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A member registered May 07, 2022

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this is a really promising game, i really enjoyed the demo i like the idea your going with best of luck with your work, i can't wait to see more.

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this game is one of the much better games i've seen in a long wile i really enjoy the way fighting works and how the game play seems to work my only real gripe about this game is how easily friendly or maybe neutral NPCs turn hostile to the player such as them seeing you kill a skeleton or even a group of skeletons and in response attack you even tho skeletons are hostile to the npcs as well.

Is this still being worked on it Looks very promising and would love to see more from it the art is fantastic and the story looks like it will be fun to read.

Goods to know im fairly sure the data crystal i placed in there was a heh naughty of a run one could hopefully do so i look forewords to see what said thing dose in future updates cheers

So just ran through the game in both what i can guess is pure mode and im guessing slut mod very fun ill say was wondering what the stuff for that data crystal that was talked about in the first chapter a few days ago i only really think i saw during gameplay that could be linked to it and wanted to know if there was post to be more to the Datacrystal plugin.