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So just ran through the game in both what i can guess is pure mode and im guessing slut mod very fun ill say was wondering what the stuff for that data crystal that was talked about in the first chapter a few days ago i only really think i saw during gameplay that could be linked to it and wanted to know if there was post to be more to the Datacrystal plugin.

So take a look at the devlog for 0.3.3 of CS1 first of all, if you haven't. That'll describe how to generate and use the file. In terms of what it unlocks, I don't want to spoil too much, but in general terms it's one scene for now, but more stuff eventually in future chapters, especially the final one. The trigger is pretty much what you would expect: More slutty = good (if you want to see the scene anyway). If you'd rather not keep replaying CS1 to get the stats you want, you can also just open and edit DataCrystal, it's just a text file, though you'll spoil yourself a little one what triggers what.


Goods to know im fairly sure the data crystal i placed in there was a heh naughty of a run one could hopefully do so i look forewords to see what said thing dose in future updates cheers