Heya @k34loup!
Dropping a message to see how you are doing <3
Recent community posts
Rating wise:
So far ill give a 4.3/5
Comments (no spoiler):
I like the uniqueness of the story so far, The characters seem at least fleshed out and not cookie cutter styled (something often hard to do with a demo), The writing is well done although - personal opinion - I think some of the scenes could use a bit less flowery language and less extra information as it feels as though it creates "bumps" in the flow of the narrative
The art so far looks good but it all seems to come from different sources creating a bit of clash on screen, i am at this time unsure of how sprites/CGs/BG is sourced AND being that this is a DEMO AND FIRST RELEASE it is expected that the art would not represent the final product yet...
Although it was not put under the "critique" section, in my "comments" portion speaks of writing flow for dialogue and narration...
Characterization wise, its still too early to tell but the on screen characters seem to personality shift throughout the story which can be slightly jarring; however, in this demo A LOT happens, so it is expected to see a wide range of characters' personality and reactions to events. i think more "down time" content between major arcs in the story may help add time to explain new ideas to the reader and help with the story flow, TLDR of this critique- the story flow seems a bit rushed and could use a little more pacing to ease the reader into new events
A few times while I was reading this (impressively long) demo, I came to portions where the script would repeat itself. I think it may just be a simple mistake or something wonky with the script code, but I read the same set of scenes twice- first with the OG background then after with a new background (and once with a sprite)
All in all, this VN is unique in story and design, I liked the demo a lot and will be keeping an eye out for more content! For a first release, this VN pulled a "Devils Gambit" and released what seems to be 2 long or 3 short chapter releases when compared to most other VN releases all at once (HELL YES CONTENT <3) The VN developer has done something impressive with a small team (possibly solo, as i don't see links to team members)... and if this is the developers first ever VN, the feat becomes even more impressive. <3
Edits: had to rearrange some stuff because my single braincell couldn't create a cohesive paragraph.... >.<
The warning has been given~
Being that this is a first build, and that I am sure you are still working with the effects and such, I did not mean what I said in a bad way at all! (just making sure what I've said and what I am saying isn't coming from a mean critique point <3)
The effects that you have used so far have almost solely been the "ripple/ water droplet" effect with some minor variations such as a "sparkle glow" side effect added. Which are really well place and very powerful in their own right! But what I meant by "more variation in effects" was using a different main effect:
For example; and while it is just a suggestion feel free to ignore or steal from me,, when the fox appears, and the ripple effect shows the woman standing next to the fox, perhaps instead of a ripple, a light-ray transition starting from from the top "blinding" the viewer before dimming and revealing the woman, or perhaps because its in a forest, a leaf-gust transition (or even dirt, as POV is the MC on the ground... so his exhale could possibly disturb the dirt) where the gust causes the POV to lose sight for a moment because of leaves or because of a blink... Or even a ghostly apparition where the woman melds into the scene with ethereal styling...
I do not know the program that you use to create your transitions, and I am but a beginner with art in general myself, so my ideas come from what some of my friends have done with personal (non-furry) projects... So I am unaware of your technical skill with your programs, their limitations, and your experience/knowledge with all of the above. I do however hope this cleared up my comment, and was helpful in one-way or another
Also: I would like to apologize for the late reply, I have been attending the DENFUR con, and haven't been checking itch T.T
(and because I feel I need to, I would like to re-iterate that my comments/critique/suggestions are coming with the hope of being helpful, and not meant to be interpreted in a negative way! <3)
Visually: Stunning and awe inspiring
Writing: Well done
Characterization: Still too early to tell, but so far each character has individuality
Effects: tastefully done, adding wow factors to already master-work CGs... Could use a bit more variation in the effects, otherwise well placed
This seems to be the kind of VN that smashes through and will catch everyone's attention, even if personal tastes and what not may not align with the work. I have a feeling as this develops, it is going to be a talking point and reference for a lot of new VNs to come out in the future
9.5/10 (super impressive since its only a short demo) it is clear a lot of love was put into this VN
Happy independence day to you, your family, and all other Filipinos! (im not myself, but hey, enjoy your holidays <3) i have a lot of Filipino friends [i would kill for their family Lumpia recipes~ but they wont share... womp womp....]
Thanks for the progress update! Great to hear, im very excited ^^
So happy to hear the good news!
I am one of the people who have to wait for your public releases, but i will very happily wait however long you need!
I love your story and characters, so to see it being revived after that close call brings me a lot of joy that i can know more will one day be shared with me! ^^
that you for all of your work so far, and thank you for your work soon to come as you continue your story! I will happily await further news <3
Not a bug/problem with the build itself (i haven't read it yet)
I just wanted to point out that one of your uploads was a "Missing Keys" whatever that means, and the newest updates don't have the intended icons next to their respective downloads other than Mac (extremely minor, as users should be able to tell by the -Linux, -mac, and -pc) but i have noticed a lot of users of other VNs requesting the icons, so i wanted to give you the heads up!
Thanks so much for your work, love your story ^^
Ah yea, i knew this VN didnt run on Renpy, but a lot of Vns do, so i was just giving examples of the usual key set up!
I think having the Controls under the settings would be great!
i figured out that the "a" key does advance the dialouge, but its slower than mouse clicks, which is odd... but it works!
Anyways thanks so much! ^^
Im not sure if this counts as a bug, as i have kind of figured it out....
But your VN has non-standard button input, for example, Most VNs run off of Renpy, and thus the space button or a mouse click will advance to the next scene or dialogue; or the Control key will speed advance or "skip" manually while the tab key is auto skip; The "H" key is used to hide the dialogue and UI; and a right-click will bring up the save menu.....
For your VN the Space key functions as the hide UI, and it was rather jarring as i thought that something was wrong! If there is a way that you could either show your custom key mapping, or allow users to change the key mapping it would be a lot easier to navigate! i havent figured out any other inputs as of yet, as it took me a few minutes to figure out i was hiding the UI and not advancing in the "chapter one" opening screen! i thought the game was bugged and i was trapped in a loop!
i am unsure if this a difficult task/undertaking.... So i apologize in advance if this is a suggestion that you can't consider. Having custom inputs is absolutely fine! i just have no idea what inputs do, or how to find a mapping so i can learn or change to what i (and i think most VN readers) are accustomed to!
I am very excited to hear that!
I cant speak for everyone, but never feel like you need to rush just because I am excited/eager for more content! I personally would rather a writer and artist get something how they want it to be before they share it, rather than push out content because a fan demands more content...
Thank you for your reply! And I hope that your coding and creative process continues to bring yourself and others, like me, joy!
just made a new account on itch... Been following this VN since v1.0!!
Commenting to let you know that Yukine's 6th devotion point seems bugged? (or perhaps I'm missing something obvious...)In the older versions, you would need to turn off NSFW to get the devotion point (with NSFW on you did not get the option to speak with Yukine, as he would leave to "harass the shep more", this is still the case) but now, even if you select the offer for assistance, the devotion point is still not awarded and chapter 2 begins... i stumbled upon it by complete accident! i loaded somewhere i did not mean to and found it! :)
In the star chart, this devotion point is labeled "entertain your lust" so perhaps the point was moved elsewhere; however, the time between his last point and the 6th point has few choices between... I've been reloading to see if I could get different outcomes, however I have had no success
I want to thank you so much for this VN, it hits so many different interest points for me and has kept me enthralled for many hours! Ive been checking your itch page every day looking for update post and such since i found this vn <3 I eagerly await the story and all the character developments to follow!!