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Race Concept: Triffids

A topic by Solitarian created Dec 01, 2020 Views: 857 Replies: 6
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Another race concept! I find that almost no one uses this forum, but it is a convenient place to store my ideas for later viewing in a place where they will not be buried, as naturally happens in a chatroom.

 The most recent DLC for Warhammer II gave me an idea for a race. I call them triffids in honor of the classic science fiction movie (and not the newer drivel). After some discussion on the Discord server, I think I have determined enough of the details to write a longer description to be posted in a more permanent location, i.e. this forum.

The idea is to have a completely feral race of sentient plants which can only survive in the wilderness. This race would die in urban environments and would thus seek to protect forests, swamps, grasslands, and other plant-rich areas while destroying civilization which disturbs them. They would be a force which directly opposes the civilized races. Other feral races would fit well with them, and elves would be a special case of a civilization that the triffids could bear, if handled appropriately.

The triffids themselves are all connected via roots (like aspen forests) and thus share nutrients. They would be a "hive mind" of a sort. I know this is a trope in science fiction and fantasy, but here it makes more sense because the triffids are physically connected. Like the triffids from the story, these can spit acid and locomote. However, they prefer to remain stationary. They have thick bark and vicious spines protecting them from physical attack, and their heavy sap is a deterrent to fire and disease. Attached to them are vines which they can lash like whips. If necessary, they are capable of quick bursts of speed to chase an intruder or escape danger (such as the obvious problem of civilized races using fire to just burn them, again like the movie). Like kudzu, they aren't too big of a problem if managed, but if the civilization is weakened and can no longer keep them in check, they will grow wildly and transform the settlements and farms into their vegetative playgrounds.

They reproduce exclusively via sprouting from roots. That is, they do not generate seeds or sexually reproduce in any way. This makes migration very slow and difficult for them. Scouring their roots from the land is a certain way to remove them, but their roots are deep and tough. Thus, they become entrenched in areas they control, but have difficulty spreading. Because they are plants, they need plenty of soil nutrients and water. The intelligence of a grove is based on the number of its members. They also don't develop much technology on their own, but they can trade with other races for things they cannot produce. This could lead to a situation where triffids begrudgingly allow some civilzation to exist in order for goods they want to be produced. Triffid groves might quarrel just as ant colonies do, as groves with different root networks are separate societies.

I like this. Sapient plants always add more spice (hopefully in both sences of the word ^o^)

Hey, that's not a bad idea. What if the triffids were extremely nutritious? Then the civilized races might try to farm and eat them, only for them to destroy the civilizations from within.

One of the problems with talking about something like plants, a type of life that is so far removed from us biologically, is that it’s really hard to conceptualize how they’d actually function if they were on our level. We have barely any understanding of how the dumb plants communicate with one another, so it’s nearly impossible to predict how a smart one would. That being said, I think it’s important to try to understand them from their level, so:

One of the main ways that we know plants communicate is through releasing chemicals into the air and soil. For example, if one plant is under attack by insects, it releases a chemical that warns all other plants in the area, who respond in kind. An intelligent, self-aware plant race could theoretically evolve to mimic and use these chemicals in order to manipulate the behavior of less advanced species and, in essence, quasi-domesticate them. 

In this way, a plantoid could manipulate a forest to their will without even moving. If they needed to starve an enemy race out, they could release one chemical in order to have some of the local plants produce more toxins (which is a real thing plants do), or selectively release a chemical that causes food-producing plants like berry bushes to die off. They could release a chemical that attracts harmful insects (again, a real thing plants do) like mosquitos. They could prioritize the growth of plants that are lethal to animals. Theoretically, they could even influence the weather by releasing a chemical that manipulates the local flora into reducing the water vapor they release (again again, a real thing plants do during droughts), thus reducing evaporation and creating a temporarily drier climate.

I think you are onto something. Races would form a relationship with the triffid forest where they harvest the forest. The triffids actually want them to do this because that is how they infiltrate the cities. 

The humans for example don't want to cut down the whole forest because then they would have no resources to sustain themselves. If they take too much too fast the forest dies. If they take a certain volume the triffids are able to infiltrate and mind control them. But if they take the right amount, the triffids hypnosis isn't effective enough

It would be an interesting balance that definitely would transform the world

This is a very good idea, and the hive mind concept is what quite literally happens in reality. Trees in a forest do communicate and send nutrients to each other- I work in forestry so this is how I'd think a sentient forest would play out

Their strategy should be to centralize and "play tall" around nutrient rich lands, building forests and jungles, and relying on natural processes like re-wilding to win. Other races should have incentive to harvest resources from the forests but are held back by the wildlife, the more centralized the forest the harder and longer it should take to harvest for resources.

I'm imagining a human kingdom next to the triffids and they have a balanced symbiotic relationship where the forest lets men harvest it in return for protection. Say the humans get into a big war and need resources and start moving into the forest, which the triffids of course wouldn't like. They would much prefer someone like the wood elves, but at least theyre not orcs. Each race would have a different relationship with forests

It would be cool to see the triffids try to convert the whole planet into a single interconnected rainforest. They should absolutely have a hive mind strategy aimed at this. Also consider multiple separated hive forests that can unite and become a single forest if they are able to terraform the desert between them. And other races can split a hive forest in half and create two separate ones. 

Personally I think triffids shouldn't even be capable of moving around like LOTR ents, but should be stationary trees (at least in early game). In order to "move" they plant more triffids. Also when their forest is being cut down they are unable to immediately and directly respond, but rely on the monsters and natural effects of their forest to wear enemies down by attrition, and to slowly infiltrate and overgrow into cities. 

Midgame startegy for triffids could be their mother tree becomes an ent. In forest has some exceptionally big and old trees, which when they reach critical mass are able to walk around. To kill or control a forest would be to prune and prevent these mother trees from growing big enough. Of course this would be difficult for men, seeing as the forest is deep and dark, and it isn't exactly obvious where these trees are, and it isn't simply a matter of killing these trees means killing the forest.

Those are my best ideas for what a fantasy race of tree people would look like, with emphasis on terraforming their territory into nutrient rich areas, and as a race that can form symbiotic trades with other races. 

Yes, I like your ideas. I was unsure about wanting triffids to be able to move. They can in the movie, so I thought it was acceptable here, but having them be largely immoble except for special ones seems better. Your idea also means they also would have diplomatic clout instead of being something like gray goo that all the races oppose. I think there needs to be some way for triffids and the animal races to communicate. Maybe triffids could hijack someone's mind like with Brent Spiner in Independence Day. Perhaps they could present themselves as the poor victims of vicious deforestation genocide by the other races, encouraging them to enact policies of plants rights, while actually the triffids are planning the downfall of civilization. Another way is to make them mostly but not entirely alien, so the other races aren't really sure whether they are intelligent and thus some of them act carelessly around triffids, thinking they are just mindless plants.

Furthermore, the idea of triffids trying to convert the world into one giant triffid grove sounds great to me, as it means they are not stereotypical nature-defending druidic things. They don't want to maintain the natural order or prevent the environment from being changed. Rather, they just want to ensure that it is changed to their liking, meaning they're ultimately not different from the other races.