I offered to help with officially extending the Lua api and that offer was declined. That's perfectly fine and I will respect that.
I needed some more Lua functions and since this was made in Unity, with a little know how, it's not too difficult to extend it myself. I've already managed to add the following functions.
and the same four functions but for the current selection rather than all the blocks in a scene.
I'm not trying to do anything more than extend the Lua api. I will personally be using this but I wanted to see if it was okay to share it with the community. It's simply a matter of replacing the Assembly-CSharp.dll with the one I've modified. I won't share how to do this and I won't even share the file if I don't get permission. I've bothered you enough today on Discord so I figured this was the best place.
If you (Kenney) aren't sure how I did this, I'd be glad to show you (and only you) so you can check the actual source code to make sure I'm not doing anything malicious.