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A member registered Mar 15, 2021

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Your reasons for abandoning the project are understandable. That said, MAiH offers something entirely different from anything else out there. 

The concept is too good to be shelved forever, but if/when you choose to return, I suggest that you start from scratch. This would be painful initially, but it certainly beats reworking terrible coding over and over again with each subsequent version.

I know that Foy/Hudgens are in the game (I accessed this using a save edit site), but not sure how to trigger them (think you have to cast them, then level up friendship to a certain threshold and it will trigger when you go to your office). No idea about Portman's scenes.

(8 edits)

I strongly suggest playing through the game first before reading the below. MAiH is a fun game and there is nothing else like it out there.

Optimal setup

  • Set subscriber fee at $50, start with "low quality content" and "low marketing budget"
  • Choose the ghetto house or Hollywood home (buy mansion in month 2)
  • Buy the gym and all upgrades
  • Buy $5k of stuff from sex shop, then buy the sex shop
  • Movie cancellation bug: if your movie cost exceeds company cash, it will be cancelled, but you will keep the +8/+5 friendship buffs and phone numbers of the actresses that you cast. You can abuse this repeatedly and it is best to do so before injecting cash into the company
  • Take a $10M business loan and a $10M personal loan, then deposit all cash into your company
  • It does not matter which social media manager that you hire, but the other managers should total a minimum of 18 company status
  • Pay your social media manager to promote the company for +4 company status

You should have 25 company status and can unlock the music studio

  • Recruit Billie Eilish for $10M and sell out the Rose Bowl for $760/ticket (with max promotion) for $26M profit. You can organise another concert on the same day as the event
  • Make a movie, casting only $15M actress/$5M support. Max out nudity spend and marketing. Repeat for 2nd movie
  • DO NOT make a TV Show month 1 as the return on investment is terrible relative to concerts and movies

Other things to do month 1

  • After depositing all of your money into the company, buy an engagement ring, the massage parlour, and all upgrades to the sex shop (you are allowed to go into your overdraft with mall purchases)
  • Marry your stepsister for Alabamarriage achievement (should be quick assuming 80 starting relationship)
  • Take your wife on a date to the sex club 34x (can do repeatedly on the same day) to max out the married/taken woman of your choice
  • Note: married/taken women cannot become your girlfriend. You must first marry them at 100/100, then a divorce will reset their status to single. I suggest raising the relationship to 140/100 prior to divorce (e.g. talk to your wife 40x) as the -80 hit will leave her at 60/100 afterwards i.e. still open to romantic dates. The easiest ways to reach 100/100 are:
    • 1) gift chocolates to managers (e.g. Jennifer Lawrence)
    • 2) movie cancellation bug
    • 3) take existing wife on a date to the sex club and swap with desired married/taken woman
  • Divorce your stepsister (this will halve your overdraft), marry the woman that you maxed out
  • Take your 2nd wife on a date to the sex club 34x to max out another woman, before divorcing her. Repeat for 3rd wife for Just another LA divorcee achievement
  • It is optimal to get all 3 divorces out of the way in month 1 as your status does not yet matter. After these divorces, your overdraft will have reduced by about 85%
  • You can withdraw a $5M+ (10% of company cash) bonus after organising the 3rd concert on day 16, but before paying for the 2nd movie
  • Always buy titles for your library whenever the opportunity arises, to increase subscriber count
  • Note: Ariana Grande's sex shop upgrades will unlock her phone number and you can repeatedly visit the shelter and take Rex home for +3 friendship. She can be recruited to your music studio at 80+ friendship for $12M. Her popularity is slightly higher than Billie's (100 vs 95), so she can sell out the Rose Bowl for $800/ticket, which generates $1.5M more profit per concert

Month 2

  • You should have organised 4 concerts with Billie Eilish and made 2 movies in month 1
  • If so, it is possible to have over 11 million subscribers by end of month 1 (minimum 4 million if both movies were somehow a flop), which generates $550M+ profit
  • Set your new weekly salary to 10% of company cash, then pay yourself a bonus of 10%
  • You can now buy the mansion, but a bug means that you will not be charged
  • Donate $20M to charity for +64 status and go buy all watches and whatever cars that you want. You will now have the status to unlock slave auctions and be able to buy the Celebrity Sex Club

The challenge in the game is over at this point and you can do whatever you want.


From the above, it is clear that several bugs and existing mechanics currently break the game. The below is my 2 cents:

  • There is no drawback to setting subscription fees at $50. The vast majority of subscribers are obtained through content creation, with immaterial organic growth, and the only occasion when subscriber numbers decrease is when a lot of money is withdrawn from the company
  • An overdraft limit is needed and borrowed money should incur interest
  • A Hollywood wedding and buying a mansion require you to have the cash, but a bug means that you are not actually charged
  • The Rose Bowl should be an unlockable venue after e.g. 5 concerts. Otherwise, immediate Billie Eilish access breaks the game
  • TV Shows need to attract far more subscribers (and/or movies far fewer), or they are simply not worth the investment
  • At the beginning of a new day, clicking your character name (to check stats) and then returning to the "alarm wakes you up..." home page appears to trigger another dice roll for additional daily subscribers. That means you can do this repeatedly to farm subscribers
  • Several events reset the day (marriage, divorce, slave auction), which triggers another dice roll for subscribers, and you will get paid again if these events are done on pay day

The grind to 60 friendship is significant and painful. You can currently date as many women as available each day. If the intention is to limit dating to once per day (as implied by the text), then friendship gains need to be more substantial:

  • I suggest a +1 buff to every casual date that fits the woman's personality (this would reduce the grind e.g. raising a "shy" type from 5 to 60 friendship falls from 14 to 11 dates, which is a tangible improvement)
  • Perhaps dating can be split into morning/afternoon/evening dates i.e. max of 3 per day
  • Maybe casting could be +10/+5 friendship instead of +8/+5, with +5 buffs for TV shows as well

I know the intention was to make it more difficult than in previous versions to level up relationships, but I think v0.7 overcompensated, especially if the movie cancellation bug is removed.

I presume that this is actual content that has yet to be added. The porn studio is a more recent addition to the game and requires a lot more work. Making porn is not really worth it in the current version - you just get a short generic paragraph for the plot of each release and the business is only profitable if you cast your slaves.

Developer took a break from the project in Feb. He has said in the past that he fully intends to finish the game, but has been dealing with personal problems.

You have to keep going until Rihanna uses her safe word. Probably a low % RNG outcome that can take a long time to happen if you don't get the roll.

(1 edit)

@ferguslesley the bitcoin price is driven by the daily random number generator. It looks like the increase/decrease is capped at +/- 20%, but the decrease can exceed that at very high prices. Anyway, you can toggle back/forward to restart the day and reset the RNG to get a higher bitcoin price.