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A member registered Feb 01, 2023

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So, is this like a fantasy Necroworlda?

I got the game on the Deal of the Day in Drivethrurpg!

I have to say, it expands so much more the core concept that I almost feel bad for using the small game all this time!

My head is bubbling with ideas and soom I am organise a campaign for my partner and friends. I am considering using one of the pre-made settings included. The Alpha Centauri one amuses me greatly. 

Sounds ver interesting! Is this a ttrpg or is it more a little board game like Necroworlda? 

I have to say I see a pattern in your games: you have a big tendency to make games where you control collectives rather than individuals. Nothing wrong with that, just seems like your signature move!

Oooh, I didn't see this!  _:D

It's an interesting evolution. Biggest issue I find with the mecha's sheet is having to write down all the systems in such a little space but I suppose it can go just with the names and a reference sheet.

This looks so cool! I love the Academy part! It's so simple but can work for really messed up situations! 

I think my favourite part are the Cadet Cards fitting in the Giga-Mecha sheet. It's an incredible gimmick.


I have just checked in the jam and seems there's a number of people making ttrpg's! I could give it a try! XDDDD

I like mechas,  so I am super invested in this one! I love Macross and Robotech. Are you thinking of fighting against kaijus, other mechas or something else?

Love them!  They are cute as kittens!

This is so cool! I love it! In my campaign,  a company went too far with the implants, got it's last Taint and went on a killing spree through the Order's flagship.  If we had had this, maybe we could have sorted something out.

I don't know Lords of Midnight but I like fantasy themed games. The 10 pages format works well for me: it allows to put a lot of information without being bogged down by clumsy rulesets. 

I will keep an eye on this. 

Love this! Not a fan of the AI art but if it cones from a cat I will forgive you for this time.

I love the original looks of things and the ways they change until their final appearance.

I understand. ;)

Is this the same game? I can't see many changes.

This looks so exciting!

Looking good! :D

Is it possible to have the PDF version? I see this from my mobile and decompress zip files is not possible. ;)

I am so excited about this! 

Are we going to see soon an expansion about playing the bad guys?

Death to the false Dominion!

I like the art very much!  It makes the game really cute!

Not a lot into samurai stuff but I will have a look when it becomes available. I give you my confidence vote. 

That's nice. 

In my games there has been a few parlour situations and this could have come handy. My players have a big tendency to demand services of the Dominion and simply lie to their enemies (in the rare occasions when they don't shoot them at first sight). This would open a whole new dimension to the game!

Noice. I like this little bits of stuff you make from time to time.

Silly question: how does this one fit in the company diagram?

Elite! XDDD

Doing it again a bit more calmly, Redemption.

I like that!

I tried myself and got "Rescue in orbital citadel with weapon malfunctioning".

The Order has to evacuate all the civilians in Neo-Krosvitz, a research station in the orbit of Uranus that has been taken by cyborg terrorists. Sadly, the last resupply weapon batch stayed a bit too long by a pulsar star and, because of the radiation, 60% of the weaponry shows glitches, problems reloading or suddenly stops working. 

Nice! I would love  to have a physical copy. I am going definitely to save for that. 

I have been checking the playbooks and they are awesome. I love the new companies like the Scouts, the Mages or the Redemption Company (soooo cool). The pictures look great as well.

Nice job!

That's great! This is a must for next month!


One thing we have noticed is that if you start with only one territory it's really hard to progress as everyone is very poor and the tendency is to conquer other players' territories. This usually leads to a few squirmises fought to the last man obliterating all gangs but one (usually weakened). The option to generate a new territory is there but stealing from others is just better. 

As a simple solution to this, I think that starting with more territories could help. This way, you aren't that bad if you lose one, everyone starts wealthier and that gives more options. 

A good thing about the game: it takes very little to play. I met some friends last night for a board gaming session and I managed to squeeze Necroworlda instead of the regular filler and we ended up playing for two hours! 

The best part is the story that the game tells: two gangs fought for a weapon loot and the winner used it to conquer the village of another player. This one had to run away after heavy loses and spent most of the game wandering in the wasteland until by chance they discovered some tunnels they used to ruthlessly attack back their former village. Other player ended up with three weapon factories but every time he went to sell them there was a battle in the black market. He lost three or four gangers he had to buy back.

Eventually, the winner was the player that took the village and controlled two casinos that worked incredibly well. That same player didn't attack other gangs, just destroyed their territories. After destroying a couple of gangs, the other remaining one just couldn't stop him.

I think what pushed people back was the amount of rules. There were so many details and exceptions and conflictive rules that was hard to organise games.

Apart of that, good news, I convinced my other half last night to try your game and my mutant gang, the Blistered Rats faced the Plutonium Chainsaws, his head hunters. We had a few squirmises mainly around his casino, wich changed of owners a couple of times. Eventually, the Blistered Rats ran out of money and weapons and ended up going a bit too often to the wasteland where my last surviving mutant was devoured by a bigger mutant. XDDD

We had good fun and we agreed the game would be funnier with more players. How many can play this? 

This looks great!

 In my club they tried to play Necromunda a few times but Blood Bowl got in the middle. The last attempt of a campaign was interrupted by the arrival of Mordheim (come on!) and that was the end of it. The few gangs around were recycled into chaos and imperial guard armies. 

I want to give this a go.

I don't want to be "that guy" but isn't "fixing things" more or less what the squires do? 

As they are, they fulfil the "healer" role from traditional games covering the casualties from other Companies (hit points, more or less) with their own.

Wow! You did a good job compilating special types of companies. I see there the Deathwing, the Ravenwing, the Death Company, the Librarium...

Is there anything for like techmarines or apothecaries? 

my bad, I didn’t remember that! It's annoying because Conflictus Ad Astra is possibly my favourite expansion. It adds a lot with very little and it comes with a new company type! 

oh, I see. That's interesting but I am not sure if I have seen those in the SK rules. Maybe in one of the expansions? 

Anyway, it would be great: erhaps the legion starting everything is not the Sons of Horus but the Iron Warriors or the Emperor's Children or the Blood Angels!

Agmina Sphingis: the Winged Goddess Cleopantor gave humankind the gift of her children, the Oligarchs, who command the Space Knight Orders in the conquest of the galaxy. But the Oligarchs are not free of human flaws and the power they hold might cause terrible sorrow to the just born Dominion...

I recently started reading the Horus Heresy and just can say... 

Which I think would be a great idea for a campaign although I don't know how could you manage such amount of information with a galaxy wide scenario and potentially thousands of NPCs. But it sounds really really interesting. 

An expansion to play with the bad guys: aliens, renegades, dark cults, space pirates and the like.

That's the obvious one: all the armies from W40K and other Sci fi franchises could potentially have playbooks.

Thank you! 

I just had a brief look and just for the new character sheet is worth it (the old one was "a bit rough in the borders" to say the least ;D). I have to friends who like W40K and I might use them as Guinea Pigs. 

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