ciao e grazie del commento :-D
Rispetto a quella Monument Microgames su cassetta, per questa versione cambia solo l'anno di prima uscita, che è quello reale (2018 non 2017) e ovviamente l'etichetta. Ero contento del risultato finale e l'accoglienza era stata veramente positiva, quindi non avevo motivo di cambiare alcunché ;-)
Per le prossime uscite rivedute ci saranno invece delle novità, come già avvenuto per Lost In My Spectrum e Apulija-13.
Hi Athanasius, thank you so much for appreciating the collection. In fact it was the attempt to bring the Liftoff! board game to the Spectrum, looking at BARIS - which was made by the same author, by the way - as an inspiration. I am glad that it was so well received. I hope that the sources will inspire other authors to create other games of this kind, we need more of them!
Hi iLKke and thank you for your question.
In the past I used dedicated tools, especially AGD, to provide the basis for my games, but in the last few years I discovered ZX BASIC and used it to make Italia 1944, Ad Lunam and Ad Lunam Plus. Other parts of my games are written in Z80 Assembly from the beginning.
ZX BASIC is a programming language available for Windows, Macintosh and Linux. It is developed by Jose Rodriguez and enhances the traditional Sinclair BASIC with great features such as new commands and functions and a much more open structure. Programs written in ZX BASIC must then be compiled to machine code with a dedicated command-line utility. Other parts are written in straight Z80 Assembly.
If you wish to know more about it you should visit this website: https://zxbasic.readthedocs.io/en/docs
I also interviewed Jose for my 2021 Annual, you can freely download it from: https://www.alessandrogrussu.it/annuario.html
Gracias ejvg de tu comentario. Apulija-13 fue mi segundo juego y entonces intenté hacer un ejemplo de "survival horror"; es verdad que tiene elementos de acciòn, pero el juego es una aventura dinàmica en su esencia. Como es de costumbre en este género, la mayoria de las veces es mejor evitar a los enemigos que atacarlos, y utilizar los objetos donde sirven.
Un saludo!
Hello everyone,
my name is Alessandro, I am an enthusiast game developer for the ZX Spectrum system and have been making games for this system since 2012, but only recently I established a page here on itch.io.
I just released my first game here, Italia 1944 - a mix of RPG and text adventure, completely icon-controlled, in two parts.
The game is available for sale at this page: https://zanklesoft.itch.io/italia-1944
I also re-released one of my previous games, Sophia, which is freely downloadable from https://zanklesoft.itch.io/sophia
Other re-releases will follow, often with revisions and enhancements.
Stay tuned!