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A member registered Jul 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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A fun speedrunable game. I love the character design!

Yup, I made everything except the music and font.

Thanks for playing! Originally space bar was used instead of middle click (and it still can be used, it just isn't mentioned anywhere), but some people like to use arrow keys and space is quite far on the keyboard from there. Therefore I changed it so that everything is on the mouse.

Also, this is my first Godot game, and I've never played with exporting for the web, but yeah might look at how to do a web build after the jam. Thanks for the feedback!

Best game ever!!!

It is a fun game for something made in a few days (I participated in this jam as well). Maybe a bit static but it is ok. A bit of feedback: one thing you forgot was to add openal32.dll (it is needed because you are using sfml-audio) to the game folder, so it now throws errors. Another thing is that the app is 32-bit so I am pretty sure that is why it won't work with WINE, consider adding a 64-bit build in the future :)

Visually, the game is really nice. I wish that maybe the map wasn't so empty but, it is a game jam game after all. The music is I would say interesting. Sounds are ok but could be improved. It is on topic. The controls are ruining the fun for me since zombies are really small compared to a car and especially within the walls of a tower it was not very easy to hit them. Also not sure if is it just me, but even though there were many zombies on one tower, the hp bar stayed completely green. But overall a nice game that could be improved with more polish.

(1 edit)

Sure! I'll try it out. I am far from 30 (lol). Here is mine:

The game definitely fits with the theme. The idea is interesting, would love it if there was a little bit more art picking. The soft lock when talking is annoying, but eh, it is a game jam game after all. The visuals are nice. Missing some polish in the gallery room. The sounds, music, and voice acting are on point. Also, one minor detail, is there an fps limiter? Even when I am watching the cut scene at the start, the game bottlenecks my GPU completely. Other than that, a nice game!

Also, it would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

I like the game. The visuals are nice. The map is maybe a bit too empty. Music is ok. The story is great. It is on topic. Overall, a nice game!

Also, it would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

The game looks amazing. Sounds are also really cool. Definitely on topic. Not very simple but... still amazing. Also maybe a little bit more contrast between what is foreground and background would be nice. One of the best games I have seen in this jam. 

It would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

I haven't played it (Yän stream), but man, this looks amazing for a project in 4 days! I literally have no complaints. The audio is amazing, visuals are also great. There seems to be a lot of content. Maybe there could be more colors, but this is also a really nice polished style. Also, how do you fit a level editor in these 4 days??? Absolutely no words. The best game I have seen so far.

It would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

I can agree that these are the worst kind of bugs. Recently I made a game that worked fine everywhere except for some really specific AMD GPUs. I have some AMD GPUs but everything works fine for those, so debugging is a pain. My system: Windows, AMD CPU, Nvidia GPU, Chrome.

I like the game. The visuals are amazing for a 4-day project. The sounds are also great. It was on topic. The only problem I had with it was that after like half a minute it really starts laaaaaging. It is probably because there is so much stuff on the screen. That kinda ruins the fun since about 3 minutes in I was getting at max 3 fps, so this goal of 10 minutes seems impossible. Sorry, but it is quite unplayable at this state, so I cannot give it a high overall rating. If it wasn't lagging I probably wouldn't have had any complaints. Fix this, and you have an amazing game!

Also, it would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

I would describe this game in a few words: weird and mysterious game. I can say I was confused when playing it. This is going to be a very weird comment lol. I could say that it looks like it fits the topic. There are ships that move on their own and are controlled by AI. You, as another ship, help those AI-controlled ships in transporting crates. The visuals are... interesting, to say the least. I can say that the music and sounds are to me the best part of the game! I am not sure why the UI disappears from time to time. Overall, an interesting game with an interesting art style.

It would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

The visuals are great! Also, the sounds are great! I was surprised to hear Press start by MDK. It was on the topic: you have a robot that protects you and that you need to keep powered and therefore collaborate with AI. Very polished. A few critiques: even though the background makes the game feel alive, (this might be just me, but) it really confuses me when I move. The hp bar is a bit useless in my opinion since (correct me if I'm wrong) enemies one shot you. Another suggestion: maybe add a score counter or something similar. These critiques are just small details, the game is still amazing.

It would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

(1 edit)

I like the idea! I have to say that I had the same issue with the game soft locking either when starting the game (after picking the AI type at the start) or after selecting one of the upgrades. I never got past upgrading stuff once. But I'll rate based on what I have played. The colors look nice in my opinion. I also really like those triangles in the background because they are moving around and therefore making the game more alive. The idea fits the topic. The sounds are ok, but I do miss some background music. The game is very creative. Other than bugs, a pretty good game! Suggestion for the future: since you are making this in Godot,  maybe you could also upload the non-web versions of the game for people to play, just in case some web bugs occur. :)

I like the art style. It looks very different from the games I have seen. Sounds are ok. The idea of being a robot and controlling an AI fits the theme. Also, I like that there are different guns with different stats. Here are some things you could change to make the game better! The background is very static. The game would feel more alive with a moving background. Your jumping and moving are quite fast so many platforms were off-screen for me and I ended up falling into the void. One subtle nice change is maybe reducing the visible number of decimal points in the reloading (It looks messy with this many decimals). Other than that, you have a pretty good game for it being made in 4 days.

Also, it would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

No, no, I completely understand (I'm not mad :) ). Thanks for all of the suggestions! Of course, there are always many ways to improve any project. The self targeting bit is where a bullet touches an enemy and then changes directions to go for another enemy (then you start getting the combo counter). I understand that it isn't the best choice. 

I am also planning to play your game, just didn't have much time today. ;)

The idea of the game was that you own this weapon that has an AI system in it. This AI would know who is moving and target the nearest moving enemy. Since you can move as well, you are a potential target. It is my bad that it isn't written like this anywhere in the game now that I think about it. It is written on the game page where you downloaded it from.

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Hi! Thanks for the feedback! I can say that there definitely should have been a hard mode, however, it does get harder after a while (too while). The idea was to give player more time to collect powerups but it is a bit too long.

It is a simple game once you understand what each tile does. At the start, you have no idea how to use AI-placed blocks that you haven't used yet. For me, maybe I had bad luck at the start but I was only getting water and dirt so I had no idea what was this yellow block (sand). The visuals are simple, sounds are great. Maybe not completely on the topic since this is more of competition rather than cooperation. Also, there may be a bug that makes you think you are going to place one block but you place another one, but that might just be me, not focusing after all of the block rotations. After a few minutes of playing, it was a nice experience (one of the best games I have seen so far)! Thanks for making this.

Also, it would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

Let's start with simplicity. The idea is simple: get to the end before the timer runs out and use help from the AI. That works and is on topic completely. The controls are a bit weird, it is hard to be precise which is quite important in a game like this. I am not a big fan of the timer itself in the first few levels. I think that you could remove the timer at least in the first level to give the player some time to get used to controls and the AI. I also dislike the fact that for example (I think it was the third level)  there are spikes off the screen and falling into them resets you back to the start. It ruins the fun (at least for me). For your first game, it is amazing, this is just some feedback :)

Also, it would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

The idea is great. It fits the topic. I like that there is a tutorial. Visuals could be improved, maybe add a few more colors or details here and there? The sounds are also very solid. The biggest problem is definitely the difficulty. I am not that good at platformers so it was very hard for me, but the game idea is there. Just too difficult.  Also, the hitboxes seem weird but maybe that is just me.  Overall, not a bad game, just, not for me :)

It would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

(1 edit)

This is such a great game! In my opinion, it may not be on a topic completely since this is more competing with AI and not collaborating with AI. But it does have a good AI that is for sure! The art style is great, sounds are very good (not the biggest fan of the robot's voice, but it is ok). Definitely one of, if not the best game I have played so far!

Also, it would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

The art style looks absolutely amazing. I like how the robots throw crates at me. Looks very funny. I have to say that it is missing some extra content (music, sounds, some other objects in the levels, a back-to-the-menu option, maybe a better background). If you add those, it would make the game much better on its own. It fits the theme very well. Overall it was very fun.

Also, it would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

The visuals are amazing, sound design is also very good. Very animated. My only critique is that the camera movement to me isn't very smooth, but you do get used to it. Overall a great game for the jam.

Also, it would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

I haven't seen any games so far with this take on the topic. It works and it plays well. The visuals need a bit more polish but are decent. The sounds are also very good in my opinion. Overall a very solid game for the jam!

Would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

The game looks great, the art style is interesting, and every level is unique. Sounds are cool. Though I have to say water pipes get a bit frustrating, overall, one of the best games I have played so far!

Also, it would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

I have to say that this was the best game I have played so far (I have played around 4 games before this) when it comes to visuals. I am not sure if I am missing something, but I wasn't able to hear any sounds. Overall, I would say that this fits the theme very well.

Also, it would be awesome if you could play and rate my game as well!

Cookies II are available for download, let's gooooooooo!

I will

The graphics look great! I like the style. (Also thanks for rating my game)

I like the game. Everything looks nice.

Need a lot more but every rate helps lol:

I have 6 ratings in total lol

Very cool game! It was very fun and the audio fits the game very well. Best one I played today.

It would be great if you could check out my game as well :)

Pretty hard game, jumping is a little bit broken (I think). The graphics look nice. It did get boring very fast because the random levels generation is too random. But compared to other games that I've seen, this one isn't that bad! 
Also, it would be great if you could rate my game :)


Interesting game. I like the idea, it gets chaotic but you should improve the graphics next time. :)

Very interesting mechanics and art are great. You should add something new after the first few levels since it got pretty boring after 6 levels of the same objects. Overall, a very well-made game.