Maybe i'm just missing something but raising the bar takes sooooooo long. Cute though, if not really worth 10 minutes and a stiff shoulder.
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Checked out the demo, got a bug (or two?) and some complaints. Can't open chests for one. I hear a chest opening noise but it just does not open. Very strange. Also the slime king sucks ass. Does nothing, takes long to kill (was stuck with the club) and remained vulnerable for 5 seconds and also hurt me if i ran in to quickly. All in all, more frustrating than difficult. This was not helped by small hitboxes and lack of feedback on where i'm hitting. New goblins were fun to fight though, since last demo.
Also reached a beer room that did nothing? Intrigued by the concept but unsure if it was intentional. And a damn sliding block room. Incredibly dull, sometimes made worse by failing a skill check. I don't mind sliding blocks around but not if it takes for ever, there are no stakes, and no challenge. Just a time waster all around.
All in all i enjoyed it, but these negatives haunted me pretty much the entire time i played.
Wow! Cool droning, catchy beat and way too much going on in the second refrain! I mean, i love it, but idk, maybe... the sound becomes to discordant? It pulls my attention in too many directions at once. Make no mistake i love that shit, i simply feel like you took it a single step too far. Or, didn't go far enough, ending on some sort of discordant choir blasting your ears of would have been fun!
Honestly kinda wanna toss some money at you for that but, uh, i'm broke. So you will simply have to do with my well wishes for now!
After doing the zombie typing minigame the game stopped accepting inputs, specifically after i closed the animation window, using latest version of firefox.
Also, the piano minigame speeds up each time you try it, eventually making it unplayable. It was also way to hard to begin with, why do the numbers/letters not correlate to any sort of physical position? It makes the game more confusing than it has to. It was also quite the jump in difficulty already from wave one to two. More numbers than can be comfortably typed from one position on the keyboard was already a jump, why then also add letters?
Hey, i'm not exactly giving the damn site my social security number, so some slightly sketch site works just fine for me! Thank you for explaining all that. Link lasts for a week, so yell if you really really procrastinate on this for some reason and need me to refresh, just yell. Save 3 is the relevant one. Take care!
Thank you for responding! And i am glad that i at least wasn't missing out on something. I still have the saves (and i have confirmed that it's still bugged, even on the latest version), but i have not confirmed if i can replicate it on a new save. That said uhhhh i don't know how to send this to you? I don't want to create yet another account for something if i don't have to, but i can't see a way to do this via itch. I'll cave and make an account somewhere if i have to but at least by asking i can hope that i just haven't figured it out how to do this in an easy way yet.
Also, bugged save was created in 0.41.7
Played it, had fun, encountered mostly same problems as everybody else did. Anyway, suggestion! Once a character has orgasmed, perhaps start listing them in some way beneath the lust meter. Also, lust is to hard to gain for a game that has so few consequences for having high lust. I don't think it needs a radical buff or something, but maybe experiment with the numbers a bit yeah? Looking forward to what comes next!
Encountered a bug, finally figured out how to "talk" to the kobold, but since i had dicked down so much before hand i passed out when i did, and the cinematape disappeared when i had run back!
Also, make the grapple minigame a Teensy bit harder, even when i got grabbed out of nowhere i never feel threatened by it, and i didn't take a single point of clothing damage until i chose to. Like yes, i'm good, but even when i mess up or panic in the minigame i don't face any consequences.
Alright, first bug. Died twice to the sewer boss and now the level is stuck. When it loads in, it loads it with every enemy i defeated before dead (killing more will perma-kill them too), all blocks i've broken before also broken and the chute down to the boss is covered by some sinister smiling blocks. I can hear the boss stomping around down there, but i can't get to him.
Loading another level does not fix this.