I'd be willing to help out if you are up for it?
Recent community posts
Base Concept: I actually had 2 ideas one was
Type 1: Adventure Module
Title and Premise: The Mill of all Songs
Imagine a stone, the first stone or thing created in reality, in fact, a piece of the foundation of the stage from which all creation was sung into place, now imagine if that stone persisted and remained untouched long after the physical universe was formed and then it was fashioned into a Grindstone. The Grindstone being made from the stage of creation could the resonance of it (think like its source code) and hence can by working it brings forth their desires into reality, it was found by a man who tricked its guardians into becoming his slaves, using it to make himself a king, but he grew too greedy and demanded more and more, impossible metals fantastical beasts and great bastion until the land was covered by his empire, he then demanded the greatest army in history the slaves granted his wish and it swept the world until all that was left of him was a memory and tribal warlord kingdoms that became the nations of the world. In the modern-day, a sample of one of the impossible metals is found and word spreads of the proof and now great of great ambition and power seek the mill to bring dreams into reality, now the party must either aid one, find it themselves or ensure it remains lost forevermore.
it's a spin on Grottasöngr
Type 2: Modulaur Gazetteer
Title and Premise: The Land and The King are One
It's a homage to The King of Elfland's Daughter by Lord Dunsany with the same basic premise of a prince (or in this case, a prince and an adventuring party) finding a bride after an adventure from a mystical land which in turn has side effects on his kingdom's nature. It would be done in the style of a Gazetteer (https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Known_World_Gazetteers) which would outline the kingdom and its situation before the adventure and several mystic lands where the bride could potentially originate from each with different effects on the kingdom, after a prolonged period the changes start making reality unstable so the party must decide whether they must expel the kingdom of the magic, destroy it to save the world or have it be fully absorbed by it.
System Compatibility: I don't have my heart set on all in particular but I have several that I could see them working in (theses are just suggestions I'm open to any as long as I can get hold of a rule book for it and its jam legal) the following are all OGL systems to my knowledge links below alongside the systems in no particular order (note I attempted to find as close to an official developer source for the rules as possible).
Worlds Without Number: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/348809/Worlds-Without-Number-Free-Edition?s...
OSRIC: https://osricrpg.com/get.php
Old School Essentials: https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Main_Page
Against The Dark Master: https://www.vsdarkmaster.com/quickstart-and-downloads/
Swords & Wizardry: https://sites.google.com/site/swordsandwizardry/
Lamentations of The Flame Princess: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/115059/LotFP-Rules--Magic-Free-Version?manu...
Open D6 (Westend Games star wars d6 but generic and universal with forks for fantasy, adventure and sci-fi): https://ogc.rpglibrary.org/index.php?title=OpenD6
Dark Dungeons: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/177410/Dark-Dungeons?src=also_purchased&fil...
For Gold & Glory: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/156530/For-Gold--Glory?term=for+gold&filter...
Microlite20: https://web.archive.org/web/20160306131301/http://www.systemreferencedocuments.o... or https://microlite20.org/community/
Lightmaster: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279034/Lightmaster-Core-Rulebook?term=light...
Labyrinth Lord: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/64331/Labyrinth-Lord-Revised-Edition-noart-...
Basic Roleplaying: https://chaosium.itch.io/basic-roleplaying-srd
Dungeon Crawl Classics: https://goodman-games.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/DCC_QSR_Free.pdf
Help Needed: any and all welcome, if something could improve the premise? well come on in then I want to collaborate
Prefered Com Channel: PM or Reply and I will sort out a line that works best for the team.
Anyone interested?