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A member registered Oct 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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This is very unique game with very interesting interpretation of "falling" theme. And it even has the opening :) I enjoyed playing it, though I'm personally not a fan of dialogue-based games. I also really liked how well you put dramatic pauses in dialogues. But I think, scoring system could be a bit improved, for example by additionally counting time player spent to answer.

Thanks for review! Yeah, I definitely could have made camera a bit better. Some day I'll learn how to use Unity Cinemachine effectively :)

Thanks :)

Thank you :)

I really enjoyed that game! The game is very fun and quite hard. It has pretty graphics and nice music which match each other and game idea perfectly. Sounds were a bit too loud though, but that's not a big deal.
And I discovered how to enable easy mode - just need to put something heavy on A or D button :D Though it's still quite hard even like this

I really liked this game! Perhaps, it's a bit off from the "falling" theme, but quite close to it :) Really like the idea to play as a fading candle, where you have just few seconds to live unless you find some fuel. Artwork, music and main game idea are really good match to each other.

That's fun and hard game! Completely agree with comment below - cracking ball and smashing glass are pretty cool features!

Ok, it seems that there was some problem with CORS (probably, some problem they need to fix or I just messed up my browser configuration), so I just went into browser logs and downloaded file manually.
Pretty funny concept that you need to em... release your precious helium and eat flying balloons to replenish some amount of it. And love BIGBOI's face :D But gameplay is not very enjoyable - it's pretty much impossible to somehow keep the height, since releasing noble gases is expensive and it's practically impossible to replenish the amount by eating balloons. And there are no sounds as well :(

Love that game! It has very cool visuals and sounds, nice gameplay, controls and even gun recoil. So many different enemies as well.

Sound is 6/5 when you fall on a middle of turning beam and getting stuck there :D  Game fits to the game jam theme quite well. Also liked fun animations in the main menu, but overall game visuals feels quite dull

Wow, 2-player mode! That's very rare an cool stuff :) Love the general sci-fi look of the game. Though controls are not very good.

I love the idea - you can make some very cool game with it! Also like the graphics, even though it's just pretty much default Unreal Engine graphics. Unfortunately, can't really enjoy the gameplay - it's quite hard to control that dude in air, to jump out of 1x1x1 hole and sometimes there is no possible way to get up. Even though music is original tetris music, which is quite nice touch, it does not really match the graphics.

Web version does not work for me and by some reason I also can't download any game files from your game page (but I'm able to download other users' games)

No problem :) That's actually good you paid attention - while it's somehow forgivable for small non-profit projects, sometimes even commercial projects violate copyrights and that definitely should not go unnoticed.
Actually, that's generally quite a big issue when public assets are used in popular projects, because it alters average users' perception on games they see after that. Some time ago I was quite confused to see models in some game, veeery similar to models in completely another one (I thought assets were copied from Perfect Heist). Then I found out about Synty Studios :D

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Well, I believe nor Super Auto Pets, nor asset developer, nor me are violated any copyrights or rules :) - latest version of the asset was released in Feb 2020, and according to Google, initial release date of Super Auto Pets is September 24, 2021. So, Super Auto Pets just use music from that asset. Though they did not mention it in credits, it is not required by Unity's license.

Well, technically that falling dude's butt (literally his butt) is controlled by little ball, jumping in 2d environment and having nothing in his little world except of static walls. Ball's position is controlled by mouse or touchscreen, but I messed up with keyboard controls (kbd controls speed, not position). Unfortunately I was quite short on time to fix it :(

You are second person mentioning Super Auto Pets - but I didn't even hear about that game before, actually. I got the music on Unity Asset Store

I'm glad you liked it :)

Now you can use this simulator instead of playing that in real life ;)

Good that I made stairs 2 times shorter right before final build :D Yeah, keyboard controls there are quite bad - just didn't have time to adjust them. Mouse and touchscreen should work better.

Thanks for feedback :)

Thanks! I also love that music :) Got it on sale some time ago in Unity Asset Store - "A Casual Music Pack" by Cafofo. Yeah, controls are not the best, especially if you use AD or arrows - I was quite short on time to adjust them. With mouse or touchscreen it works much better :)

That's very fun, fast-paced and definitely very replayable game! Love the graphics and music, they really fit to the gameplay and to each other. Though I'm not sure how much game fits to the main theme "Falling", but boxes technically falling from the sky, so I believe it counts...

By the way, I'd suggest to make logo smaller on the game page - it takes whole browser screen and at first I thought that game is froze, refreshed the page and it didn't help. And just when I was about to close the game, I found out that I just need to scroll down to actual game :D Or maybe I'm just dumb, who knows :)

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I also was few seconds short to submit WebGL build :(