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A member registered Feb 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Managed to beat the dev score

Very fun game, great gameplay loop and execution of the theme. I'd love to see this game fleshed out more honestly. Getting more discs seems like the best strategy from what I can tell, enemies can't wind up an attack if you hit them so tossing out discs willy nilly just wins. I did notice that after i restarted the game many times I kept getting the same shrine offerings and the game bugged out and eventually crashed.

I agree with proxydecoy, stopping to attack feels rough. Pretty straightforward gameplay. Enemies didn't feel like much of a challenge.

(1 edit)

Not really sure what I'm supposed to do, I tried to cook meat but that didn't work. I found it frustrating to walk around. I like the idea of appeasing the gods via food though

Solid game, simple mechanics, the player is fun to control. I like the dramatic ending! It was pretty difficult for me to tell when I was in the rain or not because the effect was done in the background.

Decent game, I especially like the 3D modeling. It might be my browser, but the game ran super duper slow, like 10-20 fps. Despite that, I liked being able to kill big hordes of enemies by using the special abilities.

I like the visuals, the music was decent as well. I felt the jumping was far too quick, and I was a little frustrated when the ladder-looking sprites didn't work like ladders.

Good sound design, and I like that the rain drops are little musical notes. Felt like I was just waiting under notes most of the time

(1 edit)

The concept is interesting but it just feels like an idle game - the shrines only take damage when the heretics randomly happen to bounce into the shrine, so there's no real rush. I didn't feel like I was in much control over the gameplay.

 Yeah, 'game juice' like indicators and SFX unfortunately ended up on the chopping block. Thanks for the feedback!

Very nice game! Simple concept, not much to learn. I do wish the start speed was faster, and I think the crabs spawn a bit too often. It'd be cool to have a coconut growth speed upgrade, because filling in the last S takes the most work moving back and forth.

Not bad, it's playable and you can win. I think the bird is a wee bit too fast, which makes the obstacles harder to dodge. Nice aesthetics, suits the theme.

Decent game, it works! The drifting feels weird to control, but I managed to complete a level. The music for me is playing in multiple duplicates, which is quite distracting. I don't quite understand the message delivering component though.

Everything works! I like the way you themed the art around the theme. I wish the player's movement was a bit "tighter," the jump in particular lasts too long. The jump sound effects were quite loud, but other than that, solid game!

Shoot, I wish I would have seen this earlier! I caught the tail end of the stream, but I went back and watched your review of my game. You had a lot of good feedback! The lack of indication about where you're shooting is annoying, I agree.  I'll look in to alternative ways to have the player aim besides just following player movement. I'm actually working on some updates for the game to polish it up a little. Thanks for playing me game and providing feedback!

Huh, I never considered what happened to bullets when restarting a level, it's funny what people discover when playing your game. You're right, I didn't have any code to prevent the player from walking off. Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed!

Short and sweet! The use of the kit art is pretty good. I wish the player was able to make more decisions, as the game felt entirely like a dice roll. Sure, that's the main mechanic, but players need agency in games, so it feels like they're playing a game, and not that the game is playing them. 

Short, sweet, and easy. Pretty good for 4 hours. I noticed that the landing/collision sound played repeatedly when you crossed hitboxes with an object, drowning out the sound of the rest of the game. Check your SFX code in the future for this sort of thing.

music is absolutely too loud. As far as the story, I feel like the pacing is extremely quick. We don't really get a chance to empathize with the character, they're just some woman who was a husband still in love with their ex. It makes no sense to invite the ex over, the two should just talk it out. Very confusing.

Fair warning, there's a jumpscare in the game... I don't see how that's remotely appropriate for the game, and it turned me off from wanting to play any more of it.

Solid concept, good level design. It was difficult for me to visualize what my pattern would end up looking like - if there was a "predictor" path that highlighted the entire path the robot would take with the commands given, it would be very helpful. Made it to level 10 before calling it good, at that point I couldn't 3-star the levels. Some sounds/music would be a welcome addition.

I like the art, as well as the adherence to the theme! I noticed that you had to be rather precise for a lot of the jumps, it wasn't very forgiving. The SFX/Music could be turned down 10-15 DB as well, I keep my system volume quite low and the audio is quite loud. Love the robot art! 

Once I understood that you swap into the ships you killed when your current ship dies, I really liked the game! I'm left wanting more levels, because this is a good mechanic to work with. I think that player bullets need to be quicker, because you have to predict your enemy's movement too far in advance to be accurate currently. Great work!

I like the concept! The A/V feedback for the teleporter is satisfying. Wish there were a few levels to play through, but good job getting this together!

Interesting concept! I was able to beat the game after a few tries. I noticed that it was very difficult for me to pay attention to 2, let alone 3 different "receptacles" at once. I would've liked a "total" amount for the wave so I know my margin of error - losing at 39/40 feels bad, haha. Good implementation, but I think games where you have to divide your attention are quite difficult for a lot of people. 

Phew, I made it through the game! A few things:

  • There are many sections where you can't see the block you're supposed to land on when jumping, making it artificially difficult to complete.
  • Personally, the player movement in the air felt too "slippery". It seems like your horizontal movement does not decay while in the air, making it very difficult to predict your jumps
  • Occasionally, I would both kill the enemy and die while doing so

Other than that, the level design was pretty solid! I really enjoyed the springs and the overall art of the game 

Thanks for the feedback!

I can see where having multiple different inputs could be confusing. It probably makes sense that if you're typing for the bulk of the game, you should be able to restart the game with the keyboard. I wish we could've added more depth to the characters, but as you know, the time crunch really makes you scope down to the basics.

We actually have negative words in the game! Saying mean things removes the platforms. Give it a try!

I was confused at first how to connect the lines. for anyone else, you have to connect the nodes that come towards the center at the right time by right clicking. I like the concept! It's hard to anticipate when the nodes will connect when you're in slow mode, which made it difficult to get very far.

I like the concept! I personally love swingy physics like this. I wish the swing kept your momentum a bit more - you're stopped when you connect with an enemy. It'd be super sweet to fly between enemies and slinging yourself around at high speeds. Bosses are cool!

Wasn't too bad, the control of the "player" was interesting, haven't thought to do that before. The upgrades are a little slow for an incremental game. I think that if the game moved quicker, it'd be more engaging. Definitely a solid start!

Hey, I really liked this game! The twist with power-ups was simple but effective. I think there's more design space in the power-ups somewhere. Keep up the good work!